PMP - RMC Time Management.txt

  1. time management processes
    define activities, sequence activities, estimate activity resources, estimate activity durations, develop schedule, control schedule
  2. integration management
    the process in which the schedule management plan is created
  3. define activities outputs
    process outputs include: activity list, activity attributes, and milestone list
  4. sequence activities outputs
    process outputs include: network diagrams and project document updates
  5. estimate activity resources outputs
    process outputs include:activity resource requirements and resource breakdown structure
  6. estimate activity durations outputs
    process outputs include: activity duration estimates and project document updates
  7. develop schedule outputs
    process outputs include: project schedule and schedule baseline
  8. develop schedule process
    the actions and tools necessary to create a bought into, approved, realistic, and formal project schedule
  9. control schedule outputs
    process outputs include: work performance measurements and change requests
  10. mandatory dependencies
    dependencies where one activity must be done after or before another
  11. discretionary dependencies
    dependencies where the project manager prefers activities to be accomplished in a certain order
  12. hard logic
    another term for mandatory dependencies
  13. soft logic
    another term for discretionary dependencies
  14. external dependencies
    dependencies based on the needs of a party outside the project
  15. resource breakdown structure
    an organizational chart or table showing identified resources by category
  16. critical path
    the longest path through the network diagram. It shows the project manager the shortest time in which the project can be completed. It also shows the project manager where to focus his or her time it is used in compressing or adjusting the schedule
  17. near-critical path
    the path closest in length to the critical path
  18. lag
    waiting time inserted into the schedule
  19. total float
    amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the project
  20. total float formula
    late start - early start or late finish - early finish
  21. free float
    the amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start date of its successor
  22. project float
    the amount of time the project can be delayed without affecting the project's required end date. The desired project end date minus the actual end date
  23. methods to compress a schedule
    crashing and fast tracking
  24. crashing
    schedule compression through analyzing cost and schedule trade-offs to obtain the greatest compression for the least cost while maintaining scope
  25. fast tracking
    schedule compression by doing more critical path activities in parallel
  26. critical chain method
    a schedule network analysis tool that makes use of buffers
  27. reestimating
    estimating the project again after planning to make sure you can still meet the end date, budget, or other objectives
  28. resource leveling
    keeping the amount of resources used for each time period constant, thus affecting the project duration
  29. schedule baseline
    the approved schedule with any approved changes, used to measure project schedule performance
  30. main tools for displaying a schedule
    network diagrams, bar charts, and milestone charts
  31. network diagram
    shows inter-dependencies between activities and how project activities will flow from beginning to end. It may also be used to determine the critical path
  32. simple bar chart
    shows project schedule or project status
  33. milestone chart
    shows high-level project status
  34. Monte Carlo analysis
    a schedule network analysis technique. It is used to simulate the project to determine how likely you are to get the project completed by any specific date or for any specific cost. It is also used in the perform quantitative risk analysis process to determine an overall level of risk on the project.
  35. 50/50 rule
    method of progress reporting where 50 percent of the effort is reported complete when an activity begins. The balance is recorded only when an activity is finished.
  36. 20/80 rule
    method of progress reporting where 20 percent of the effort is reported complete when an activity begins. The balance is recorded only when an activity is finished.
  37. 0/100 rule
    method of progress reporting where 0 percent of the effort is reported complete when an activity begins. The balance is recorded only when an activity is finished.
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PMP - RMC Time Management.txt
PMP - RMC Time Management