cerebral hemishpere function

  1. frontal lobe- responsibilities
    • voluntary motor functions
    • advance motor planning
    • initation of action
    • interpretation of emotion
    • personality center
    • judgement, conscience
    • planning, motivation
    • bladder and bowel inhibition
    • Broca's motor speech center
  2. frontal lobe- impairments
    • contralateral weakness
    • contralateral head and eye paralysis
    • personality changes, antisocial behavior
    • ataxia, primitive reflexes
    • Broca's aphasia (language deficits)
    • delayed or poor initiation
  3. parietal lobe- responsibilites
    • process perceptual and sensory information
    • body schema
    • contralateral pain, posture, touch, and proprioception
    • perform calculations
    • spatial awareness
    • sensory: specch comprehension center
    • visual tract
    • taste perception
  4. parietal lobe- impairments
    • agraphia, finger agnosia
    • constructional apraxia, dressing apraxia, anosognosia
    • wernicke's aphasia (receptive)
    • homonymous visual deficits
    • impaired language comprehension
    • impairment in taste
  5. temporal lobe- responsibilities
    • auditory and limbic processing
    • appreciation of language
    • memory
    • learning
    • affective mood centers (primitive behaviors, visceral emotions)
    • short-term memory
  6. temporal lobe- impairments
    • auditory impairment
    • hearing impairment
    • memory deficits
    • learning deficits
    • wernicke's aphasia
    • antisocial behaviors
  7. occipital lobe- responsibilities
    • primary processing area of visual information
    • visual tract
    • perception of vision
  8. occipital lobe- impairments
    • homonymous hemianopsia
    • impaired extraocular muscle movement
  9. cerebellum- responsibilities
    • coordination of motor skills
    • postural tone
    • sensory/motor input for trunk and extremities
    • coordination of gait
    • sensory/motor input from eyes and head for coordination of eye/head movement and balance
  10. cerebellum- impairments
    • ataxia
    • discoordination of trunk and extremities
    • intention tremor
    • balance deficits
    • ipsilateral facial sensory loss
    • dysdiadochokinesia
  11. thalamus- responsibilities
    • cortical arousal
    • memory
    • communication information to and from the cerebral cortex
  12. Midbrain- responsibilites
    • communication pathways between higher and lower brain center
    • auditory and visual reflexes
  13. hypothalamus- responsibilities
    • controls basic life functions (body temp, thrist, hunger, sleep/wake cycles)
    • centers for sympathetic and parasympathetic responses
    • regulates anterior pituitary glands
  14. pons- responsibilities
    communication pathways between higher and lower brain centers
  15. Epithalamus-responsibilities
    limbic system association
  16. Medulla- responsibilities
    center for respiratory, cardiac, and vasomotor homeostasis
  17. subthalamus- responsibilites
    association for motor control
  18. pituitary- responsibilities
    • reproductive hormones
    • secretion of ADH/oxytocin
  19. Internal capsule- responsibilites
    communication between cortex and spinal cord
  20. Left hemisphere
    • language
    • sequence and perform movements
    • understand language
    • produce written and spoken language
    • analytical
    • controlled
    • logical
    • rational
    • math
    • express positive emotions (love, happiness)
    • process verbally coded information in organized, logical, and sequential manner
  21. Right hemishpere
    • nonverbal processing
    • process information in a holistic manner
    • artistic abilities
    • general concert comprehension
    • hand-eye coordination
    • spatial relationship
    • kinesthetic awareness
    • understanding music
    • understand nonverbal communication
    • mathematical reasoning
    • express negative emotion
    • body image awareness
  22. cerebellum
    • balance
    • higher level muscular movements
    • integration and coordination of multijoints movements
    • creative
    • pictorial
    • intuitive
    • initiation, timing, and sequencing of muscular contractions
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cerebral hemishpere function
cerebral hemishpere function