
  1. Define Physiology:
    Physiology is the study of function of living organisms. Physiology is the study from the molecular level to the organism level.
  2. Define Homeostasis:
    • Any process that a living things use to maintain a fairly stable condition necessary for survival.
    • The maintenance of constant internal environment in response to internal/external environment.
    • The self adjusting mechanism involving feedback where the response to a stimulus alters the internal conditions and may itself become a new stimulus
  3. "Draw a diagram that shows the basic components of a feedback control system. Label each component."
  4. "Define Negative Feedback:"
    • "
    • Negative Feedback: when the response diminishes the original stimulus. negative feedback systems cannot be used to maintain stability or prevent change
  5. "Define Positive Feedback:"
    Is when a response enhances the original signal
  6. Define Feedfoward Control:
    Start a response loop in anticipation of a change
  7. Define afferent limb:
    Signal carried by a sensory neuron
  8. Define efferent limb:
    The electrical and chemical signals transmitted by an efferent neuron.
  9. "What is a set-point?
    The acceptable range of a stimulus.
  10. Describe why fever is NOT a breakdown in the temperature control system?
    The fever temperature range is in the acceptable range of the set-point in which life can survive.
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