
  1. trail
    • [treil]
    • n.小径
    • A marked or beaten path,as through woods or wilderness.
    • Something that hangs loose and long
    • 拖拽之物
    • A mark or trace left by something that has moved or been dragged by. See trace
    • 痕迹
  2. earth-bank
    • [əːθ bæŋk]
    • n.土堤,路堤
  3. spruce
    • [sprus]
    • n.云杉
    • 整洁漂亮的
  4. timberland
    • [ˈtimbəˌlænd]
    • n.林地
    • Forested land,especially land containing timber of commercial value.
  5. excuse
    • [iksˈkjuːs]
    • v.辩解,托词,借口
    • To explain (a fault or an offense) in the hope of being forgiven or understood
  6. intangible
    • [inˈtændʒəbəl]
    • 感觉不到的
    • ,难以认识或确定的
    • Incapable of being perceived by the senses or realized or defined.
  7. pall
    • [pɔːl]
    • n.帷幕
    • A covering that darkens or obscures
    • A cover for a coffin,bier,or tomb,often made of black,purple,or white velvet.
    • 棺罩
  8. orb
    • [ɔːb]
    • n.天体(太阳或月球)
    • A celestial body,such as the sun or moon.,如
    • A sphere or spherical object.
    • 球体
  9. due
    • [djuː]
    • 预定的,约定的
    • Expected or scheduled,especially appointed to arrive
  10. peep
    • [piːp]
    • v.窥视
    • To peek furtively; steal a quick glance.
  11. dip
    • [dip]
    • v.下降或消失
    • To drop down or sink out of sight suddenly
    • The sun dipped below the horizon.太阳落山
  12. flung
    • [flʌŋ]
    • P. of fling,猛扔
    • To throw with violence
  13. undulation
    • [ˌʌndʒəˈleiʃən]
    • n.波动,起伏
    • A regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides; movement in waves.
  14. ice jams
    • [ais dʒæms]
    • 冰塞
  15. freeze-up
    • [friːz ʌp]
    • n.冰冻期,严寒期
  16. significance
    • [sigˈnifikəns]
    • n.意义,含义
    • A meaning that is expressed.
  17. meditate
    • [ˈmediˌteit]
    • v.仔细考虑或思索
    • To consider or reflect at length.
    • To engage in contemplation,especially of a spiritual or devotional nature.See Synonyms at ponder
    • 默想
  18. frailty
    • [ˈfreilti]
    • n.虚弱
    • The condition or quality of being frail.
  19. conjectural
    • [kənˈdʒektʃərəl]
    • 推测的
    • Based on or involving conjecture.See supposed
  20. mitten
    • [ˈmitn]
    • n.连指手套
    • A covering for the hand that encases the thumb separately and the four fingers together.
  21. ear flap
    • [iə flæp]
    • 耳罩
    • flap 拍打,振动
  22. moccasin
    • [ˈmɔkəsin]
    • n.印第安软皮鞋
    • A soft leather slipper traditionally worn by Native Americans.
  23. spat
    • [spæt]
    • P. of spit:吐(唾沫)
  24. speculatively
    • [ˈspekjulətiv]
    • 推导的,推断的
    • Given to conjecture or speculation.
  25. startle
    • [ˈstaːtl]
    • v.震惊
    • To alarm,frighten,or surprise suddenly.See frighten
  26. spittle
    • [ˈspitl]
    • n.唾液
    • Spit; saliva.
  27. roundabout
    • [ˈraundəbaut]
    • 迂回的
  28. log
    • [lɔg]
    • n.园木
    • A usually large section of a trunk or limb of a fallen or felled tree.
  29. protruding
    • [prəuˈtrudiŋ]
    • 突出的
    • protrude:To jut out; project. bulge
  30. biscuit
    • [ˈbiskit]
    • n.饼干
    • A small cake of shortened bread leavened with baking powder or soda.
  31. bacon
    • [ˈbeikən]
    • n.培根肉,咸熏猪肉
    • The salted and smoked meat from the back and sides of a pig.
  32. generous
    • [ˈdʒenərəs]
    • 丰盛的
    • Marked by abundance; ample
    • Having a rich bouquet and flavor
    • 味浓的
  33. sled
    • [sled]
    • n.雪橇
    • A vehicle mounted on runners,used for carrying people or loads over ice and snow; a sledge.
  34. whisker
    • [ˈhwiskə]
    • n.髯,胡须
    • The hair on a man's cheeks and chin.
  35. thrust
    • [θrʌst]
    • v.插入,刺,戳,延伸
  36. at the man's heels
    • [æt ðə mæns hiːls]
    • 紧随
  37. trot
    • [trɔt]
    • v.小跑
    • To go or move at a trot.
  38. Husky
    • [ˈhʌskiː]
    • n.爱斯基摩
  39. proper
    • [ˈpɔpə]
    • 完全的;彻底的
    • Out-and-out; thorough
  40. temperamental
    • [ˌtemprəˈmentl]
    • 气质的
    • Relating to or caused by temperament
  41. frost
    • [frɔst]
    • n.霜冻
    • A deposit of minute ice crystals formed when water vapor condenses at a temperature below freezing.
  42. brute
    • [bruːt]
    • n.畜生;野兽
    • An animal; a beast.
    • A brutal,crude,or insensitive person.残忍的人,粗暴的人,麻木不仁的人
  43. menacing
    • [ˈmenəsiŋ]
    • 威胁的,险恶的
  44. subdue
    • [səbˈdjuː]
    • v.制服,慑服;征服
    • To conquer and subjugate; vanquish.See defeat
  45. slink
    • [sliŋk]
    • vi.潜逃,溜走
    • To move in a quiet,furtive manner; sneak
  46. unwonted
    • [ʌnˈwəuntid]
    • 罕见的,异常的
    • Not habitual or ordinary; unusual
  47. burrow
    • [ˈbʌrəu]
    • v.挖洞
    • To dig a hole or tunnel for habitation or refuge.
  48. cuddle
    • [ˈkʌdl]
    • v.搂抱,拥抱
    • To fondle in the arms; hug tenderly.See Synonyms at caress
  49. jowl
    • [dʒaul]
    • n.下颌,面颊
    • The jaw,especially the lower jaw.
    • The cheek.
  50. muzzle
    • [ˈmʌzl]
    • n.鼻口部
    • The forward,projecting part of the head of certain nimals,such as dogs,including the mouth,nose,and jaws; the snout.
  51. crystalled
    • [ˈkristld]
    • 结晶的
  52. exhale
    • [eksˈheil]
    • v.呼出
    • To breathe out.
    • To emit air or vapor.
  53. expel
    • [iksˈpel]
    • v.排出
    • To discharge from or as if from a receptacle
    • To force or drive out
    • 赶走,驱逐
  54. amber
    • [ˈæmbə]
    • n.琥珀
    • A hard,translucent,yellow,orange,or brownish-yellow fossil resin,used for making jewelry and other ornamental objects.
    • 琥珀色(黄色)的
  55. shatter
    • [ˈʃætə]
    • v.砸碎
    • To cause to break or burst suddenly into pieces,as with a violent blow.
  56. appendage
    • [əˈpendidʒ]
    • n.附件,附加物
    • Something added or attached to an entity of greater importance or size; an adjunct.
  57. cold snaps
    • [kəuld snæps]
    • 寒流
  58. spirit
    • [ˈspirit]
    • n.酒精
    • alcoholic,especially distilled liquor.
  59. level
    • [ˈlev(ə)l]
    • 平坦的
    • Having a flat,smooth surface.
    • 平坦的、光滑的表面的
    • Being on a horizontal plane.
    • 在同一个水平面上的
  60. nigger-head
    • [nigə hed]
    • n.黑礁砾,黑圆壳
    • ,任何黑色的硬块
  61. drooping
    • [ˈdruːpiŋ]
    • 下垂的,无力的
  62. furrow
    • [ˈfərəu -fʌ]
    • n.沟,车辙
    • A rut,groove,or narrow depression
  63. monotonously
    • [məˈnɔtənəsli]
    • 单调地,无变化地
  64. reiterate
    • [riːitəˌreit]
    • v.重申;重复
    • To say or do again or repeatedly.See repeat
  65. pang
    • [pæŋ]
    • n.阵痛
    • A sudden sharp spasm of pain.See Synonyms at pain
    • A sudden,sharp feeling of emotional distress.
    • 伤心,痛苦
  66. strap
    • [stræp]
    • n.带
    • A long,narrow strip of pliant material such as leather.
  67. observant
    • [əbˈzəvənt]
    • 敏感的,敏锐的
    • Quick to perceive or apprehend; alert
  68. shied
    • [ʃaid]
    • P. or PP. of shy惊退
  69. arctic
    • [ˈaːktik]
    • n.北极地区
    • A region between the North Pole and the northern timberlines of North America and Eurasia.
  70. snap
    • [snæp]
    • n.寒流
    • A brief spell of brisk,cold weather.
  71. give
    • [giv]
    • n.支持不住
    • Capacity or inclination to yield under pressure.
  72. reflect
    • [riˈflekt]
    • v.深思熟虑
    • To think seriously.See Synonyms at think
  73. skirt
    • [skəːt]
    • v.绕…走
    • To pass around rather than across or through
  74. gingerly
    • [ˈdʒindʒəli]
    • 小心谨慎的
    • With great care or delicacy; cautiously.
  75. gait
    • [geit]
    • n.步态
    • A particular way or manner of moving on foot
  76. candied
    • [ˈkændid]
    • 蜜饯的
    • Permeated,covered,encrusted,or cooked with sugar
  77. shove
    • [ʃʌv]
    • v.推
    • To push forward or along.
  78. flounder
    • [ˈflaundə]
    • vi.(在水中)挣扎
  79. crypt
    • [kript]
    • n.小囊,腺窝
    • Anatomy A small pit,recess,or glandular cavity in the body.
    • An underground vault or chamber,especially one beneath a church that is used as a burial place.
    • 地窖
  80. tear out
    • [tiə aut]
    • 撕下,扯下
  81. smote
    • [sməut]
    • P. of smite:重打,猛击
    • To inflict a heavy blow on,with or as if with the hand,a tool,or a weapon.
  82. bulge
    • [bʌldʒ]
    • n.膨胀,肿胀
    • A protruding part; an outward curve or swelling.
    • 凸出部分,向外鼓胀的部分
    • A sudden,usually temporary increase in number or quantity
    • 暴涨,突增
  83. to the minute
    • [tuː ðə minit]
    • 恰好
  84. unbutton
    • [ˈʌnˈbʌtn]
    • v.解开…的扣子
    • To unfasten the buttons of.
  85. struck
    • [strʌk]
    • P. of strike,打击
    • To hit sharply,as with the hand,the fist,or a weapon.
  86. sting
    • [stiŋ]
    • n.刺,刺痛,针刺
  87. thaw out
    • [θɔː aut]
    • (使)解冻,融化
  88. chuckle
    • [ˈtʃʌkl]
    • v.咯咯笑
    • To cluck or chuck,as a hen.象母鸡一样
  89. strode
    • [strəud]
    • P. of stride,大踏步走
    • To walk with long steps,especially in a hasty or vigorous way.
  90. thresh
    • [θreʃ]
    • vt.反复的打击
    • 脱粒
  91. undergrowth
    • [ˈʌndəgrəuθ]
    • n.矮树丛
    • Low-growing plants,saplings,and shrubs beneath trees in a forest.
  92. twig
    • [twig]
    • n.细枝
    • A young shoot representing the current season's growth of a woody plant.
  93. outwit
    • [autˈwit]
    • v.智胜
    • To surpass in cleverness or cunning; outsmart.
  94. singe
    • [sindʒ]
    • v.烧焦,烤焦
  95. pipe
    • [paip]
    • n.烟斗,烟筒
    • A device for smoking,consisting of a tube of wood,clay,or other material with a small bowl at one end.
  96. abroad
    • [əˈbrɔːd]
    • 离家的(地)
    • Away from one's home.
  97. snug
    • [snʌg]
    • 温暖舒适的
    • Comfortably sheltered; cozy.
  98. intimacy
    • [ˈintəməsiː]
    • n.亲密
    • The condition of being intimate.
  99. caress
    • [kəˈres]
    • n.爱抚,轻拍
    • A gentle touch or gesture of fondness,tenderness,or love.
  100. harsh
    • [haːʃ]
    • 严厉的,严格的
    • Extremely severe or exacting; stern.
  101. apprehension
    • [ˌæpriˈhenʃən]
    • n.担心,忧虑
    • Fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future; dread.
    • The act of seizing or capturing; arrest.
    • 逮捕
    • The ability to apprehend or understand; understanding.
    • 了解
  102. concerned
    • [kənˈsəːnd]
    • 对…有兴趣和有关的
    • Interested and involved
  103. powder
    • [ˈpaudə]
    • v.撒粉于
    • To dust or cover with or as if with powder.
  104. crust
    • [srʌst]
    • n.坚硬表面
    • A hard,crisp covering or surface
  105. footgear
    • [ˈfutgiər]
    • n.鞋,靴
    • Sturdy footwear,such as shoes or boots.
  106. imperative
    • [imˈperətiv]
    • 必要的,紧急的
    • Impossible to deter or evade; pressing
  107. turn aside
    • [təːn əsaid]
    • v.避开,转变方向
    • ,撇开
  108. shred
    • [ʃred]
    • n.碎片,细条
    • A long,irregular strip cut or torn off.
  109. wisp
    • [wisp]
    • n.小捆,小束
    • 一缕
    • 一丝
  110. squat
    • [skwɔt]
    • n.蹲
    • To sit in a crouching position with knees bent and the hams resting on or near the heels.
  111. brush
    • [brʌʃ]
    • n.灌木丛
    • A dense growth of bushes or shrubs.
  112. extremity
    • [ikˈstremiti]
    • n.末端,极点
    • The outermost or farthest point or portion.
  113. ease down
    • [iːz daun]
    • v.放松
  114. recoil
    • [riˈkɔil]
    • v.退却,后退
    • To shrink back,as in fear or repugnance.
  115. willy-nilly
    • [ˈwiliˈnili]
    • 强迫地,不管愿意不愿意地
    • Whether desired or not
  116. ebb
    • [eb]
    • v.(潮)退,回落
    • To fall back from the flood stage.
    • To fall away or back; decline or recede.See Synonyms at recede
  117. recess
    • [riˈses]
    • n.幽深处
    • Often recesses A remote,secret,or secluded place.
  118. chilled
    • [tʃild]
    • 冷硬了的,冷冻的
    • 已冷的
  119. wrist
    • [rist]
    • n.腕,腕关节
    • The joint between the hand and the forearm.
  120. old-timer
    • [ˈəuldˈtaimə]
    • n.老人
    • An elderly person.
  121. womanish
    • [ˈwuməniʃ]
    • 像女人的
  122. down
    • [daun]
    • 减弱的
    • To or at a lower intensity.
  123. untie
    • [ʌnˈtai]
    • v.解开
    • To undo or loosen (a knot or something knotted).
  124. coat
    • [kəut]
    • v.涂上
    • To cover with a layer,as of paint.
  125. conflagration
    • [ˌkɔnfləˈgreiʃən]
    • n.毁灭性的大火
    • A large,destructive fire.
  126. tug
    • [tʌg]
    • v.用力拉
    • To pull at vigorously; strain at.
  127. folly
    • [ˈfɔli]
    • n.愚笨
    • A lack of good sense,understanding,or foresight.
  128. freight
    • [freit]
    • v.使负重担
    • To load with goods to be transported.
    • 装货于
    • To load; charge.See Synonyms at charge
  129. agitation
    • [ˌædʒiˈteiʃən]
    • n.摇动
    • The act of agitating or the state of being agitated.
  130. capsize
    • [ˈkæpˌsaiz]
    • v.(特指船)倾覆
    • To overturn or cause to overturn
  131. avalanche
    • [ˈævəˌlæntʃ]
    • n.雪崩,山崩
    • A fall or slide of a large mass,as of snow or rock,down a mountainside.
  132. blot
    • [blɔt]
    • v.毁掉,灭掉
    • To destroy utterly; annihilate
  133. mantle
    • [ˈmæntl]
    • n.壳,墙的外皮
    • The outer covering of a wall.
  134. trail mate
    • [treil meit]
    • n.同路人
  135. over again
    • [ˈəuvə əˈgen]
    • 再一次,重新
  136. treacherous
    • [ˈtretʃərəs]
    • 不可靠的,不可信任的
    • 背叛的
  137. flotsam
    • [ˈflɔtsəm]
    • n.漂浮物
  138. pull them out
    • [puːl ðəm aut]
    • v.拔出,离开
  139. wistfulness
    • [ˈwistfəlnis]
    • n.渴望,愿望
  140. fumble
    • [ˈfʌmbl]
    • v.摸索
  141. consciousness
    • [ˈkɔnʃəsnis]
    • n.意识
    • The state or condition of being conscious.
  142. thrash
    • [θræʃ]
    • v.摔打
    • To swing or strike in a manner suggesting the action of a flail
  143. prick
    • [prik]
    • vt.刺竖起
  144. surge
    • [səːdʒ]
    • n.汹涌,波涛
    • A heavy,billowing,or swelling motion like that of great waves.
    • Wave motion with low height and a shorter period than a swell.
  145. tingling
    • [ˈtiŋgliŋ]
    • n.刺痛的感觉
    • A prickly or stinging sensation.
  146. evolved into
    • [iˈvɔlv]
    • v.发展,进化(成)
  147. excruciating
    • [ikˈskruːʃiːˌeitiŋ]
    • 极痛苦的,折磨人的
    • Intensely painful; agonizing.
  148. hail
    • [heil]
    • v.喝彩,欢呼
  149. sulphur
    • [ˈsʌlfə]
    • n.硫,硫磺sulfur
  150. clutch
    • [klʌtʃ]
    • v.抓紧,抓取
  151. scoop
    • [skuːp]
    • v.铲起,舀
  152. better off
    • [betə ɔf]
    • 状况好的
  153. scrape
    • [skreip]
    • v.摩擦
    • To rub (a surface) with considerable pressure,as with an edged instrument or a hard object.
    • To draw (a hard or abrasive object) forcefully over a surface
  154. nostril
    • [ˈnɔstril]
    • n.鼻孔
    • Either of the external openings of the nose; a naris.
  155. spasmodically
    • [spæzˈmɔdikəlli]
    • 断续性地,发作性地
  156. scratch
    • [skrætʃ]
    • v.刮,乱涂
  157. strangle
    • [ˈstræŋgl]
    • v.使窒息
    • To cut off the oxygen supply of; smother.
    • To kill by squeezing the throat so as to choke or suffocate; throttle.
    • 扼死
  158. fume
    • [fjuːm]
    • n.浓烈气或烟
    • Vapor,gas,or smoke,especially if irritating,harmful,or strong.
    • 尤指有害、
  159. endure
    • [inˈdjuə]
    • v.忍受,容忍
  160. clumsily
    • [ˈklʌmzili]
    • 笨拙地
    • 粗陋地,不漂亮地
  161. sizzling
    • [ˈzizəl]
    • 咝咝响的
  162. fuel
    • [fjuəl]
    • n.燃料
    • Something consumed to produce energy
  163. clung
    • [klʌŋ]
    • P. of cling,紧握,粘着
    • To hold fast or adhere to something,as by grasping,sticking,embracing,or entwining
  164. withdrawal
    • [wiðˈdrɔːəl]
    • v.撤回,撤退
    • A retreat or retirement.
  165. squarely
    • [ˈskweəli]
    • 直角地,方形地
  166. disrupt
    • [disˈrʌpt]
    • v.瓦解,分裂
  167. nucleus
    • [ˈnjuːkliəs]
    • n.核
    • A central or essential part around which other parts are gathered or grouped; a core
  168. gush
    • [gʌʃ]
    • v.大量释放;涌出
    • To emit abundantly; pour forth.
  169. apathetically
    • [ˌæpəˈθetik]
    • 冷淡地,无动于衷地
  170. chance on
    • [tʃaːns ɔn]
    • v.偶然发现
  171. hunch
    • [hʌntʃ]
    • v.弯背,蜷起
  172. blizzard
    • [ˈblizəd]
    • n.暴风雪
    • Meteorology A violent snowstorm with winds blowing at a minimum speed of 35 miles (56 kilometers) per hour and visibility of less than one-quarter mile (400 meters) for three hours.
  173. flatten
    • [ˈflætn]
    • v.平贴
  174. sidle
    • [ˈsaidl]
    • v.侧向移动
    • To move sideways
  175. mincingly
    • [minsiŋli]
    • 装斯文的
    • Affectedly refined or dainty.
  176. peremptorily
    • [pəˈremptərili]
    • 专横地
    • 不容分说地,紧急地
  177. render
    • [ˈrendə]
    • n.表示,宣布
  178. allegiance
    • [əˈliːdʒəns]
    • n.忠诚,效忠
    • Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty,as to a nation,sovereign,or cause.See Synonyms at fidelity
  179. flash out
    • [flæʃ aut]
    • 迅速移动或行进
    • To move or proceed rapidly
  180. encircle
    • [enˈsəːkəl]
    • v.包围,围绕
  181. snarl
    • [snaːl]
    • v.狂吠,嗥叫
    • To growl viciously while baring the teeth.
  182. whine
    • [(h)wain]
    • v.发出哀叫声
    • To utter a plaintive,high-pitched,protracted sound,as in pain,fear,supplication,or complaint.
  183. throttle
    • [ˈθrɔtl]
    • v.阻塞,哽塞
    • To strangle; choke.
  184. weight
    • [weit]
    • n.秤砣,砝码
    • A metallic solid used as a standard of comparison in weighing.
  185. poignant
    • [ˈpɔinyənt,ˈpɔɪnənt]
    • 尖锐的,辛辣的,浓烈的
  186. such as
    • [sʌtʃ æs]
    • 例如...,象这种的
  187. aspen
    • [ˈæspən]
    • n.白杨
    • Any of several trees of the genus Populus having leaves attached by flattened leafstalks so that they flutter readily in the wind.
  188. stiff
    • [stif]
    • 僵硬的
    • Difficult to bend; rigid.
  189. thrust
    • [θrʌst]
    • v.强行推进
    • To force into a specified condition or situation:push
  190. skim
    • [skim]
    • v.掠过
    • To move or pass swiftly and lightly over or near a surface; glide.
    • To remove floating matter from (a liquid).
    • 撇去
  191. Mercury
    • [məkjuːri]
    • n.墨丘利神
    • Roman Mythology A god that served as messenger to the other gods and was himself the god of commerce,travel,and thievery.
  192. flaw
    • [flɔː]
    • n.缺陷,瑕疵
    • A defect or shortcoming in something intangible
    • An imperfection,often concealed,that impairs soundness
  193. stumble
    • [ˈstʌmbəl]
    • v.跌绊
    • To miss one's step in walking or running; trip and almost fall.
  194. totter
    • [ˈtɔtə]
    • v.摇摇欲坠,踉跄
    • To sway as if about to fall.
    • To walk unsteadily or feebly; stagger.
    • 蹒跚
  195. crumple
    • [ˈkrʌmpl]
    • v.破裂;崩溃
    • To fall apart; collapse
  196. appeasingly
    • [əˈpiːziŋli]
    • 平息地,缓解地
    • appease:To bring peace,quiet,or calm to; soothe.
  197. stagger
    • [stægə]
    • v.摇晃
    • To move or stand unsteadily,as if under a great weight; totter.
  198. pitch
    • [pitʃ]
    • v.前跌或冲
  199. simile
    • [ˈsiməli]
    • n.明喻
  200. glimmerings
    • [ˈgliməriŋs]
    • n.微光,一丝光线
  201. drowsiness
    • [ˈdrauzinis]
    • n.睡意
  202. anesthetic
    • [ˌænisˈθetik]
    • n.麻醉剂
    • An agent that causes loss of sensation with or without the loss of consciousness.
  203. drift
    • [drift]
    • v.漂流,漂泊
    • To be carried along by currents of air or water
  204. drowse off
    • [drauz ɔf]
    • v.打瞌睡
  205. drew to
    • [druː]
    • P. of draw,接近
  206. chidden
    • [tʃaidən]
    • PP. of chide,责怪
    • To scold mildly so as to correct or improve; reprimand
  207. bristle
    • [ˈbrisl]
    • v.耸起毛发
    • To raise the bristles
  208. howl
    • [haul]
    • v.嚎叫
    • To utter or emit a long,mournful,plaintive sound.
    • To cry or wail loudly,as in pain,sorrow,or anger.
    • 哀号,嚎啕大哭
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Textbook Vocabulary