
  1. PAIN
    • Priority / First
    • Anticipate
    • Intervene
    • Next
  2. ADPIE
    • Assessment
    • Diagnosis
    • Planning
    • Implementation
    • Evaluation
    • check
    • look
    • ask
    • monitor
    • inspect
    • evaluate
  4. ABC
    • Airway
    • Breathing
    • Circulation
  5. 6 P's of Circulation
    • Pulselessness
    • Pallor
    • Parasthesia
    • Pain
    • Paralysis
    • Pokliothermia
    • Air
    • Water
    • Food
    • Elimination
    • Rest
    • Socialization
    • Hazards
  7. PQRST
    • P: what provokes pain?
    • Q: what is the quality of the pain?
    • R: does it radiate?
    • S: what is the severity?
    • T; what was the time of onset?
  8. Left sided CVA
    • slow cautiuos speech
    • impaired function
    • R hemiplagia
  9. Right sided CVA
    • quick impulsive
    • neglects left side
    • left hemiplagia
  10. Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel A Girls Vagina So Heavenly
    • I. Olfactory
    • II. Optic
    • III. Occulomotor (most eye mvmt)
    • IV. Trochlear (eye mvmt inward and upward)
    • V. Trigeminal (jaw and chewing)
    • VI. Abducens (eye mvmt lateral)
    • VII. Facial (mvmt and taste)
    • VIII. Acoustic (hearing and balance)
    • IX. Glossopharyngeal (taste on post 1/3 of tongue and gag reflex)
    • X. Vagus (taste and palate sensation, talking, swallowing)
    • XI. Spinal Accessory (mvmt of head, neck, shoulder)
    • XII. Hypoglossal (mvmt of tongue -protruded)
  11. IPPA
    • Inspect
    • Palpation
    • Percussion
    • Auscultation
  12. IAPP
    • Inspect
    • Auscultation
    • Percussion
    • Palpation
  13. KNIVES
    • Kidney disorders
    • Neuropathy
    • Infection
    • Vascular changes
    • Eye damage
    • Skin lesions
  14. Hot and Dry
    Glucose is high
  15. Wet and clammy
    give hard candy
  16. Increase salty snacks with ABCL
    • Addisons disease
    • Burns
    • Cystic Fibrosis
    • Lithium
  17. Avoid BROW
    • Barley
    • Rice
    • Oats
    • Wheat
  18. CAP
    • Colchicine- decrease VitB12 absorp, diarrhea
    • Allopurinol- Bone marrow depression
    • Probenicid- nausea, rash, constip
  19. V point up = elevate
  20. A point down = keep dependent
    • Exertion SOB
    • Lack of Activity
    • Early morn. H/A
    • Vascular changes
    • Anxiety increases
    • Tired
    • Epistaxis
    • Diastolic pressure increases
  22. RAT
    • Right Atrium Tricuspid
    • S/S in body - backs up to body
  23. LAMB
    • Left Atrium Mitral Bicuspid
    • S/S in lungs causes resp. s/s
  24. MONA
    • Morphine
    • O2
    • Nitrates
    • ASA
  25. HOP
    • Hydrate
    • Oxygenate
    • Pain relief
  26. RANDI
    • Razors electrical
    • Aspirin NO!
    • Needles small gauge
    • Decrease sticks
    • Injury Prevention
  27. NOAH
    • Nebulizer
    • O2
    • Antibiotic
    • Hydrocortisone
    • Change in bowel / bladder
    • A sore throat that does not heal
    • Unusual bleeding or discharge
    • Thickening or lump
    • Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
    • Obvious change in wart oe mole
    • Nagging cough or hoarseness
  29. CANCER
    • Chemotherapy
    • Assess body image
    • Nutritional needs
    • Comfort
    • Evaluate
    • Rest
  30. 5 F's
    • Fair
    • Fat
    • Female
    • Forty
    • Fertile
  31. Damage to the cortex of brain
    Decorticate - come to the core
  32. Damage to the mid stem of brain
    Decerebrate - E outward
  33. WWAL
    • Walker
    • With
    • Affected
    • Leg
  34. COAL
    • Cane
    • Opposite
    • Affected
    • Leg
  35. OLD CART
    • Onset of ss
    • Location of ss
    • Duration of ss
    • Characteristics client used to describe ss
    • Aggravating factors
    • Relieving factors
    • Tx received before arrival
  36. 4 W's
    • Wind
    • Water
    • Walk - DVT
    • Wound
  37. 4 C's
    • CHF
    • CVA
    • CAD
    • CRF
  38. 5 H's
    • HTN
    • HA
    • Hyperglycemia
    • Hyperhydrosis
    • Hypermetabolism
  39. 5 F's
    • Fair
    • Fat
    • Female
    • Forty
    • Fertile
  40. 6 P's
    • Pain
    • Pallor
    • Pulselessness
    • Parasthesia
    • Paralysis
    • Pokliothermia
  41. 3 N's
    • Non reactive
    • Non stress is
    • Not good
  42. 3 C's
    • Coughing
    • Choking
    • Cyanosis
  43. 5 P's
    • Passenger
    • Passage
    • Power
    • Placenta
    • Psyche of mother
  44. 5 F's
    • Fat
    • Fluid
    • Feces
    • Flatus
    • Fetus
  45. SAD
    • Starvation
    • Alchohol
    • DM
    • Glomerulonephritis
    • Lupus
    • Analgesics
    • DM
    • Systemic vascular disease
    • HTN
    • Obstruction
    • Polycystic Kidney disease
  47. CATS
    • Convulsions
    • Arrythmias
    • Tetany
    • Spasms
  48. GP TPAL
    • Gravida
    • Para

    • Term
    • Preterm
    • Abortions
    • Live
  49. STOP
    • Stop Pitocin
    • Turn on L side
    • Oxygen
    • Push IV fluids if hypovolemic
  50. V - C
    E - H
    A - O
    L - P
    • Variable - Cord
    • Early - Head
    • Accelerations - OK
    • Late - Placenta
    • Bladder
    • Uterus
    • Bowels
    • Breasts
    • Lochia
    • Episiotomy
    • Homan's Sign NO! Assess for DVT
    • Emotions
    • Psychomotor movemt
    • Interest decreased
    • Suicidal
    • Sleep increase or decrease
    • Concentration decreased
    • Appetite decreased or increased
    • Guilt
    • Energy decreased
  53. CAB
    • Cogentin
    • Artane
    • Benedryl
  54. 4 A's
    • Affect
    • Associative
    • Ambivalence
    • Autistic thinking
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