Moro Reflex
(birth-3 months) When startled the hands go out. Lack of this reflex means there IS brain damage
tonic neck reflex
(birth-7 months) the fencing position while laying on one side.
babinski reflex
(birth-variable) toes fan out
Newborns hands and feet are blue
study and support of the fetus and neonate
unossified spaces "soft spots" on the cranium of the young infant
Algo hearing screening test
Series of soft clicks in sleeping infants ear.
Neonates' Vitals
- T; Axillary 96.8-99
- hr; 120-160
- R; 30-60
- BP; 80/50
Infants Vitals
- T; rectal 99.6
- HR; 100-120
- R; 20-40
- BR; 90/60
Freud's Psychosexual Theory
*Libido drives human behavior*
- *ID: Inborn drive for pleasure
- *Ego: concience based on reality
- *Superego: concience influenced by society
Freuds' stages of development
- 1. oral stage: (birth-year) pacifiers, suckling
- 2. anal stage: (2-3 years) potty training. Can create stubborn and controlling child with this implementation of rules
- 3. phallic/oedipal stage: (4-5 years) Aware of sexual identity. intense love for parent of the opposite sex
- 4. latency stage: (6 years-puberty) Influenced by peers
- 5. genital stage: (puberty -on) libido takes over
Erikson's Psychosocial Theory
- 8 stages.
- First stage: infancy
- Trust vs. mistrust
Consistantly meeting needs creates trust
neonate body measurements
- weight: 6-9lbs
- Length: 9-21in
- Height: grows 1in per month
- Head: 13-14.5in
- Chest: 12.5cm-14in (usually 2cm less than head)
Infant body measurements
In six months the weight doubles
Physical developement in a neonate (birth-1month)
- no neck support
- eyes: strabismus (coocoo), @2months develope tears, blue/grey eyes
- ears: top of flimsy ears should be eye level, immediate noise response
- mouth: epsteins pearls lasting 1-2 days
- abdomen: round, slightly protruding. Imbilicle cord falls off @ 10days
- genitals: Females (slightly swollen) Male (palpable testes in scrotum)
Infants' physical development
- head: posterior fontinelles close @ 3months
- neck: @ 3months able to hold head
- eyes: @ 3-6monts true color , @2months response to faces, @3-6months recognition of familiar faces
- ears: @ 3 months able to locate sound
- mouth: 2 bottom teeth. @1 year top teeth
- chest: becomes more proportioned to the head breast may be puffy
- poop: Breast fed/bright mustard w/ low odor bottle fed/ yellow green w/ some odor
neonate motor development
- raise and turns head
- sucking present
- gag reflex
- tonic neck reflex
- babinski reflex
- moro reflex
Infants' motor development
- @3-6months crawling and rolling
- @ 6 months sit up without support
- @ 9 months able to pull themselves up
- @ 1 year able to walk
- pincer grasp
infants cognitive skills
- @ 3-6 months recognize mom and dad
- @ 6-9 months likes to bang things, recognizes name
- @ 9-12 months like the pointing game
Infants language skills
- starts w/ touch
- hold bottles
- @ 1-4 months babbling and vowel sounds
- @ 4-8 months 2 sylable words
- @ 8-12 months 3 word vocab
Infants play
- @ 4-8 months solitary play
- paddy cake
- peekaboo
Sleep and rest requirements
- neonate: 18-20 hours
- infant: @ 3-6 months they need 8-10 hours
Infant health promotions
- NO low fat food until after 2 years
- no honey
- more than 6 diapers a day
- if dehydrated: elevated hr, fontinelle depressed (can lead to heart attack and stroke)
- 100calories per kg a day
- no cow milk till over 1
- @ 4-6 months able to eat solid food
Infants health promotion
- feed on demand
- breast feeding gives immunity
- born w/ 6 months supply of iron
- can give immunizations as early as one month
head to toe
growth and development assessment tools
- growth charts-measures physical growth
- DDST (Denver Development Screening Test)- motor skills