PMP - RMC Human Resource Management.txt

  1. process of human resource management
    includes developing a human resource plan, acquiring a project team, developing a project team, managing a project team
  2. key output of develop human resource plan process
    human resource plan
  3. key outputs of aquire project team process
    project staff assignments, resource calendars, project management plan updates
  4. key output of the develop project team process
    team performance assessment
  5. key output of the manage project team process
    change requests
  6. project sponsor responsibilities
    provide information regarding initial project scope, issue the project charter, provide funding, may dictate dates, approve the final project management plan, approve or reject changes or authorize a change control board, be involved in risk management
  7. project team responsibilities
    identify requirements, constraints, and assumptions, create WBS, help with project planning, estimate activities, participate in risk management, complete activities, comply with quality and communication plans, recommend changes to the project
  8. project stakeholders responsibilities
    help to: identify requirements and constraints, plan the project, approve changes, perform risk management
  9. functional manager responsibilities
    participate in planning, approve final project management plan, approve final schedule, assist with problems related to team member performance, manage activities that happen within functional area
  10. project manager responsibilities
    manage the project to meet project objectives
  11. portfolio manager responsibilities
    select which projects will be done, get the best return from invested resources
  12. program manager responsibilities
    manage multiple related projects
  13. key elements of a human resource plan
    when and how human resource requirements will be met, roles and responsibilities, project organization charts, staffing management plan
  14. key elements of a staffing management plan
    staff acquisition plan, resource calendars, staff release plan, staff training needs, recognition and rewards, compliance, safety
  15. key activities involved in developing a project team
    hold team-building activities throughout the project, obtain and provide training where needed, establish ground rules, create and give recognition and rewards, co-locate team members
  16. key activities involved in managing a project team
    use negotiation and leadership skills, observe what is happening, use an issue log, keep in touch, complete project performance appraisals, actively look for and help resolve conflicts that team members cannot resolve on their own
  17. team performance assessment
    an assessment by the project manager of project team effectiveness
  18. types of power
    referent, expert, reward, formal, penalty
  19. leadership and management styles
    directing, facilitating, coaching, supporting, autocratic, consultative, consultative-autocratic, consensus, delegating, bureaucratic, charismatic, democratic, laissez-faire, analytical, driver, influencing
  20. most common sources of conflict on projects
    schedules, priorities, resources, technical opinions, administrative procedures, cost, personality
  21. conflict resolution techniques
    confrontation, smoothing, withdrawal, collaboration, compromise, forcing
  22. confronting
    conflict resolution technique: solving the real problem
  23. compromising
    conflict resolution technique: making all parties somewhat happy
  24. collaborating
    conflict resolution technique: trying to incorporate multiple viewpoints to achieve consensus
  25. withdrawal
    conflict resolution technique: postponing a project decision or avoiding addressing the problem
  26. smoothing
    conflict resolution technique: emphasizing agreement rather than differences of opinion
  27. forcing
    conflict resolution technique: pushing one viewpoint at the expense of another
  28. project manager human resource responsibilities
    determine needed resources, negotiate for optimal available resources, create a team directory, create project-related job descriptions for team members, make sure roles and responsibilities are clear, ensure that team members obtain needed training, create recognition and rewards systems, create a human resource plan
  29. project performance appraisal
    an evaluation of individual team member effectiveness
  30. issue log
    a record of project issues, persons responsible for resolving issues, issue status, and target resolution dates
  31. Maslow's theory
    people are motivated by the following heirarchy of needs: physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization
  32. McGregor's theories
    theory x: people need to be constantly watched. Theory y: people want to achieve and can work without supervision
  33. Herzberg's theory
    hygiene factors - not having can reduce motivation, having does not increase motivation. Motivating agents - items that can increase motivation
  34. McClelland's theory
    people are motivated by one of three needs: achievement, affiliation, or power
  35. stages of team development
    forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
  36. why releasing resources is the last activity in closure
    the team and other resources are needed to help complete closure
  37. halo effect
    a tendency to rate team members high or low on all factors because of a high or low rating on a specific factor
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PMP - RMC Human Resource Management.txt
PMP - RMC Human Resource Management