The force of contraction in a skeletal muscle can be increased by recruiting additional motor units. Controlled by the nervous system and proceeds in a standardized sequence.
Actin filaments occurring, associated with troponin and tropomyosin, in striated muscle
thin filament
Bipolar myosin filaments occurring in striated muscle
thick filaments
A series of hollow curved sacs stacked on top of one another like a series of hot water bottles and surrounded by vesicles
Allow action potentials to move rapidly from the cell surface into the interior of the fiber so that they reach the terminal cisternae nearly simultaneously
Also known as T-Tubules
Transverse Tubules
Modified endoplasmic reticulum in muscle that concentrates and stores Ca2+
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
A calcium-binding protein found in the cystosol
Enzyme that phophorylates light protein chains of myosin in smooth muscle; Activated in smooth muscle contraction when Ca2+ binds with calmodulin
Myosin light chain kinase (MLCK)
The substrate upon which the enzyme is working; passive active transporter