Ch 26 Bleeding and Shock

  1. What is the leading cause of death in the united states for people aged 1-44?
  2. What system is responsible for the distribution of blood to all parts of the body?
    The circulatory system is responsible for what?
  3. What are the 3 components of the cardiovascular system?
    Heart, blood vessels, and the blood.
  4. to provide a sufficient supply of O2 and nutrients to all parts of the body the heart must pump at an adequate _______ and _______.
    Rate and Rhythm
  5. What do arteries do?
    What carries oxygen rich blood away from the heart?
  6. Where does the vital exchange of O2, nutrients, and CO2 take place?
    The capillaries and body tissues.
  7. What do veins do?
    Carry O2 poor blood to the heart.
  8. What is perfusion?
    The supply of oxygen to and removal of wastes from the cells and tissues of the body as a result of the flow of blood through the capillaries.
  9. What is hypoperfusion?
    the inability of the body to adequately circulate blood to the body's cells to supply them with oxygen and nutrients.
  10. What is Shock?
    The inability of the body to adwquately circulate blood to the body's cells to supply them with oxygen and nutrients. Life threatening condition.
  11. W
  12. What are the functions of the blood?
    Transportation of gases, nutrition, excretion, protection, regulation.
  13. What is Hemorrhage?
    Bleeding, usually severe.
  14. What is the major cause of shock?
    Hemorrhage is the major cause of?
  15. What are the most sensitive to inadequate perfusion?
    Cells and tissues of the brain, spinal cord, and the kidneys are most sensitive to?
  16. How is hemorrages classified?
    External or internal.
  17. What are two common blood thinners?
    Coumadin and Plavix.
  18. Coumadin and Plavix are both examples of ?
    Blood thinners
  19. External bleeding classified by?
    What vessel is injured.
  20. What are the different types of external bleeding?
    Arterial, Venous, capillary
  21. Manifestations of Arterial bleeding?
    • Bright red color
    • spurting
    • Hard to control
  22. Manifestations of Venous bleeding?
    • Dark Red
    • Steady Flow
    • Easy to control
  23. What can be a problem in venous bleeding?
    Large veins may suck in debris, or air. Especially problematic for veins in neck. Air embolism may occur, effects heart rhythm.
  24. Manifestations of capillary bleeding?
    • Medium red
    • Oozing slow
    • Easy to control
  25. What bleeding is easy to be contaminated?
    Capillary bleeding is easy to be ____________?
  26. Severity of bleeding dependent on what?
    amount of blood lost, and patients condition
  27. What amount of blood loss significant for an adult?
    1 liter
  28. What amount of blood loss significant for child?
    500 cc
  29. What amount of blood loss significant in an infant?
    150 cc
  30. If at any time patient shows signs of shock the bleeding is considered?
    If at any time patient shows _______________ the bleeding is considered serious.
  31. What is the body's natural response to bleeding?
    Constriction of blood vessel and clotting.
Card Set
Ch 26 Bleeding and Shock
Bleeding and Shock EMT