1. Lymphatic drainage of the breast is primarily to the _____, _____ & __________
    • Axillary nodes
    • Supraclavicular nodes
    • & Internal mammary nodes
  2. For estrogen receptor positive cases, or anti estrogen may be used to maintain remission known as
  3. Special care must be taken to limit dose to the heart when treating left breast patients who have undergone CAF chemotherapy. briefly explain.
    • Adriamycin is associated with cardiac toxicity.
    • Radiation dose should be limited so as not to compound the potential latent injury to the heart
  4. The prescription for the lumpectomy bed boost calls for an enface electron field. the deepest aspect of the tumor bed is 5 cm beneath the skin. What is the most appropriate electron energy for 90% dose line coverage on the tumor bed
    20 mEv
  5. ___________: resection of the breast, pectoraltis  muscles and regional lymph nodes
    Radical Mastectomy
  6. ______: an oncogene expression seen in certain breast cancer patients; an epidermal growth patterns
  7. ___________: a tumor suppressor gene whose failed type is associated with elevated risk for breast cancer
  8. _____________: an orange coloring of the skin of the breast indicating infiltrating of cancerous cells into the normal layers of the breast; skin feels thick & leathery
    Peau d'orange
  9. When the supraclavicular fossa is treated along with opposing tangents, the supraclavicular field is best treating using
    half field technique

    (prevent overlap into the upper aspect of the tangential field)
  10. The most common histologic type of breast cancer is
    infiltrating ductal carcinoma
  11. A breast cancer classified as T3N1M1 with the metastasis to the supraclavicular nodes only would be grouped  as Stage ___
    • IV
    • Positive SCLAV upstage the breast to stage IV
  12. The posterior axillary boost (PAB) field is intended to irradiate ____________
    level 3 axillary nodes
  13. two common cytotoxic drug combinations for the management of breast carcinoma are ___ & ___
    • CMF & CAF
    • C - Cyclophosphamide
    • M - Methotrexate
    • F - 5 flouracil

    • C - Cyclophosphamide
    • A - Adriamycin (doxorubicin)
    • F - 5 flourcil
  14. Breifly describe the difference between clinical & pathologic staging for breast cancer
    Clinical staging includes physical examination taking survey of the skin of the breast, and the status of palpable lymph nodes. Imaging studies may also be used for clinical staging

    Pathologicla staging would include everything necessary for clinical staging but adds surgical exploration and resection  with pathological evaluation of tissue sample
  15. The most common symptom of breast cancer is _____________
    a painless lump
  16. When using a breast board for positioning the optimal incline angle is influenced by ___________________
    the slope of the patients chest
  17. The total radiation dose received by the lumpectomy bed in standard whole breast irradiation followed by lumpectomy site boost is ___ to ___ cGy
    60 to 70 cGy
  18. The acceptable amount of lung tissue included in the tangential breast field is 2.0cm in order to decrease the chance of latent ________
    lung fibrosis
  19. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) id classified as stage ____
  20. A sentinel lymph node biopsy involves the injection of a blue dye and radioactive
    Technetium 99m
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