
  1. SQ: A man can
    A man can receive only what is given him from heaven. / / (3:27)
  2. About whom did John
    About whom did John testify? / / (3:26)
  3. Above
    Above what is the one who comes from above? (2) / / (3:31)
  4. Above
    Above what is the one who comes from heaven? (2) / / (3:31)
  5. Ahead of whom is
    Ahead of whom is John sent? / / (3:28)
  6. At what should Nicodemus
    At what should Nicodemus not be surprised? / / (3:7)
  7. Before when was
    Before when was John also baptizing at Aenon near Salim? / / (3:24)
  8. Between
    Between whom did an argument develop over the matter of ceremonial washing? / / (3:25)
  9. Except for
    Except for whom has no one ever gone into heaven? / / (3:13)
  10. Except whom has no
    Except whom has no one ever gone into heaven? / / (3:13)
  11. SQ: For no
    For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him. / / (3:2)
  12. For whom does the friend
    For whom does the friend who attends the bridegroom wait and listen? / / (3:29)
  13. From where did the Son
    From where did the Son of Man come? / / (3:13)
  14. SQ: How can a man
    How can a man be born when he is old? Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born! / / (3:4)
  15. SQ: How can this be?
    How can this be? / / (3:9)
  16. How did God
    How did God so love the world? / / (3:16)
  17. How does the one
    How does the one who is from the earth speak? / / (3:31)
  18. How does whoever
    How does whoever does not believe in God's Son stand already? / / (3:18)
  19. How is it
    How is it with everyone born of the Spirit? / / (3:8)
  20. How may it
    How may it be seen that what whoever... has done has been done through God? / / (3:21)
  21. How must the Son
    How must the Son of Man be lifted up? / / (3:14)
  22. How were people
    How were people coming to be baptized at Aenon near Salim? / / (3:23)
  23. SQ: I tell you the truth, no one can enter
    I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. / / (3:5)
  24. SQ: I tell you the truth, no one can see
    I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. / / (3:3)
  25. In what was John
    In what was John put? / / (3:24)
  26. In whose hands
    In whose hands has the Father placed everything? / / (3:35)
  27. Instead
    Instead of what did men love darkness because their deeds were evil? / / (3:19)
  28. Into what did God
    Into what did God send his Son to save the world through him? / / (3:17)
  29. Into what does whoever
    Into what does whoever lives by the truth come? / / (3:21)
  30. Into what will everyone
    Into what will everyone who does evil not come? / / (3:20)
  31. Into where does
    Into where does light come? / / (3:19)
  32. Into where has light
    Into where has light come? / / (3:19)
  33. Into where has no
    Into where has no one except the one who came from heaven ever gone? / / (3:13)
  34. Near what is Aenon?
    Near what is Aenon? / / (3:23)
  35. Near where is
    Near where is Aenon? / / (3:23)
  36. Of what do we
    Of what do we speak? / / (3:11)
  37. Of what has Jesus
    Of what has Jesus spoken to Nicodemus? / / (3:12)
  38. Of what is the friend
    Of what is the friend who attends the bridegroom full when he hears the / / (3:29)
  39. Of what was Nicodemus
    Of what was Nicodemus a member? / / (3:1)
  40. Of what was there plenty at
    Of what was there plenty at Aenon near Salim? / / (3:23)
  41. Of what would the
    Of what would the world not be guilty if Jesus had not done among them what no / / (3:24)
  42. Of whom was Nicodemus
    Of whom was Nicodemus a man? / / (3:1)
  43. On whom does God's
    On whom does God's wrath remain? / / (3:36)
  44. Over what did
    Over what did an argument develop between some of John's disciples and a / / (3:25)
  45. Over what matter
    Over what matter did an argument develop between some of John's disciples and / / (3:25)
  46. SQ: Rabbi, that
    Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan - the one you testified about - well, he is / / (3:26)
  47. SQ: Rabbi, we
    Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you / / (3:2)
  48. To what do we
    To what do we testify? / / (3:11)
  49. To what does flesh
    To what does flesh give birth? / / (3:6)
  50. To what does the one who comes
    To what does the one who comes from heaven testify? / / (3:32)
  51. To what does the one who is
    To what does the one who is from the earth belong? / / (3:31)
  52. To what does the Spirit
    To what does the Spirit give birth? / / (3:6)
  53. To whom did Nicodemus
    To whom did Nicodemus come at night? / / (3:2)
  54. To whom does the bride
    To whom does the bride belong? / / (3:29)
  55. To whom has Jesus spoken of
    To whom has Jesus spoken of earthly things? / / (3:12)
  56. To whom is everyone
    To whom is everyone going? / / (3:26)
  57. Unless what can no
    Unless what can no one enter the kingdom of God? / / (3:5)
  58. Unless what can no
    Unless what can no one see the kingdom of God? / / (3:3)
  59. What blows
    What blows wherever it pleases? / / (3:8)
  60. What can a man receive?
    What can a man receive? / / (3:27)
  61. What can a man surely
    What can a man surely not do a second time? / / (3:4)
  62. What can John's
    What can John's disciples themselves testify? / / (3:28)
  63. What can Nicodemus
    What can Nicodemus not tell when he hears the wind's sound? / / (3:8)
  64. What can no one enter
    What can no one enter unless he is born of water and the Spirit? / / (3:5)
  65. What can no one
    What can no one see unless he is born again? / / (3:3)
  66. What could no
    What could no one perform if God were not with him? / / (3:2)
  67. What developed
    What developed between some of John's disciples and a certain Jew over the / / (3:25)
  68. What did men
    What did men love instead of light because their deeds were evil? / / (3:19)
  69. What did Moses lift
    What did Moses lift up in the desert? / / (3:14)
  70. What do you people
    What do you people still not accept? / / (3:11)
  71. What does everyone who
    What does everyone who does evil hate? / / (3:20)
  72. What does no one accept?
    What does no one accept? / / (3:32)
  73. What does the friend
    What does the friend who attends the bridegroom do? / / (3:29)
  74. What does the one
    What does the one whom God has sent speak? / / (3:34)
  75. What does whoever believes
    What does whoever believes in the Son have? / / (3:36)
  76. What gives birth
    What gives birth to flesh? / / (3:6)
  77. What has come into
    What has come into the world? / / (3:19)
  78. What has the Father placed
    What has the Father placed in the Son's hands? / / (3:35)
  79. What has the man who has
    What has the man who has accepted the testimony of ... from heaven certified? / / (3:33)
  80. What if Jesus speaks
    What if Jesus speaks of heavenly things to Nicodemus? / / (3:12)
  81. What is John's
    What is John's joy now? / / (3:29)
  82. What is near Salim?
    What is near Salim? / / (3:23)
  83. What is now
    What is now complete? / / (3:29)
  84. What is the one who comes from above?
    What is the one who comes from above? / / (3:31)
  85. What is the one who comes from heaven?
    What is the one who comes from heaven? / / (3:31)
  86. What is the verdict?
    What is the verdict? / / (3:19)
  87. What may be seen
    What may be seen plainly? / / (3:21)
  88. What may everyone
    What may everyone who believes in the Son of Man have? / / (3:15)
  89. What must John
    What must John become? / / (3:30)
  90. What must the bridegroom
    What must the bridegroom become? / / (3:30)
  91. What must the Son
    What must the Son of Man be just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert? / / (3:14)
  92. What remains on
    What remains on whoever rejects the Son? / / (3:36)
  93. What shall whoever
    What shall whoever believes in God's one and only Son have? (2) / / (3:16)
  94. What shall whoever
    What shall whoever believes in God's one and only Son not do? (2) / / (3:16)
  95. What should Nicodemus
    What should Nicodemus not be at Jesus' saying, "You must be born again."? / / (3:7)
  96. What sound
    What sound does Nicodemus hear? / / (3:8)
  97. What was before
    What was before John was put in prison? / / (3:24)
  98. What were evil?
    What were evil? / / (3:19)
  99. What were men's
    What were men's deeds? / / (3:19)
  100. What will whoever rejects
    What will whoever rejects the Son not see? / / (3:36)
  101. When are the disciples Jesus'
    When are the disciples Jesus' friends? / / (3:14)
  102. When can a man
    When can a man surely not enter into his mother's womb to be born? / / (3:4)
  103. When can Nicodemus
    When can Nicodemus not tell where the wind comes from or where it is going? / / (3:8)
  104. When could no
    When could no one perform the miraculous signs Jesus is doing? / / (3:2)
  105. When did Nicodemus
    When did Nicodemus come to Jesus? / / (3:2)
  106. When does whoever
    When does whoever does not believe in God's Son stand condemned? / / (3:18)
  107. When has no
    When has no one except the one who came from heaven gone into heaven? / / (3:13)
  108. When is the friend
    When is the friend who attends the bridegroom full of joy? / / (3:29)
  109. When should the disciples keep
    When should the disciples keep in mind that the world hated Jesus first? / / (3:18)
  110. When was John also
    When was John also baptizing at Aenon near Salim? / / (3:24)
  111. When were people
    When were people coming to be baptized at Aenon near Salim? / / (3:23)
  112. Where can a
    Where can a man surely not enter a second time to be born? / / (3:4)
  113. Where did God
    Where did God send his Son to save the world through him? / / (3:17)
  114. Where did Moses lift
    Where did Moses lift up the snake? / / (3:14)
  115. Where does God's
    Where does God's wrath remain? / / (3:36)
  116. Where does the wind
    Where does the wind blow? / / (3:8)
  117. Where has light
    Where has light come? / / (3:19)
  118. Where has no
    Where has no one except the one who came from heaven ever gone? / / (3:13)
  119. Where has the
    Where has the Father placed everything? / / (3:35)
  120. Where is Aenon?
    Where is Aenon? / / (3:23)
  121. Where was John also
    Where was John also baptizing? / / (3:23)
  122. Where was John put?
    Where was John put? / / (3:24)
  123. Where were people
    Where were people constantly coming to be baptized? / / (3:23)
  124. Who accepts the testimony
    Who accepts the testimony of the one who comes from heaven? / / (3:32)
  125. Who also was
    Who also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim? / / (3:23)
  126. Who asked, "How can a man
    Who asked, "How can a man be born when he is old? Surely he cannot enter a / / (3:4)
  127. Who asked, "How can this
    Who asked, "How can this be?"? / / (3:9)
  128. Who belongs to the bridegroom?
    Who belongs to the bridegroom? / / (3:29)
  129. Who belongs to the earth?
    Who belongs to the earth? / / (3:31)
  130. Who came from heaven?
    Who came from heaven? / / (3:13)
  131. Who came to Jesus at
    Who came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who / / (3:2)
  132. Who came to John
    Who came to John and said to him, "Rabbi, that man who was with you on the / / (3:26)
  133. Who can enter
    Who can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit? / / (3:5)
  134. Who can receive
    Who can receive only what is given him from heaven? / / (3:27)
  135. Who can see the
    Who can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again? / / (3:3)
  136. Who can testify
    Who can testify that John said, "I am not the Christ but am sent ahead of him."? / / (3:28)
  137. Who comes into
    Who comes into the light? / / (3:21)
  138. Who could perform
    Who could perform the miraculous signs Jesus is doing if God were not with him? / / (3:2)
  139. Who did not send
    Who did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the / / (3:17)
  140. Who gave his
    Who gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but / / (3:16)
  141. Who gives birth
    Who gives birth to spirit? / / (3:6)
  142. Who gives the Spirit
    Who gives the Spirit without limit? / / (3:34)
  143. Who has certified
    Who has certified that God is truthful? / / (3:33)
  144. Who has eternal life?
    Who has eternal life? / / (3:36)
  145. Who has ever gone
    Who has ever gone into heaven? / / (3:13)
  146. Who has placed everything
    Who has placed everything in the Son's hands? / / (3:35)
  147. Who has spoken to
    Who has spoken to Nicodemus of earthly things? / / (3:12)
  148. Who hates the light?
    Who hates the light? / / (3:20)
  149. Who is above
    Who is above all? / / (3:31)
  150. Who is full
    Who is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice? / / (3:29)
  151. Who is going to that
    Who is going to that man who was with John on the other side of the Jordan? / / (3:26)
  152. Who is Israel's
    Who is Israel's teacher? / / (3:10)
  153. Who is not condemned?
    Who is not condemned? / / (3:18)
  154. Who is not the Christ
    Who is not the Christ but is sent ahead of him? / / (3:28)
  155. Who is sent
    Who is sent ahead of Christ? / / (3:28)
  156. Who is the one John
    Who is the one John testified about? / / (3:26)
  157. Who is truthful?
    Who is truthful? / / (3:33)
  158. Who lifted up
    Who lifted up the snake in the desert? / / (3:14)
  159. Who loved darkness
    Who loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil? / / (3:19)
  160. Who loves the Son and has
    Who loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands? / / (3:35)
  161. Who may have eternal
    Who may have eternal life? / / (3:15)
  162. Who must be
    Who must be lifted up? / / (3:14)
  163. Who must become greater?
    Who must become greater? / / (3:30)
  164. Who must become less?
    Who must become less? / / (3:30)
  165. Who said to John,
    Who said to John, "Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the / / (3:26)
  166. Who said, "I am not the
    Who said, "I am not the Christ but am sent ahead of him."? / / (3:28)
  167. Who said, "Rabbi, we
    Who said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no / / (3:2)
  168. Who said, "You are Israel's
    Who said, "You are Israel's teacher, and do you not understand these things?"? / / (3:10)
  169. Who sent his Son
    Who sent his Son into the world to save the world through him? / / (3:17)
  170. Who shall not
    Who shall not perish but have eternal life? / / (3:16)
  171. Who should not be surprised
    Who should not be surprised at Jesus' saying, "You must be born again."? / / (3:7)
  172. Who so
    Who so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes / / (3:16)
  173. Who speaks as
    Who speaks as one from the earth? / / (3:31)
  174. Who speaks the
    Who speaks the words of God? / / (3:34)
  175. Who spent some
    Who spent some time with his disciples in the Judean countryside? / / (3:22)
  176. Who stands condemned
    Who stands condemned already? / / (3:18)
  177. Who still do
    Who still do not accept our testimony? / / (3:11)
  178. Who testified
    Who testified about that man who was with him on the other side of the Jordan? / / (3:26)
  179. Who testifies to what
    Who testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony? / / (3:32)
  180. Who themselves
    Who themselves can testify that John said, "I am not the Christ but am sent ahead / / (3:28)
  181. Who waits
    Who waits and listens for the bridegroom, and is full of joy when he hears the / / (3:29)
  182. Who was a man
    Who was a man of the Pharisees, a member of the Jewish ruling council? / / (3:1)
  183. Who was a member
    Who was a member of the Jewish ruling council? / / (3:1)
  184. Who was named
    Who was named Nicodemus? / / (3:1)
  185. Who was put
    Who was put in prison? / / (3:24)
  186. Who went out into
    Who went out into the Judean countryside? / / (3:22)
  187. Who will not come into
    Who will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed? / / (3:20)
  188. Who will not see life,
    Who will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him? / / (3:36)
  189. Who will remain in Jesus'
    Who will remain in Jesus' love if they obey Jesus' commands? / / (3:10)
  190. Whom did God not
    Whom did God not send into the world to condemn the world, but to save the / / (3:17)
  191. Whom did God send
    Whom did God send into the world to save the world through him? / / (3:17)
  192. Whom did God so
    Whom did God so love that he gave his one and only Son? / / (3:16)
  193. Whom does God
    Whom does God give without limit? / / (3:34)
  194. Whose teacher
    Whose teacher is Nicodemus? / / (3:10)
  195. Whose testimony does
    Whose testimony does no one accept? / / (3:32)
  196. Whose womb
    Whose womb can a man surely not enter into a second time to be born? / / (3:4)
  197. Whose words
    Whose words does the one whom God has sent speak? / / (3:34)
  198. Whose wrath
    Whose wrath remains on whoever rejects the Son? / / (3:36)
  199. Why did God give
    Why did God give his one and only Son? / / (3:16)
  200. Why did God not
    Why did God not send his Son into the world? / / (3:17)
  201. Why did God send
    Why did God send his Son into the world? / / (3:17)
  202. Why did men
    Why did men love darkness instead of light? / / (3:19)
  203. Why does the one
    Why does the one whom God has sent speak the words of God? / / (3:34)
  204. Why does whoever does
    Why does whoever does not believe in God's Son stand condemned already? / / (3:18)
  205. Why does whoever lives
    Why does whoever lives by the truth come into the light? / / (3:21)
  206. Why must the Son
    Why must the Son of Man be lifted up? / / (3:15)
  207. Why was John
    Why was John also baptizing at Aenon near Salim? / / (3:23)
  208. Why will everyone
    Why will everyone who does evil not come into the light? / / (3:20)
  209. Why will whoever rejects
    Why will whoever rejects the Son not see life? / / (3:36)
  210. With whom did Jesus spend
    With whom did Jesus spend some time in the Judean countryside? / / (3:22)
  211. Without what does God
    Without what does God give the Spirit? / / (3:34)
  212. SQ: You are Israel's
    You are Israel's teacher, and do you not understand these things? / / (3:10)
  213. SQ: You yourselves
    You yourselves can testify that I said, "I am not the Christ but am sent ahead of him. / / (3:28)
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Nazarene Bible quiz questions from John chapter 3