
  1. Inflammation of connective tissue:
    - widespread, poorly defined
    - accompanied by infection
    Diff dx:
    Skin is hot, red, & edematous
  2. Superficial inflammation of skin
    - vesicles, redness, edema
    - oozing, crusting, scaling
    - itching
    Diff Dx:
    -Changes in skin
    -Pt Hx
  3. Blood clot in LE that may dislodge and become a PE

    Diff dx:
    - skin may be cyanotic, warm, or normal
    - pain, tenderness, or swelling
    - (+) venogram
    - (+) homan's sign
  4. A genetic bleeding disorder
  5. Inflammation of the liver: 3 types
    • Hepititis
    • A: via poor hygiene, fecal-oral route
    • B & C: via bodily fluid, sexual contact, contaminated needles
  6. An acute CNS viral infection involving dorsal root ganglia
    Herpes zoster
  7. Sx of arterial insufficiency resulting in ischemia to exercising muscle.

    Diff dx:
    - weak/absent peripheral pulses
    - pallor with limb elevation
    rubor with dependent position
    • Intermittent claudication
    • Tx:
    • Short duration
    • High frequency (5-6 days/wk)
  8. Inflammatory disease transmitted by a tick

    Diff dx:
    - bulls eye rash
    - flu like sx's
    Lyme disease
  9. Disease of the skin with erythmatous plaques with a silvery scale
  10. Chronic, diffuse disease of connective tissue causing fibrosis of skin, joints, blood vessels, and internal organs.
    Scleroderma (PSS)
  11. Abnormal sympathetic reflex resulting from persistent painful lesion.
    - pain
    - edema
    - decreased circulation
    - dry skin
    - atrophy of surrounding muscles
    CRPS: complex regional pain syndrome
  12. Wrist fx resulting from FOOS
    Distal radial fx with dorsal displacement and radial shift
    Colle's fx
  13. Degeneration of articular jt's
    - non rheumatoid
    - non systemic
    - normal sed rate (ESR)
    - probs in weight bearing jt's
    - abnormal jt radiographs
  14. Ideopathic immune disorder that causes tenderness, pain and stiffness in muscles
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Diff dx:
    • - 11/18 painful tender points
    • - typical pattern
    • - sleep deprivation
    • - rule out other systemic diseases
  15. Metabolic disease with increase uric acid and irate chrystals in joints, soft tissues and kidney
  16. Trauma to muscle resulting in a calcified/ossified hematoma. May be induced by early mobs and stretching with agressive PT
    Myositis ossificans
  17. Separation of articular cartilage from bone
    Osteochondritis dissecans
  18. Decalcification of bones due to vit. D difficiency
  19. Acute or chronic bone infection
  20. Metabolic bone disease that depletes bone mineral density with increased risk for fx.
  21. Slowe progressive metab bone disease with 2 phases:
    Initial: excessive bone reabsorption
    Reactive: excess abnormal bone formation
    Sites fracture easily and heal slowly
    Paget's disease (osteitis deformans)
  22. Improper tracking of patella leads to this
    Diff dx:
    - Q angle <18•
    - pain with first 30• of flex
    -(+) grind test
    Patellofemoral dysfunction
  23. Median nerve entrapment
    Pronator teres syndrome e
  24. Chronic, sysytemic, inflam disease
    Ulnar drift in hands
    Pain is bilateral And symmetrical
  25. Lateral curvature of the spine can be:
    - structural is irreversible
    - nonstructural is reversable
  26. Rheumatoid like disoder characterized by dryness of mucus membranes, jt inflam, and anemia
    Sjögren's syndrome
  27. Distal fx of radius with ventral displacement due to FOOS
    Smith's fx
  28. Sprain: what degree?
    Some fibers torn
    Min hemorrhaging
    Jt remains stable
    • First degree
    • Tx:
    • - pain free AROM
    • - modalities for pain, edema, healing
    • - gradual rtn to norm
    • -
  29. Sprain: what degree?
    - portion of lig or jt capsule torn
    - mod hemorrhaging
    - some fxnl loss
    - jt stability intact
    • Second degree
    • Tx:
    • - limited wt bearing
    • - bracing if needed
    • - pain free AROM
    • - jt mobs/ modalities
    • - 2-3 weeks healing begin strengthening
  30. Sprain: what degree?
    Complete disruption or avulsion of ligament or capsule
    Loss of function
    Loss of jt stability
    Pronounced hemorrhaging and swelling
    • Third degree
    • Tx:
    • - surgery
    • - bracing or splinting for immobilization
    • - proprio & controlled motion ex's
    • - gradual rtn to fnxl activities
    • - strength and mobility ex's throughout rehab for 5-6 mos
  31. Chronic, systemic, rheumatic, inflam disease affecting multiple organs
    Systemic lupus eyrthematous (SLE)
Card Set
review of pathological conditions in PT