obstructive respiratory disease with narrowing of the airways, usually prcipitated by stress, infecton, or an allergic response
disease characterized by a productive cough for at least 3 months of the year for at least 2 consecutive years. casued by inflamation of the bronchi with repeated attacks of coughing and sputum production.
chronic bronchitis
chronic respiratory condition that includes chronic bronchitis and emqhysema; shortness of breath is the primary cheif complaint, usually caused by smoking
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
disease characterized by the destruction of alveoli and the loss of elastic recoil within the lung
hand held device for delivering medication through inhalation that allows for a controled dose of the drug
Metered dose inhaler (MDI)
device for producing a fine spray or mist that inculudes meds to be inhaled
the state that exists when the respiratory system becomes so ineffective that it can no longer support life.
respiratory failure
what is the route of inhalaton
nose/mouth, naropharynx, oropharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, aveoli
indication, side effects, contraindications, form, route, and dose
when in respiratory distress, rapid pulse muscular tremors nervousness, is the patient able to use the device-have they taken perscribed amount, MDI, 1-2 puffs 90mcg(MDI) 1-2 vials 2.5mg(neb)
signs of chronic bronchitis
exessive mucus production, productive cough, cyanosis (blue bloater) EDEMA from right sided heart failure, and jvd
signs of emphysema
pursed lips, pink skin (pink puffer), barrel chest
inflamation of aveolar saces caused by various types of infectcting organisms.
pumonary embolism
blood clots that are released from the leg veins are the mos common cause. the clots travels up into the right atria through the heart and lodges in the pulmonary artery blocking blood flow.
spontaneous pneumothorax
rupture of part of the lung allows air to exit the lung and enter the space between the pleural lining and the chest wall
viral infection that causes swelling and narrowing of the upper airway at the level of the criocid cartlige
inflamation of the epligottis