Joins the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party ( bring together all those interested in socialism for Russia)
Argued for a vanguard party
Lenin�s point of view followers won by a narrow margin after known as Bolsheviks, meaning the majority.
1912, Lenin split the RSDLP and formed a separate socialist party called the Bolsheviks
What Is To Be Done? (1902)
Lenin argues vanguard party of professional revolutionaries rather than a large organization dedicated to a slower path of preparing for revolution in this pamphlet
Tsar Nicholas II
Jailed and executed
Bolsheviks � the vanguard party
The October Revolution party comes into power under Lenin
Peace! Land! Bread!
The slogan for rallying the people and organizing revolutionary activity
Bread-foor for the working class
Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916)
Perhaps the poorest countries could even lead the way � Lenin wrote about this in this.