Characteristics of muscular tissue
- excitablility-stimili
- contractibility-shorten and thicken
- extensibility-stretched wo breaking
- elasticity-return to original shape
functions of muscles tissue
- motion
- posture
- heat production
cardiac muscle char
striated and involuntary
superficial fascia
connects skin to muscle
deep fascia-
3 parts
- surrounds and suspends muscles and viscera
- 1-epimysium
- 2-perimysium
- 3-endomysium
outer sheath that surrounds each individual muscle- big
- surrounds each bundle of fibers w/i muscles
- (fasiculi)
surround individual muscle fibers in the fisiculi
linea alba
longitudinal midanterior tendinous line from the zyphoid process to the symphisis pubis for abs
galea apneurotica
- aka epicranial
- tendous sheet for cranial insertion for upper scalp muscles
skeletal muscles consist of ____/__ covered by the ___/___
- cells/fibers
- sarcolema/plasma membrane
skeltal muscles histology
- multi nuclei
- sarcoplamic reticulum
- terminal sisterns
- transverse tubules
- myofibrils
myofibrils can be __ or __
- thick-composed of protein- myacine
- thin- = actin
sarcoplasmic reticulum
ER of a muscle, job is to transport
what does the sr feed into?
terminal cisterns
transverse tubles
extensions of the sarcolemma into the muscle fiber for fluids that contribute to fiber contraction
the sarcomeres are separated by
z lines or z disks
the A band (anisotropic band)
extends from one end to the other of the thick myofilaments. forms the dark striations in the sk. muscle
I band (isotropic)
extends from the end of one thick filament to the beginning of the next. forms the light striations
h zone
w/i a band. contains thick but no thin myofilaments
M line
runs down middle of H zone. composed of protein molecules that connect the centers of the thick myofilaments
neuromotor junction
- aka motor end plate
- where nerve meets muscle
axon terminal
- aka synaptic end bulb
- part of the nerve that lies in a pocket called synaptic cleft
synaptic cleft
pocket in sarcolemma where nerve axon terminal is
- neurotransmitter substance that is released at the neuromuscular junction in the synaptic cleft.
- it initiates the muscle action potential or muscle impulse
how is calcium ions released?
the muscle action potential travels over the sarcolemma and enters the transverse tubules triggering the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release it into the sarcoplasm
calcium ions cause __ to release __ which splits ___ into __
- mitochondria
- ATPase
what shortens the sarcomere?
cross bridges ratchet the thick and thin myofilaments in opposite directions
what stops the action potential? causes
- the release of acetylcholinesterase in the synaptic cleft.
- cross bridges relax and muscles relax
aerobic metabolism
oxygen required. longer than 10 min
anaerobic met
- w/o oxygen.
- phosphogen system
- glycogen lactic acid system
phosphogen system
has phosphocreatine that degrades to creatine with the release of energy. lasts 15 senconds
glycogen lactic acid system
glycogen breaks down to pyruvate. 30-40 sec for strenous activity
record of muscle contraction
instrument that records muscle contraction
4 periods on a myograph
- latent
- contraction
- relaxation
- refractory
time btwn application of the stimulus and the beginning of contractions- 2 milli sec
contraction period
the upward tracing
downward tracing
excitablity is temp. lost
types of contractions in a muscle
- twitch- rapid jerky
- wave summation-2nd strong stimulus is applied befor the muscle relaxes
In wave summation, if a muscle is repeatedly stimulated it will go into (2 thing)
- unfused tetnus
- fused tetnus
unfused tetnus
- stimulation 20-30 times per sec.
- fibrilate or pulsate
fused tetnus
- 80-100 pulsations per sec.
- can be- isotonic contractions, lifting weights
- -isometric, pushing wall
muscle tension (force) depends on 4 factors
- frequency of stimulation
- # of contracting fibers
- components of the muscle fibers
- length of muscle fiber prior to contraction
less than normal tone
increased muscle tone
muscular atrophe
catbolic wasting away
muscular hypertrophy
anabolic increase in muscle size
cardiac muscle tissue structure
- found only in heart.
- fibers are short and fat
- one centrally located nucleus
- striated
- possess intercalated disks
innercalated disks function
- hold fiber together with desmosomes.
- aid in conduction of action potentials through gap junctions
Energy is supplied by __ and __
numerous mitochondria and the catabolism of glycogen
WHat types of muscle tissue remain contracted longer than skeletal muscles
Which muscle has a long refractory period
smooth muscle tiss structure
- nonstriated
- involuntary
- thick at center, taper at ends
- single central nucleus
- found in visera, organs, ateries, veins, branchioles, eye muscles
regeneration of muscle tissues
- skeltal- limited
- cardiac- none
- smooth- limited capacity for division and regeneration
inflammation of tendon sheaths and synovial membranes. commonly seen in wrist(carpol tunnel) and elbow(tennis elbow)
- lockjaw-bacterial illness that causes muscles to spasm.
- W/0 treatment die with a fixed smile and raised eyebrows
formation of fibrous connective tissue in muscles as a result of trauma and can cause neucrosis
muscular dystrophy
gradual wasting of muscle tissue leading to death-genetic-amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's or ALS) and Duchenne's
rigor mortis
state of partial contraction of muscles following death. latck of ATP causes crossbridges to lock. Lasts 24 hrs disappears during 12hr period as tissue begins to decompose
Muscular system is comprised of:
skeletal mucsles and connective tissue
attachment to the stationary bone
attachment to the movable bone
central portion of muscle
force to be overcome
force to overcome resistance
1st class levers
fulcrom lies between effort and resistance (seesaw) atlanto occipital joint
2nd class levers
fulcrom at one end at one end, effort at the opposite end, resitance between (tippy toes)
3rd class levers
fulcrum at one end, resistance at opposite end and effort between (flexion of arm)
how does leverage change with distance?
- strength increases with distance from the joint
- RoM decreases with distance from the joint
Skeletal muscle fibers are arranged in bundles called
arrangement of fasciculi
- pennate- shorter
- parallel
- fusiform- taper like ftball
- convergent-broad to converge
- circular
(prime mover) muscle that causes a desired action
produces and opposite action
steadies a movement and makes it more effiecent
names are based on what characteristics
- direction of fibers
- location
- size
- number of origins
- shape
- origin/insertion
- action
- combination
achilles tendonitis
frequently ruptures
stretching of the fascia
trochanteric bearsitus
painful when ligments and muscles rub
strains vs sprains
- strains are to muscles or tendons
- sprains are to ligaments
muscularskeltal injuries are treated with
rest, ice, heat, antiinflammitories