Anatomy 1 Lecture 12 - Femoral Triangle, Anterior and Medial Thigh

  1. In the Femur, identify the head, neck, greater and lesser trochanter, intertrochanteric line and crest, trochanteric fossa, shaft, linea aspera, gluteal tuberosity, pectineal line, inteer condyar fossa or notch, femoral condyles (lateral and medial), epicondyles (medial and lateral) adductor tubercle
  2. Locatethe landmarks for the tibia, Medail and lateral condyles, tibial plateau, tibial tuberosity, intercondylar emminence, medial malleolus.
    And the Fibula, head, lateral malleolus, shaft
  3. What are the boundries of the Femoral Triangle?
    • Superior: inguinal ligament
    • Lateral: Sartorius
    • Medial: adductor longus (lateral border of the adductor longus)
    • Roof: Fascia lata
    • Floor: Iliopsoas (Medial), Pectineus (lateral)
  4. What are the contents of the femoral triangle?
    • Lateral Femoral Nerve
    • Femoral N.
    • Femioral A./V. (in a bundled sheath)
    • Profunda femoris (Latreal and medial femoral circumflex a.) - main provider of blood to the thigh after it passes through the femoral canal it becomes the popliteal a.
    • Medial and Lateral femoral circumflex a. are the main suppliers to the head and neck of the femur.
  5. Which are the main veins of the lower extremity?
    • Dorsal Venous Arch, Greater Saphenous, Perforating Veins
  6. What is the adductor canal? When does it begin and end? What are the other names for it? Which muscles form it? What passes through it?
    • The fascial sheath deep to the sartorius and superficial to the adductor longus.
    • Begins when the sartorius passes over it, and ends at the adductor hiatus in the tendon of the adductor magnus muscle
    • Hunter's canal, subsartorial canal
    • Sartorius and adductor longus
    • Fermoral a., and v. and the saphenous n. which is a cutaneous branch of the femoral n.
  7. What are the three compartments of the thigh and their contents? What creates those compartments?
    • Anterior: Leg extensors, femoral n.
    • Medial: Thigh adductors, obturator n.
    • Posterior: Leg flexors and thigh extensors, sciatic n.
    • Intermuscular septa - which is an extension of the fascia lata
  8. Which nerves are involved in cutaneous innervation of the anterior thigh?
    • Subcostal n T12: lateral aspect of the thigh, anterior to greater trochanter
    • Iliohypogastric: lateral (skin over the superolateral buttocks) and anterior (skin superior to the pubis) branches
    • Ilioinguinal: Travels through the superficial inguinal ring to innervate the inferior pelvis. (also travels the proximal medial aspect of the thigh)
    • Genitofemoral; branches that extend into the pelvis, branches that innervate the skin of the thigh, inferior to the inguinal ligament on the medial aspect
    • Lateral femoral cutaneous: lateral and anterior parts of the skin of thigh. Pass under the lateral aspect of the inguinal ligament. extends laterallt and distally from the greater trochan, to area just proximal the knee.
    • Femoral n.: Skin of anterior and medial thigh
    • Anterior femoral cutaneous: arises from femoral n. in femoral triangle. Runs along part of the Sartorius muscle and innervates the skin of the anterior and medial aspect of the thigh.
  9. Which are the quadriceps muscles?
    • Rectus femoris
    • Vastus Lateralis
    • Vastus intermedius
    • Vastus medialis oblique
  10. Rectus Femoris OINA
    • O: anterior inferior iliac spine and rim of acetabulum
    • I: Tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
    • N: Femoral n.
    • A: Flex hip and Extend the knee
  11. Vastus intermedius OINA
    • O: Anterior surface of femur
    • I: Tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament
    • N: Femoral n.
    • A: Extend the knee
  12. Vastus Lateralis OINA
    • O: lateral surface of the femur
    • I: Tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament
    • N: Femoral n.
    • A: Extend knee
  13. Vastus Medialis Oblique OINA
    • O: Medial surface of the femur and tendon of adductor magnus
    • I: Tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament
    • N: Femoral n.
    • A: Extend the knee, and control tracking of the patella
  14. Which are the muscles of the anterior compartment?
    Rectus femoris, vastus intermedius lateralis and medialis oblique, sartorius, iliopsoas
  15. Sartorius OINA
    • O: Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
    • I: Superior end of the medial surface of the tibia
    • N: Femoral n.
    • A: Flexes and laterally rotates thigh at the hip joint, weak adductor of thigh and weak flexor of the leg.
  16. Which are the muscles of the medial compartment?
    • Gracilis
    • Adductor Longus
    • Adductor Brevis
    • Adductor MAGNUS
    • Pectineus
  17. Pectineus OINA
    • O: Pectineal line of the suiperior ramus of the pubis
    • I: Pectineal line of the femur.
    • N: Obturator n.
    • A: Flex and adduct the hip
  18. Gracilis OINA
    • O: inferior ramus of the pubis
    • I: Medial surface of the tibia, inferior to the adductor condyle
    • N: obturator n.
    • A: Adduct thigh, flex leg
  19. Adductor Longus OINA
    • O: body of the pubis
    • I: distal 2/3 of the linea aspera
    • N: obturator n.
    • A: adduct and flex thigh
  20. Adductor Magnus OINA
    • O: tuberosity and ramus of ischium
    • I: Linea aspera and adductor tubercle
    • N: Obturator and tibial portion of the sciatic n.
    • A: adducts and flexes the thigh, extends the thigh
  21. Adductor Brevis OINA
    • O: Inferior ramus of the pubis
    • I: Femur
    • N: Obturator
    • A: Adduct and flex thigh
  22. Where are the muscles of the thigh located? Think before you look at the picture.
  23. Which of the menisci of the tibia is torn more commonly?
    They are actually torn equally even though the medial is considered to be torn more frequently. Lateral is just as common because it is more mobile.
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Anatomy 1 Lecture 12 - Femoral Triangle, Anterior and Medial Thigh
UNLV DPT 744 Gross Anatomy 1 Lecture 12 - Femoral Triangle, Anterior and Medial Thigh