
  1. 1. A small tool for boring holes, consisting of a shaft with a pointed screw at one end and a handle perpendicular to the shaft at the other. 2. A cocktail made with gin or vodka, sweetened lime juice, and sometimes soda water. 3. To pierce with or as if with a gimlit. 4. Also gim-blet [GIM-blit]. Nautical to rotate (a suspended anchor) to a desired position. 5. Able to penetrate or bore through.
    Gimlet [GIM-lit]
  2. 1. To deviate temporarily from a straight course, as a ship. 2. (of an aircraft) to have motion about its vertical axis. 3. (or a rocket or guided missile) to deviate from a stable flight attitude by oscillation of the longitudunal axis in the horizontal plane. 4. to cause to yaw. 5. A movement of deviation from a direct course, as of a ship. 6. A motion of an aircraft about its vertical axis. 7. An angle, to the right or left, determinded by the direction of motion of an aircraft or spacecraft and its vertical and longitudinal plane of symmetru. 8. (Of a rocket or guided missile) a. The act of yawing. b. the angualr displacement of the longitudinal axis due to yawing.
    Yaw [yaw]
  3. 1. Characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. 2. Desiring to help others; charitable. 3. Intended for the benefits rather that profit.
    Benevolent [buh-NEV-uh-luh nt] Eg: A benevolent attitude; her benevolent smile; gifts from several belevolent alumni; a benevolent institution.
  4. 1. Inducing vomiting; emetic. 2. Of or pertaining to vomiting. 3. An emetic. 4. An opening through which something is ejected or discharged. 5. Also called vomitorium. An opening, as in a stadium or theater, permitting large numbers of people to enter or leave.
    Vomitory [VOM-i-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee]
  5. 1. Theology: a divinely conferred gift or power. 2. A spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people. 3. The special virtue of an office, function, position, ect., that confers or is thought to confer on the person holding it am unusual ability for leadership, worthiness of veneration, or the like.
    Charisma [kuh-RIZ-muh] Also Char-ism
  6. 1. A ghostly double or counterpart of a living person.
    Doppelganger [DOP-uhl-gang-er; Ger. DAW-puhl-geng-er] Also Doubleganger.
  7. 1. A secret dungeon with an opening only in the ceiling, as in certain old castles.
    oubliette [oo-blee-ET]
  8. 1. A sound of or as of the beating of a drum. 2. To produce such a sound.
    Rataplan [rat-uh-PLAN]
  9. 1. An indirect imitation about a person or thiing, especially of disparging or a derogatory nature. 2. Law: a. a parenthetic explanation or specification in a pleading. b. (in an action for slander or libel) the explanation and elucidation of the words alleged to be defamatory. c. the word or expression thus explained.
    innuendo [in-yoo-EN-doh]
  10. 1. of, pertaining to, noting, or of the nature of a parenthesis: several unnecessary parenthetic remarks. 2. characterized by the use of parentheses.
    Parenthetic [par-uhn-thet-ik] Also par·en·thet·i·cal.
  11. –verb (used with object)
    1. to make lucid or clear; throw light upon; explain: an explanation that elucidated his recent strange behavior.
    –verb (used without object)
    2. to provide clarification; explain.
    e·lu·ci·date  [ih-loo-si-deyt]
  12. –adjective
    containing defamation; injurious to reputation; slanderous or libelous.
    Defamatory [dih-fam-uh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] Eg: She claimed that the article in the magazine was defamatory.
  13. –noun
    the act of defaming; false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel; calumny.
    Defamation [def-uh-MEY-shuhn] Eg: She sued the magazine for defamation of character.
  14. –noun
    1. an appointment to meet at a certain time and place, esp. one made somewhat secretly by lovers.
    2. an appointed meeting.
    3. an appointed place of meeting.
    –verb (used with object)
    4. Chiefly Scot. to make an appointment or arrange a meeting with.
    –verb (used without object)
    5. Chiefly Scot. to make an appointment or agreement.
    Tryst [trist, trahyst]
  15. –adjective
    1. refraining from sexual intercourse that is regarded as contrary to morality or religion; virtuous.
    2. virgin.
    3. not engaging in sexual relations; celibate.
    4. free from obscenity; decent.
    5. undefiled or stainless.
    6. pure in style; not excessively ornamented; simple.
    7. Obsolete . unmarried.
    Chaste [cheyst] Eg: chaste, white snow; chaste conversation;
  16. 1. Although; even if.
    Albeit [awl-BEE-it] Eg: A peaceful, albeit brief retirement.
  17. noun
    1. an official charged with the management of the living quarters of a sovereign or member of the nobility.
    2. an official who receives rents and revenues, as of a municipal corporation; treasurer.
    3. the high steward or factor of a member of the nobility.
    4. a high official of a royal court.
    Chamberlain [cheym-ber-lin]
  18. –verb (used without object)
    1. to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually fol. by for ).
    2. to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually fol. by for ).
    3. Obsolete . to become reconciled; agree.
    –verb (used with object)
    4. to make amends for; expiate.
    5. Obsolete . to bring into unity, harmony, concord, etc.
    Atone [uh-TOHN] Eg: He atoned his sins; to atone for one's failings;
  19. –verb (used with object)
    1. to strike or press with crushing force; crush down; squash.
    2. to put down, suppress, or silence, as with a crushing retort or argument.
    –verb (used without object)
    3. to make a splashing sound.
    4. to tread heavily in water, mud, wet shoes, etc., with such a sound.
    5. a squelched or crushed mass of anything.
    6. a splashing sound.
    7. an act of squelching or suppressing, as by a crushing retort or argument.
    8. Also called squelch circuit, noise suppressor. Electronics . a circuit in a receiver, as a radio receiver, that automatically reduces or eliminates noise when the receiver is tuned to a frequency at which virtually no carrier wave occurs.
    Squelch [skwelch]
  20. 1. Having the qualities of a devil; devilish;fiendish; outrageously wicked. 2. Pertaining to or actuated by a devil.
    Diabolic [dahy-uh-BOL-ik] Also diabolical.
  21. 1. to influence by trickery, flattery, etc.; mislead; delude.
    2. to take away from by cheating or deceiving (usually fol. by of ).
    3. to charm or divert: a multitude of attractions to beguile the tourist.
    4. to pass (time) pleasantly: beguiling the long afternoon with a good book.
    Beguile [bih-GAHYL] Eg: to be beguiled of money.
  22. adjective
    1. gruesome and horrifying; ghastly; horrible.
    2. of, pertaining to, dealing with, or representing death, esp. its grimmer or uglier aspect.
    3. of or suggestive of the allegorical dance of death.
    Macabre [muh-KAH-bruh, -KAHB, -KAH-ber] Also, ma·ca·ber.
  23. 1. arousing sexual desire. 2. a food, drug, potion, or other agent that arouses sexual desire.
    aph·ro·dis·i·ac [af-ruh-dee-ze-ak, -diz-ee-ak] Also aph·ro·di·si·a·cal [af-ruh-duh-zahy-uh-kuhl, -sahy-]
  24. –adjective
    1. of or pertaining to marriage or the marriage ceremony.
    2. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of mating or the mating season of animals.
    3. Usually, nuptials. a wedding or marriage.
    Nuptial [nuhp-shuhl, -chuhl] Eg: nuptial behavior; the nuptial day; nuptial vows.
  25. –noun
    1. a native or inhabitant of Bohemia.
    2. ( usually lowercase ) a person, as an artist or writer, who lives and acts free of regard for conventional rules and practices.
    3. the Czech language, esp. as spoken in Bohemia.
    4. a Gypsy.
    5. of or pertaining to Bohemia, its people, or their language.
    6. ( usually lowercase ) pertaining to or characteristic of the unconventional life of a bohemian.
    7. living a wandering or vagabond life, as a Gypsy.
    Bohemian [boh-hee-mee-uhn]
  26. 1. In a jumbled, confused manner; helter-skelter. 2. In a frantic, disorderly haste; headlong.
    Pellmell [pel-mel]
  27. 1. Admitting the maximum passage of light; transparent; translucent. 2. Transparently clear in a style or meaning.
    Pellucid [puh-LOO-sid]
  28. Arranged or occuring in pairs; twin.
    Didymous [DID-uh-muhs]
  29. A mischievious prank or antic; caper.
    Dido [dahy-doh]
  30. To bargain; barter.
    Dicker [dik-er] Eg: They dickered for hours over some of the finer points of the contract.
  31. An emotional state characterized by anxiety, depression, and restlessness; a state of dissatisfaction, anxiety, restlessness, or fidgeting.
    Dysphoria [dis-FAWR-ee-uh, -FOHR-]
  32. adjective
    conveying disapproval or censure; not complimentary or eulogistic.
    Dyslogistic [dis-luh-JIS-tik]
  33. –noun Psychiatry .
    a symptom of mental disorder involving impairment or loss of volition.
    Abulia [uh-BYOO-lee-uh, uh-BOO-]
  34. –adjective
    1. hard to understand; recondite; esoteric.
    2. Obsolete . secret; hidden.
    Abstruse [ab-stroos] Eg: abstruse theories.
  35. –noun Philosophy .
    an ancient Skeptical view that no more than probable knowledge is available to human beings.
    Acatalepsy [ey-kat-l-ep-see]
  36. All health. Used as a greeting.
    All hail.
  37. 1. to put (fear, doubt, suspicion, anger, etc.) to rest; calm; quiet.
    2. to lessen or relieve; mitigate; alleviate.
    Allay [uh-ley] Eg: to allay pain.
  38. The state of being different.
    Alterity [all-TEAR-ih-tee]
  39. –adjective
    before or existing before the war, esp. the American Civil War.
    Antebellum [an-tee-bel-uhm]
  40. –adjective
    1. moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating.
    2. inverse or reversed, as order.
    3. Chiefly Biology . exhibiting degeneration or deterioration.
    4. Astronomy .
    a. moving in an orbit in the direction opposite to that of the earth in its revolution around the sun.
    b. appearing to move on the celestial sphere in the direction opposite to the natural order of the signs of the zodiac, or from east to west. Compare direct ( def. 25 ) .
    5. Music . proceeding from the last note to the first: a melody in retrograde motion.
    6. Archaic . contrary; opposed.
    –verb (used without object)
    7. to move or go backward; retire or retreat.
    8. Chiefly Biology . to decline to a worse condition; degenerate.
    9. Astronomy . to have a retrograde motion.
    –verb (used with object)
    10. Archaic . to turn back.
    Retrograde [re-truh-greyd]
  41. –adjective
    profitable; moneymaking; remunerative.
    Lucrative [LOO-kruh-tiv] Eg: a lucrative business.
  42. –adjective
    1. disposed or inclined to revenge; vengeful.
    2. proceeding from or showing a revengeful spirit.
    Vindictive [vin-DIK-tiv] Eg: vindictive rumors; a vindictive person.
  43. –noun
    intense homesickness; an irresistible compulsion to return home.
    Nostomania [nos-tuh-mey-nee-uh, -meyn-yuh]
  44. The act of repeating an action until perfect.
    Palinoia [pahl-in-oi a]
  45. –adjective
    1. holding an indicated position, role, office, etc., currently.
    2. obligatory (often fol. by on or upon ).
    3. Archaic . resting, lying, leaning, or pressing on something.
    4. the holder of an office.
    5. British . a person who holds an ecclesiastical benefice.
    Incumbent [in-kuhm-buhnt] Eg: The incumbent was challenged by a fusion candidate; incumbent upon the cool grass; a duty incumbent upon me; the incumbent officers of the club.
  46. –adjective
    1. arising, occurring, or continuing after one's death.
    2. published after the death of the author.
    3. born after the death of the father.
    Posthumous [pos-chuh-muhs, -choo-] Eg: a posthumous novel; a posthumous award for bravery.
  47. &
    Ampersand [am-per-sand, am-per-sand]
  48. Smart, intellegent.
  49. Tax on imports. Duty tax.
  50. To be all places at once.
    Omnipresent [om-nuh-prez-uhnt]
  51. All knowing.
    Omniscient [om-NISH-uhnt]
  52. n. One who fears or dislikes China, its people, or its culture.
  53. 1. the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.
    2. the study of human beings' similarity to and divergence from other animals.
    3. the science of humans and their works.
    4. Also called philosophical anthropology. the study of the nature and essence of humankind.
    Anthropology [an-thruh-pol-uh-jee]
  54. a person who is friendly to or admires England or English customs, institutions, etc.
    Anglophile [ANG-gluh-fahyl, -fil] Also anglophil [ANG-gluh-fil]
  55. –adjective
    1. Fearing or hating France, the french people, and French culture, products, etc.
    2. a person who fears or hates France, the French people, French culture, products, etc.
    Francophobe [frang-kuh-fohb] Also, Fran·co·pho·bic.
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