volume 1 section2

  1. Why was the AFMAN 23-110 designed?
    To establish a uniform system of stock control throughout the Air Force
  2. How often is the AFMAN published?
  3. Volume?
    The largest subdivision
  4. Part??
    Used when the content of the volume or the material indicates subdivision is needed.
  5. Chapter??
    Outline the procedures for a specific operation
  6. Section?
    Outline procedures that apply to a specific topic or a job covered in the chapter
  7. Paragraph?
    Contains actural procedural information
  8. What are the 3 ways to navigate through AFMAN 23-110?
    • 1. Table of Contents
    • 2. Hyperlinks
    • 3. Search/find tools
  9. Hyperlinks are indicated as ______ text.
  10. What does pink text indicate?
    A future hyperlink that will be activated with a later publication of AFMAN 23-110
  11. What is the SEARCH tool used for?
    Locating all documents in AFMAN 23-110 that contain your selected text.
  12. What is the FIND tool used for?
    Limiting search to the document you currently have open
  13. What is provided at the top of the main table of contents?
  14. What is indicated with dark red text??
    Changes to the AFMAN
  15. What is the system that helps you choose from a variety of input and output formats to get the information you need?
    File Interrogation System
  16. What listing is used to see how much inquiry abuse is going on?
    M32, Monthly Base Supply Management Report
  17. Item Record Retrieval Code 1=
    Complete item record indicative data and stock control data
  18. Item Record Retrieval Code 2=
    Short item record output
  19. Item Record Retrieval Code 4=
    Transaction History
  20. Item Record Retrieval Code 5=
    Repair cycle data
  21. Item Record Retrieval Code 6=
    All records within an ISG
  22. What does a withdrawal flag Y mean?
    Anyone can withdraw from this detail
  23. What is a requirements computation??
    A summary of information about a particular SN found on an INQ
  24. What does the Batch Miscellaneous option INQ do?
    allows you to select CTH records using multiple options and produe a printed report
  25. What is Abbreviated format (option A)?
    displays a list of abbreviated histories on your terminal screen or in print
  26. Short format (Option B)?
    Printed at Computer Operations
  27. Short Format (Option S)?
    Displays the pages on your terminal screen
  28. Long Format (option L)?
    Prints at Computer Operations
  29. TRACE INQ consists of what two part??
    Area name and Key
  30. What is the format of a Reject Phrase?
    • 1. Reject COde
    • 2. Descriptive Phase
    • 3. Action Flag
  31. Who appoints reject monitors?
    Flight Chief
  32. Rejects that arent processed within the same day appear on the____________.
    D818 Cumulative Reject Suspense Listing
  33. What does the D818 show?
    All rejects and the number of times it was reprocessed
  34. All rejects cleared by the monitor appear on what listing?
    The D20 Surveillance Report, Part 9
  35. What option is for forced deletion of rejects?
  36. What are the four headings for the 799 reject?
    • 1. Rollback Code
    • 2. Error Function
    • 3. Error Number
    • 4. Error Code
  37. What is the 799 reject?
    Occurs when a strange situation arises in the program but there is no SBSS reject to help us solve the problem
  38. What is a RB code?
    indicates any update the application program may have made since starting, or since last FREE DMR command will be undone
  39. RB Code 00=
    A RB didnt take place
  40. RB Code 06=
    Not enough quick look file space allocated
  41. RB Code 14=
    Trying to access a downed area
  42. RB Code 83=
    Schema aborted
  43. What is an error function?
    Indicates what action the program was trying to take when an error occured
  44. Error Code 2=
    program was attempting to DELETE a record from the database
  45. Error Code 3=
    The program was attempting to READ a record from the database
  46. Error Code 8=
    Program was attemping to CHANGE an existing record in the database
  47. Error Code 9=
    Program was attempting to OPEN an area of the database
  48. Error Code 12=
    Program was attempting to ADD a record to the database
  49. Error Code 0=
    No error occured
  50. Error Code 5=
    Violation of duplicates not allowed clause
  51. Error Code 6=
    No current record of area/record/set name
  52. Error Code 7=
    End of set/area/chain
  53. Error Code 8=
    Record not defined in set/area or record does not contain specified keys
  54. Error Code 9=
    improper area usage
  55. Error Code 13=
    No record or set occurrence satisfies criteria
  56. Error Code 34=
    Area can not be assigned
  57. Error Code 92=
    Database Key found vacancy entry
  58. 4 Steps to solving problems
    • 1. Recognizing the problem
    • 2. Gathering data
    • 3. Taking action
    • 4. Follow up
  59. The trouble call checklist is found where?
    AMFAN 23-110, Volume 2, Part 4, Chapter 2
  60. I004?
    Management notice tells you if the item was issurd, killed, or backordered
  61. What are controlled TRICS?
    Transactions that require authorization for an individual to process

    listed in AFMAN 23-110, Volume 2, Part 4
  62. What is a 301 Reject?
    Resulted from an attempt to process a controlled TRIC by an unauthorized user

    Shows up on the D20 Part 8, The M&S officer is responsible for this
  63. Computer Operations is responsible for what?
    Scheduling reports and listings
  64. What is the AF Form 2011?
    Base SUpply ADPE Work Request
  65. Who prepares a forecast listing of all computer requirements by the 10th workday of the month of scheduled operations?
    Computer Room Production Scheduler
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volume 1 section2
volume 1 section 2