
  1. Semicolonized
    This involved the creation of spheres of influences for the powerful countries in the target territory, areas where they might freely pursure their own economic interests
  2. Colonization
    experiencing political takeover and complete political restructuring
  3. Arthur Gobineau
    (Joseph-Arthur comte de Gobineau) The Inequality of Human Races (1853-55) compared the white, yellow, and black races and found the white to be far superior to the other two
  4. Charles Darwin
    The Origin of Species, 1859; work was concerned with evolution and how species in nature survived and reproduced. Emerging from this work was the idea that only the fittest among the various species are able to survive, a more or less chance outcome
  5. Social Darwinism
    theories upon race marked differences; a powerful ideological justification for the New Imperialism
  6. British East India Company (BEIC)
    began as a monopoly of traders on behalf of the British; colonized Bengal 1757
  7. Berlin Conference, 1884
    set rules for partition of Africa for raw materials Britian France Germany Italy Spain Portugal and Belgium
  8. Opium trade (triangular trade)
    BEIC wanted free trade with China=opium; addiction lead to big market & inflation
  9. Opium War
    1839-42 in Canton began over dispute of free trade ,Lin Zexu was appointed to stop the opium trade China Lost
  10. Treaty of Nanking
    1842-China lost opium war; this began the semi-colonization; signed by China & Britain at the end of the war. Resulted in:extraterritoriality, a large indemnity payment, Hong Kong became a fully fledged British colony, Treaty ports, loss of tariff autonomy, most favored nation status granted to the British
  11. Unequal treaties
    These contributed to the demise of China�s last dynasty, the Qing, which fell in 1911
  12. Meiji Restoration
    The daimyo/great feudal lords (individuals controlling political systems), returned their land grants to the Meiji emperor. Property would become of the whole nation 1868 it begins, state consolidation and centralized agriculture taxation provided means to begin to build a military
  13. Sino-Japanese War, 1894-95
    st china vs jap war over control of Korea and the right to leasehold territory (or concessions) in north China (in the end granted to Japan)
  14. Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905
    war with Russia over control of Manchuria, especially the rights to railway development and raw materials exploration; modern weaponry first appeared & trench war fare and tank technology
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