
  1. Troubleshooting
    • Always use a systematic and methodical approach to troubleshooting.The first command to issue is:
    • Router#show ip interface brief

    This is to check if the interfaces are down or up. There are only a handful of ways to break any network in the exam.
  2. Layer 1
    Ensure that there is a clock rate on the DCE interface

    • Use command:
    • Router#show controllers serial X

    to check what type of cable is attached – where X is the serial interface number.

    Ensure that the "no shut" command has been applied to the interface.
  3. Layer 2
    Ensure that the correct encapsulation type is on the interface i.e. HDLC, PPP etc

    • Use command:
    • Router#show interface serial X

    If it is not then go into interface configuration mode and change it.
  4. Layer 3
    Ensure that the correct IP address AND subnet mask is applied to the interface.

    Ensure that the correct networks are being advertised by the routing protocol

    • Use command:
    • Router#show ip protocols

    Always ensure that you can ping across directly connected router interfaces BEFORE applying routing protocols and access lists.
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Cisco CCNA Exam