Oral Anatomy

  1. sinuses are found in four bones of the skull. which part of the skull are they found on?
  2. The bones that serve to surround and protect the brain and are classified as the?
  3. The mandible can be divided into vertical and horizontal sections. These sections are called the?
    body and ramus
  4. Bone can develop in two different manners, the first is a one stage method, the other a two stage method having an intermediate step. Which development of bone has the two stage development with an intermediate step and forms the long bones of the body?
  5. Bone tissue can be of two types and can be identified by its appearance. What are the proper terms to describe different types of bone?
    compact and cancellous
  6. Two bones of the skull have landmarks knowwn as the alveolar process. Which bones are they?
    the mandible and the maxilla
  7. The zygomatic arch is formed by process found on two different bones. Which bones form the zygomatic arch?
    the temporal and zygomatic
  8. The term "mental" refers to an area of the face associated with one bone. Name the bone.
  9. Joints of the skull that are locked together and immovable are referred to as?
  10. Which of the following bones has muscle attachment landmarks known as the pterygoid process?
  11. Which of the following landmarks are found on the temporal bone?
    mastoid process
  12. The hard palate is comprised of palatal process of two paired bones. Indicate which bones form the hard palate.
    palatine and maxilla
  13. Movement related to the bones of the skull is isolated to those bones with condyles. Which bones has condyles as landmarks?
  14. Bone is distinguished from the other body tissues due to its hardness from mineral salts. What are found in mineral salts that make them hard?
    mineral salts are chiefly calcium
  15. What is a cell that builds bone?
  16. What terms describe the blood system within bone tissue?
    haversian system and volkman's canals
  17. Bone serves a number of functions for the body and its associated structures. What are three functions of bone?
    • 1. protect vital organs
    • 2. shape
    • 3. bone marrow
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Oral Anatomy