How did WWII transform society?
women assumed new roles, minorities found new opportunities, americans of japanese descent were relocated to isolated camps, technological change (the atom bomb)
Why did Japan decide to occupy French IndoChina even at the risk of war with the US? What was the result of this decision?
because when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, he removed the threat of Russian intervention. As a result, Roosevelt froze Japanese assets and clamped an embargo on oil
Burgeoning new defense plants drew millions to “uncongested areas” where atomic energy installations were constructed and to aircraft factories of California. As in earlier periods, the trend was from ___ to ___ and from the _____ to _____.
east, west, rural south, northern cities
What effected a substantial shift in the distribution of wealth in the US during the war?
the steeply graduated tax rates, combined with a general increase in the income of workers and farmers.
the poor became richer, while the rich, if not actually poorer, collected a smaller proportion of the national income
How were minorities (blacks, mexicans, and native americans) affected by the war?
blacks- treated more fairly and given more positions in the armed forces, navy, etc. but there was still segregation. More blacks hired caused strikes and riots.
mexicans- flocked north in search of work and experienced rising living standards. a larger proportion served in the armed forces.
native americans- served in the armed forces and thousands left to work in defense industries all over the country
What was executive order 9066? how did it end?
japanese were put into internment camps in the interior states. ended with ex parte endo
How was the airplane important during the Battle of the Coral Sea and the war in general?
The airplane revolutionized naval warfare. Carrier-based planes were far more effective against warships because of their greater range and more concentrated firepower
How did the war end and what made victory possible?
Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and second bomb dropped on Nagasaki. Japan then surrendered a few days later.
Technological developments and american resources (human and material) made victory possible.
Allies promised to abstain from territorial enhancement after the war, to respect the right of all peoples to determine their own form of gov’t, to work for freer trade and international economic cooperation, and to force the disarmament of the aggressor nations
Declaration of the United Nations (Atlantic Charter)
Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to Soviet annexation of large sections of eastern Poland and in return demanded free elections be held in Poland
Yalta Conference
Harry Truman, Stalin, and Churchill confirmed the division of the country into four zones to be occupied separately by American, Soviet, British, and French troops
Potsdam Conference
Why did the Soviets (Stalin) resent America?
British-American delay in opening a second front, anything would’ve helped but America wouldn’t move until they were ready
How did Stalin want to protect his country from attack? His actions made clear that he intended to...
-by extending its western frontier after the war
-control eastern europe and to exert influence elsewhere in the world