
  1. Who accepts the testimony
    Who accepts the testimony of the one who comes from heaven? / / (3:32)
  2. Who also was
    Who also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim? / / (3:23)
  3. Who asked, "How can a man
    Who asked, "How can a man be born when he is old? Surely he cannot enter a / / (3:4)
  4. Who asked, "How can this
    Who asked, "How can this be?"? / / (3:9)
  5. Who belongs to the bridegroom?
    Who belongs to the bridegroom? / / (3:29)
  6. Who belongs to the earth?
    Who belongs to the earth? / / (3:31)
  7. Who came from heaven?
    Who came from heaven? / / (3:13)
  8. Who came to Jesus at
    Who came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who / / (3:2)
  9. Who came to John
    Who came to John and said to him, "Rabbi, that man who was with you on the / / (3:26)
  10. Who can enter
    Who can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit? / / (3:5)
  11. Who can receive
    Who can receive only what is given him from heaven? / / (3:27)
  12. Who can see the
    Who can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again? / / (3:3)
  13. Who can testify
    Who can testify that John said, "I am not the Christ but am sent ahead of him."? / / (3:28)
  14. Who comes into
    Who comes into the light? / / (3:21)
  15. Who could perform
    Who could perform the miraculous signs Jesus is doing if God were not with him? / / (3:2)
  16. Who did not send
    Who did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the / / (3:17)
  17. Who gave his
    Who gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but / / (3:16)
  18. Who gives birth
    Who gives birth to spirit? / / (3:6)
  19. Who gives the Spirit
    Who gives the Spirit without limit? / / (3:34)
  20. Who has certified
    Who has certified that God is truthful? / / (3:33)
  21. Who has eternal life?
    Who has eternal life? / / (3:36)
  22. Who has ever gone
    Who has ever gone into heaven? / / (3:13)
  23. Who has placed everything
    Who has placed everything in the Son's hands? / / (3:35)
  24. Who has spoken to
    Who has spoken to Nicodemus of earthly things? / / (3:12)
  25. Who hates the light?
    Who hates the light? / / (3:20)
  26. Who is above
    Who is above all? / / (3:31)
  27. Who is full
    Who is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice? / / (3:29)
  28. Who is going to that
    Who is going to that man who was with John on the other side of the Jordan? / / (3:26)
  29. Who is Israel's
    Who is Israel's teacher? / / (3:10)
  30. Who is not condemned?
    Who is not condemned? / / (3:18)
  31. Who is not the Christ
    Who is not the Christ but is sent ahead of him? / / (3:28)
  32. Who is sent
    Who is sent ahead of Christ? / / (3:28)
  33. Who is the one John
    Who is the one John testified about? / / (3:26)
  34. Who is truthful?
    Who is truthful? / / (3:33)
  35. Who lifted up
    Who lifted up the snake in the desert? / / (3:14)
  36. Who loved darkness
    Who loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil? / / (3:19)
  37. Who loves the Son and has
    Who loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands? / / (3:35)
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Nazarene Bible quiz Who questions from John chapter 3