
  1. About whom did Jesus
    About whom did Jesus not need man's testimony? / / (2:25)
  2. After what did
    After what did Jesus' disciples recall what he had said? / / (2:22)
  3. At what did Jesus find
    At what did Jesus find others sitting, exchanging money? / / (2:14)
  4. At what were others
    At what were others exchanging money? / / (2:14)
  5. By whom were stone
    By whom were stone water jars used for ceremonial washing? / / (2:6)
  6. SQ: Dear woman, why
    Dear woman, why do you involve me? My time has not yet come. / / (2:4)
  7. SQ: Destroy
    Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days. / / (2:19)
  8. SQ: Do whatever
    Do whatever he tells you. / / (2:5)
  9. SQ: Everyone brings
    Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but / / (2:10)
  10. SQ: Fill
    Fill the jars with water. / / (2:7)
  11. For what were
    For what were stone water jars used by the Jews? / / (2:6)
  12. For what will zeal
    For what will zeal consume me? / / (2:17)
  13. From what was Jesus raised?
    From what was Jesus raised? / / (2:22)
  14. From where did Jesus drive
    From where did Jesus drive all, both sheep and cattle? / / (2:15)
  15. SQ: Get these
    Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market! / / (2:16)
  16. SQ: How dare
    How dare you turn my Father's house into a market! / / (2:16)
  17. How did Jesus reveal
    How did Jesus reveal his glory? / / (2:11)
  18. How long did Jesus,
    How long did Jesus, his mother and brothers, and ... stay at Capernaum? / / (2:12)
  19. How long has it
    How long has it taken to build this temple? / / (2:20)
  20. How many gallons
    How many gallons did each of the six stone water jars hold? / / (2:6)
  21. How many stone
    How many stone water jars stood nearby? / / (2:6)
  22. In what did Jesus find
    In what did Jesus find men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at / / (2:14)
  23. In what did many
    In what did many people believe? / / (2:23)
  24. In what were men
    In what were men selling cattle, sheep and doves? / / (2:14)
  25. In whose name did
    In whose name did many people believe while Jesus was in Jerusalem at the / / (2:23)
  26. Into what had the
    Into what had the water been turned? / / (2:9)
  27. SQ: It has
    It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days? / / (2:20)
  28. SQ: My time
    My time has not yet come. / / (2:4)
  29. SQ: Now draw
    Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet. / / (2:8)
  30. Of whom did the Jews
    Of whom did the Jews demand, "What miraculous sign can you show us to prove / / (2:18)
  31. On what day did a
    On what day did a wedding take place at Cana in Galilee? / / (2:1)
  32. Out of what did
    Out of what did Jesus make a whip? / / (2:15)
  33. SQ: They have no
    They have no more wine. / / (2:3)
  34. To what did the servants
    To what did the servants fill the jars? / / (2:7)
  35. To what had
    To what had Jesus and his disciples also been invited? / / (2:2)
  36. To where did Jesus go down
    To where did Jesus go down with his mother and brothers and his disciples? / / (2:12)
  37. To whom did Jesus say, "Fill
    To whom did Jesus say, "Fill the jars with water."? / / (2:7)
  38. To whom did Jesus say, "Get these
    To whom did Jesus say, "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's / / (2:16)
  39. To whom did the servants
    To whom did the servants take some water? / / (2:8)
  40. To whom would Jesus
    To whom would Jesus not entrust himself? / / (2:24)
  41. Up to where did Jesus go when
    Up to where did Jesus go when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover? / / (2:13)
  42. What did each
    What did each stone water jar hold? / / (2:6)
  43. What did Jesus' disciples put
    What did Jesus' disciples put in Jesus? / / (2:11)
  44. What did Jesus' disciples recall
    What did Jesus' disciples recall after he was raised from the dead? / / (2:22)
  45. What did Jesus' disciples remember?
    What did Jesus' disciples remember? / / (2:17)
  46. What did Jesus' disciples then
    What did Jesus' disciples then believe when they recalled what Jesus had said? / / (2:22)
  47. What did Jesus drive
    What did Jesus drive from the temple area? / / (2:15)
  48. What did Jesus find in
    What did Jesus find in the temple courts? / / (2:14)
  49. What did Jesus make out
    What did Jesus make out of cords? / / (2:15)
  50. What did Jesus' mother
    What did Jesus' mother do when the wine was gone? / / (2:3)
  51. What did Jesus' mother
    What did Jesus' mother say to the servants? / / (2:5)
  52. What did Jesus not need?
    What did Jesus not need? / / (2:25)
  53. What did Jesus overturn?
    What did Jesus overturn? / / (2:15)
  54. What did Jesus perform
    What did Jesus perform at Cana in Galilee? / / (2:11)
  55. What did Jesus reveal?
    What did Jesus reveal? / / (2:11)
  56. What did Jesus say to the servants?
    What did Jesus say to the servants? / / (2:7)
  57. What did Jesus say to those
    What did Jesus say to those who sold doves? / / (2:16)
  58. What did Jesus scatter?
    What did Jesus scatter? / / (2:15)
  59. What did Jesus then
    What did Jesus then tell the servants? / / (2:8)
  60. What did Jesus thus
    What did Jesus thus reveal? / / (2:11)
  61. What did many people
    What did many people see while Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast? / / (2:23)
  62. What did the Jews demand
    What did the Jews demand of Jesus? / / (2:18)
  63. What did the master
    What did the master of the banquet call the bridegroom aside and say? / / (2:10)
  64. What did the master
    What did the master of the banquet not realize? / / (2:9)
  65. What did the master
    What did the master of the banquet taste? / / (2:9)
  66. What did the servants draw
    What did the servants draw out and take to the master of the banquet? / / (2:8)
  67. What did the servants fill
    What did the servants fill to the brim? / / (2:7)
  68. What did the servants who
    What did the servants who had drawn the water know? / / (2:9)
  69. What does everyone bring
    What does everyone bring out first? / / (2:10)
  70. What does everyone then
    What does everyone then bring out after the guests have had too much to drink? / / (2:10)
  71. What had been turned
    What had been turned into wine? / / (2:9)
  72. What has taken
    What has taken forty-six years to build? / / (2:20)
  73. What has the bridegroom
    What has the bridegroom saved till now? / / (2:10)
  74. What held
    What held from twenty to thirty gallons? / / (2:6)
  75. SQ: What miraculous sign can
    What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this? / / (2:18)
  76. What stood
    What stood nearby? / / (2:6)
  77. What took
    What took place on the third day at Cana in Galilee? / / (2:1)
  78. What was the temple
    What was the temple Jesus had spoken of? / / (2:21)
  79. What were men
    What were men selling in the temple courts? / / (2:14)
  80. What were others
    What were others exchanging at tables? / / (2:14)
  81. What were used
    What were used by the Jews for ceremonial washing? / / (2:6)
  82. What will consume
    What will consume me? / / (2:17)
  83. What will Jesus raise
    What will Jesus raise again in three days? / / (2:19)
  84. When did a wedding
    When did a wedding take place at Cana in Galilee? / / (2:1)
  85. When did his
    When did his disciples recall what Jesus had said? / / (2:22)
  86. When did Jesus' disciples then
    When did Jesus' disciples then believe the Scripture and the words that Jesus had / / (2:22)
  87. When did Jesus go down
    When did Jesus go down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his / / (2:12)
  88. When did Jesus go up to Jerusalem?
    When did Jesus go up to Jerusalem? / / (2:13)
  89. When did Jesus'
    When did Jesus' mother say to Jesus, "They have no more wine."? / / (2:3)
  90. When did Jesus tell the servants,
    When did Jesus tell the servants, "Now draw some out and take it to the master of / / (2:8)
  91. When did many people
    When did many people see the miraculous signs Jesus was doing and believe in / / (2:23)
  92. When did the master
    When did the master of the banquet call the bridegroom aside? / / (2:9)
  93. When does everyone
    When does everyone bring out the choice wine? / / (2:10)
  94. When does everyone
    When does everyone then bring out the cheaper wine? / / (2:10)
  95. When will Jesus raise this
    When will Jesus raise this temple again? / / (2:19)
  96. Where did a wedding
    Where did a wedding take place on the third day? / / (2:1)
  97. Where did Jesus find
    Where did Jesus find men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at / / (2:14)
  98. Where did Jesus go down
    Where did Jesus go down with his mother and brothers and his disciples after / / (2:12)
  99. Where did Jesus go when
    Where did Jesus go when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover? / / (2:13)
  100. Where did Jesus perform
    Where did Jesus perform the first of his miraculous signs? / / (2:11)
  101. Where did Jesus,
    Where did Jesus, his mother and brothers, and his disciples stay for a few days? / / (2:12)
  102. Where did six
    Where did six stone water jars stand? / / (2:6)
  103. Where is Cana?
    Where is Cana? / / (2:1)
  104. Where were men
    Where were men selling cattle, sheep and doves? / / (2:14)
  105. Where were others
    Where were others exchanging money? / / (2:14)
  106. Who brings
    Who brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests / / (2:10)
  107. Who called the
    Who called the bridegroom aside? / / (2:9)
  108. Who did not need
    Who did not need man's testimony about man? / / (2:25)
  109. Who did not realize
    Who did not realize where the water that had been turned into wine had come / / (2:9)
  110. Who drew some
    Who drew some out and took it to the master of the banquet? / / (2:8)
  111. Who drove
    Who drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle? / / (2:15)
  112. Who filled the
    Who filled the jars to the brim? / / (2:7)
  113. Who found men
    Who found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables / / (2:14)
  114. Who found others
    Who found others sitting at tables in the temple courts exchanging money? / / (2:14)
  115. Who had also been invited
    Who had also been invited to the wedding? / / (2:2)
  116. Who has saved
    Who has saved the best wine till now? / / (2:10)
  117. Who knew all men?
    Who knew all men? / / (2:24)
  118. Who knew what
    Who knew what was in a man? / / (2:25)
  119. Who knew where
    Who knew where the water that had been turned into wine had come from? / / (2:9)
  120. Who made a whip
    Who made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep / / (2:15)
  121. Who overturned
    Who overturned the money changers' tables? / / (2:15)
  122. Who performed
    Who performed the first of his miraculous signs at Cana in Galilee? / / (2:11)
  123. Who recalled
    Who recalled what Jesus had said after he was raised from the dead? / / (2:22)
  124. Who remembered
    Who remembered that it is written: "Zeal for your house will consume me."? / / (2:17)
  125. Who revealed
    Who revealed his glory? / / (2:11)
  126. Who said to Jesus, "They
    Who said to Jesus, "They have no more wine."? / / (2:3)
  127. Who said to the servants, "Do
    Who said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."? / / (2:5)
  128. Who said to the servants, "Fill
    Who said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water."? / / (2:7)
  129. Who said to those
    Who said to those who sold doves, "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my / / (2:16)
  130. Who said, "Everyone
    Who said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine / / (2:10)
  131. Who said, "Get
    Who said, "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a / / (2:16)
  132. Who saw the miraculous
    Who saw the miraculous signs Jesus was doing and believed in his name? / / (2:23)
  133. Who scattered
    Who scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables? / / (2:15)
  134. Who stayed for
    Who stayed for a few days in Capernaum? / / (2:12)
  135. Who tasted
    Who tasted the water that had been turned into wine? / / (2:9)
  136. Who then believed
    Who then believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken? / / (2:22)
  137. Who then brings
    Who then brings out the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to / / (2:10)
  138. Who told the servants,
    Who told the servants, "Now draw some out and take it to the master of the / / (2:8)
  139. Who went down to Capernaum
    Who went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples? / / (2:12)
  140. Who went up to Jerusalem when
    Who went up to Jerusalem when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover? / / (2:13)
  141. Who will raise this
    Who will raise this temple again in three days? / / (2:19)
  142. Who would not entrust
    Who would not entrust himself to them? / / (2:24)
  143. Whom did Jesus answer,
    Whom did Jesus answer, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three / / (2:19)
  144. Whom did Jesus drive
    Whom did Jesus drive from the temple area? / / (2:15)
  145. Whom did the master
    Whom did the master of the banquet call aside? / / (2:9)
  146. Whose coins
    Whose coins did Jesus scatter? / / (2:15)
  147. Whose tables
    Whose tables did Jesus overturn? / / (2:15)
  148. Whose time has
    Whose time has not yet come? / / (2:4)
  149. Why did Jesus'
    Why did Jesus' disciples put their faith in Jesus? / / (2:11)
  150. Why did Jesus make
    Why did Jesus make a whip out of cords, and drive all from the temple area, both / / (2:15)
  151. Why did Jesus not need
    Why did Jesus not need man's testimony about man? / / (2:25)
  152. Why did Jesus scatter
    Why did Jesus scatter the coins of the money changers and overturn their tables? / / (2:15)
  153. Why did the servants fill
    Why did the servants fill the jars to the brim with water? / / (2:7)
  154. Why would Jesus not
    Why would Jesus not entrust himself to them? / / (2:24)
  155. With whom did Jesus go
    With whom did Jesus go down to Capernaum? / / (2:12)
Card Set
Nazarene Bible quiz questions from John chapter 2