Drug Protocols

  1. Presentation of Aspirin
    300mg tablet
  2. Indications of Aspirin
    Suspected AMI or myocardial ischaemia even if pain free
  3. Contra-Indications of Aspirin
    • Known severe adverse reaction
    • Bleeding disorders
    • Current GI bleed or peptic ulcers
    • Children less than 12
  4. Pharmacology of Aspirin
    Aspirin works by assisting in inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxane in the circulating platelets. This antithrombotic action forms the basis of preventing platelets from aggregating to exposed collagen fibres at sites of vascular injury.
  5. Metabolism of Aspirin
    Aspirin is converted to salicyclic acid in many tissues but primarily in the GI mucosa and liver and excreted by the kidneys.
  6. Precautions of Aspirin
    • Possible AAA or other condition requiring surgery
    • Pregnancy
    • Hx of peptic ulcers or GI bleeding
    • Concomitant anti-coagulent therapy-does not apply to Clopidogrel
  7. Side effects of Aspirin
    • Epigastric pain/discomfort
    • Nausea/vomiting
    • Gastritis
    • GI bleeding
    • Tinnitus
    • Bronchoconstriction in some asthmatics
  8. Drug effect of Aspirin
    10 minutes but frequently depends on stomach contents

    Anti-platelet action - lasting several days
  9. Dosage of Aspirin
    300mg orally, chewed and followed with water

    Pt's who have had less than 300mg Aspirin in the previous 24 hours and present with suspected cardiac ischaemia or AMI, even if pain free, should be given a dose that equates to a daily dose of 300-450mg.
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Drug Protocols