Barron's GRE B

  1. bacchanalian
  2. badinage
    teasing conversation
  3. bait (verb)
    tease, harass
  4. baleful
    • treatening, menacing, sinister;
    • foreshadowing evil
  5. balk
    • 1.stop short, as if faced with an obstacle, and refuse to continue
    • 2. foil
  6. ballast
    heavy substance used to add stability or weight
  7. balmy
    mild, fragrant
  8. banal
    hackneyed, commonplace, trite, lacking originality


    banal lyrics: trite, hackneyed, clichéd, platitudinous, vapid,commonplace, ordinary, common, stock, conventional, stereotyped,overused, overdone, overworked, stale, worn out, timeworn, tired,threadbare, hoary, hack, unimaginative, humdrum, ho-hum,unoriginal, uninteresting, dull, trivial; informal old hat, corny,cornball, played out; dated dime-store; rare truistic, bromidic.ANTONYMS original.
  9. bandy
    • discuss lightly or glibly
    • exchange (words) heatedly
  10. bane
    • noun
    • 1. curse
    • 2. cause of ruin
  11. baneful
    • adj
    • destructive
    • causing ruin or death
  12. bantering
    • adj
    • good-naturedly ridiculing
  13. barb
    • sharp projection from fishhook or other object
    • openly cutting remark
  14. bard
  15. barrage
    • barrier laid down by artillery fire
    • overwhelming profusion
  16. barrister
    counselor at law
  17. bastion
    • stronghold
    • something seen as source of protection
  18. bate
    • let down
    • restrain
  19. bauble
    trinket; trifle
  20. bawdy
    • indecent
    • obscene
  21. beatific
    showing or producing joy; blissful
  22. beatify
    • bless or santify
    • proclaim someone to be blessed
  23. bedizen
    dress with vulgar finery
  24. bedraggle
    wet thoroughly
  25. beget
    • father
    • produce
    • give rise to
  26. beguile
    • 1. mislead or delude
    • 2. cheat
    • 3. pass time
  27. behemoth
    • huge creature
    • something of monstrous size or power
  28. beholden
    • obligated
    • indebted
  29. behoove
    • verb
    • be necessary or proper for
    • be incumbent upon
  30. belabor
    • go over an explain until a ridiculous degree
    • assail verbally
  31. beleaguer
    • besiege or attack
    • harass
  32. belie
    • contradict
    • give false impression
  33. bemoan
    • lament
    • express disapproval of
  34. bemused
    • confused
    • lost in thought
    • preoccupied
  35. benison
  36. bent
    • adj
    • determined
    • natural talent or inclination
  37. bequeth
    • leave to someone by means of a will
    • hand down
  38. berate
    scold strongly
  39. bereavement
    state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved
  40. bereft
    deprived of; lacking
  41. beset
    • harass or trouble
    • hem in
  42. besmirch
    • soil
    • defile
  43. bestial
    beastlike; brutal; inhuman
  44. betoken
    • signify
    • indicate
  45. betroth
    become engaged to marry
  46. bevy
    large group
  47. bicameral
    two chambered, as a legislative body
  48. bifurcated
    • divided into two branches
    • forked
  49. bilious
    suffering from a liver complain; peevishly ill humored
  50. bilk
    • swindle
    • cheat
  51. bivouac
    temporary encampment
  52. blandish
    • verb
    • cajole
    • coax with flattery
  53. blasé
    bored with pleasure or dissipation
  54. blighted
    • suffering from a disease
    • destroyed
  55. blithe
    • carefree and unconcerned (perhaps foolishly so)
    • cheerful and gay
  56. blowhard
    talkative boaster
  57. bluff
    • adj
    • rough but good natured
  58. bluff (noun)
    • pretense (of strength)
    • deception
    • high cliff
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Barron's GRE B
these start at the end of list 4.