Intro To Org Behavior Ch14.txt

  1. To what degree are activities sibdivided into seperate jobs?
    Work specialization
  2. On what basis will jobs be grouped together?
  3. To whom do individuals and groups report?
    Chain of Command
  4. How many individuals can a manager efficiently and effectively direct?
    Span of Control
  5. Where does decision-making authority lie?
    Centralization and decentralization
  6. To what degree will rules and regulations be used to direct employees and managers?
  7. Unity-of-command
    Each employee should only have one supervisor directly above them.
  8. Simple Structure Companies
    Low degree of departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization.
  9. Bureaucracy
    Characterized by highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization, very formalized rules and regulations.
  10. Matrix Structure
    Combines two forms of departmentalization:functional and product

    • Functional
    • Strengths:putting like specialists together
    • Weakness':difficulty of coordinating the tasks of diverse functional specialists so that their activities are completed on time and within budget

    • Product
    • Exact opposite benefits and disadvantages
  11. Virtual Organization
    A small, core organization that outsources major business functions - highly centralized, little to no departmentalization.

    Strengths:allows each project to be staffed with the talent most suited to its demands. Minimizes bereaucratic overhead.

  12. Boundryless Organization
    Eliminate chain of command, have limitless spans of control, and replace departments with empowered teams.
  13. Organization Size
    Large organizations tend to have more specialization, more departmentalization, more vertical levels, and more rules and regulations than small organizations.
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Intro To Org Behavior Ch14.txt
Westerman 9:30 TR