Ka Papa Olelo #4

  1. God
    Ke akua
  2. Hole in ground to kalua
    Ka imu
  3. Caucasian
    Ka Haole
  4. Work
    Ka hana
  5. Song
    Ka h[i]meni
  6. Weekend
    Ka hopena pule
  7. Morning
    Ka kakahiaka
  8. Candy
    Ke kanak[e]
  9. Excrement
    Ke k[u]kae
  10. Birthday
    Ka l[a] h[a]nau
  11. Laulau
    Ka laulau
  12. Holiday
    Ka l[a] nui
  13. Dirt
    Ka lepo
  14. Pit, hole
    Ka lua
  15. Grandchild
    Ka mo'opuna
  16. Mu'umu'u
    Ka mu'umu'u
  17. Chili pepper
    Ka n[i]oi
  18. Refrigerator
    Ka pahuhau
  19. Hat
    Ka p[a]pale
  20. Head
    Ke po'o
  21. Cube sized chunks
    Ka poke
  22. Rock, stone
    Ka p[o]haku
  23. Pig
    Ka pua'a
  24. Door, entrance, hole
    Ka puka
  25. Foot, leg
    Ka w[a]wae
  26. Rear end, buttocks
    Ka '[e]lemu
  27. Family, relative
    Ka 'ohana
  28. buttocks
    Ka '[o]kole
  29. 'ukulele
    Ka 'ukulele
  30. Carry, lift
    Ka h[a]pai
  31. To turn over
    Ka ho'ohuli
  32. To turn off, extinguish
    Ka ho'opio
  33. To cook in an imu
    Ke k[a]lua
  34. Pray
    Ka pule
  35. Unfasten, open
    Ka wehe
  36. Ride around or walk around for fun
    Ka holoholo
  37. Turn a corner, face a different direction
    Ka huli
  38. Shower, bathe, swim in the water
    Ka 'au'au
  39. Pregnant
    Ka h[a]pai
  40. Loose, unfastened
    Ka hemo
  41. Stink, smelly
    Ka hohono
  42. Forbidden, taboo
    Ke kapu
  43. Sloppy, poorly done
    Ke k[a]pulu
  44. Rascal
    Ke kolohe
  45. Dumb
    Ka l[o]l[o]
  46. Used up, over, end
    Ka pau
  47. Out as a light or fire
    Ka pio
  48. Terribly stink
    Ka pilau
  49. In trouble
    Ka pilikia
  50. Correct
    Ka pololei
  51. Crazy
    Ka pupule
  52. Angry
    Ka huh[u]
  53. Ask many questions
    Ka n[i]ele
Card Set
Ka Papa Olelo #4
Vocabulary #4