-Intent to reduce control soil erosion, sewer sedimentation, airborn particles
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- Program that controls water pollution by regulating points of discharge pollutants into water.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- Program that controls water pollution by regulating points of
discharge pollutants into water.
SS Prerequisite 2
Environmental Site Assesment
- For schools only
- To see if land is contaminated and if so has it been cleaned up
Land that is contaminated with something that is hazardous.
In situ Remediation
On-site cleaning of the contaminated soil.
Cleaning up site by chemical, physical or biological means.
SS Credit 1
Site Selection
-To avoid harming the land, and reduce the effect of the building on the land
SS Credit 1, Do not develop on sites that are?
-Prime farmland
-Undeveloped land that is lower then 5' below 100 year flood line
-Land that is home to endangered animals
-Kand that is 100' from wetland
-Land that is 50' from any body of water
-Land that was public parkland
SS Credit 2
Development Density and Community Connectivity
-To direct building to already existing infrastructures and to protect greenfields.
SS Credit 2 has two options, what are they?
Option 1:
-Development Density: build on land that has already been developed AND with 60,000 sqaure feet per area net
Option 2:
- Community Connectivity: building located 1/2 mile near 10 basic services, pedestrian access to services, 1/2 mile of neighborhood with 10 units per acre net
Building Density
Floor area / Total site are (square feet per acre)
SS Credit 3
Brownfield Redevelopment
-To fix contaminated sites
SS Credit 4.1
Alternative Transportation- Public Transportation Access
-To reduce pollution from automobiles
SS Credit 4.1 has 3 Options, what are they?
Option 1: Located 1/2 mile from Rail station
Option 2: Located 1/4 mile from bus stop
Option 3: Located near 1.5 miles for walking distance
SS Credit 4.2
Bicycle Storage and Chaning Rooms
-To reduce pollution for cars
SS Credit 4.2 For bicycle use, building must do what?
-Locate storage 200 yards from main entrance for 5% of users
-Shower or changing area 200 of building entrance, and .5% of FTE users
- Provide covered secure storage for 15% of users
Full Time Equivalent
-People who spent 40 hours a week in the building
SS Credit 4.3
Alternative Transportation- Low Emitting and Fuel Efficient Vehicles
- To reduce pollution from cars
SS Credit 4.3, How to achieve?
-Provide prefered parking for low-emitting cars
-Discount parking rate for such cars
-Install a fueling station
-Public transportation plan
-Provide low-emitting cars to staff
Prefered parking
-Parking closest to main entrance except the handicap spots.
-Covered spaces
-Discounted parking passes
SS Credit 4.4
Alternative Transportation-Parking Capcity
-To reduce pollution from cars
SS Credit 4.4, what can you do to get this credit?
Provide prefered parking for carpool for 5% of total parking
SS Credit 5.1
Site Development- Protect or Restore Habitat
- To protect and restore areas for habitat to encourage biodiversity
SS Credit 5.1, To preserve habitat, you need to do what?
Limit disturbance to:
-40' from building outside
-12' from sidewalks, patios, parking and utilty less then 12" round
-15' from curbs and utility trenches
-25' from constructed areas with permiable surface (Ex. playing fields)
-Restore/protect 50% of site (excluding footprint) 20% including footprint
SS Credit 5.2
Site Development-Maximize Open Space
-To promote biodiversity by maximizing the open space ratio to footprint
SS Credit 5.2, How do you maximize open space?
-Local Zoning Code
-No Zoning Code
-Zoning Codes but not open space req.
-Exceed open space by 25% within project boundry
-Open space adjacent to space equal in size of footprint
-Provide 20% site area of open space
Project Boundry
Portion of project site submitted for certification
SS Credit 6.1
Stormwater Design-Quantity Control
- To reduce impervios pavement, and reduce pollution from runoff
SS Credit 6.1, How to reduce stormwater runoff and pollution?
Create a stormwater management plan to protect recieving streams from pollution, and reduce the amount of runoff by 25%.
The study of water occurance, distribution, movement, and balances in the ecosystem.
SS Credit 6.2
Stormwater Design- Quality Control
-To limit pollution of natural water by controlling stormwater runoff.
SS Credit 6.2, What percentage of stormwater runoff needs to be caprtured and treated?
90% according to BMP's. (best managment practices)
Best Management Practices
Total Suspended Solids: particles that are to small to be removed gravity settling. Must be removed via filtration.
BMP's used must be able to remove _____ of TSS?
SS Credit 7.1
Heat Island Effect- Nonroof
-To reduce heat islands, or amount of asphalt.
SS Credit 7.1, How can you reduce heat island effect?
(For 50% of total hardscapes)
-Place shade from trees or within 5 years of occupancy
-Provide shade from structures with solar panels
-Provide shade from building with a SRI of 29
-Use hardscapes with SRI of 29
-Use open grid paving, 50%
-Place 50% of parking undercover with roof w/ SRI of 29
-Solar reflectance: measures the reflectance of light and absorbtion of heat of a material
SS Credit 7.2
Heat Island Effect-Roof
-Reduce heat islands, or asphalt areas.
SS Credit 7.2, To reduce heat absorbtion from roof, do what?
-Have an SRI value of 29, 75% of total roof area.
-Install Greenroof of 50%
SS Credit 8
Light Pollution Reduction
-To reduce light trespass and lighting the night sky.
SS Credit 9
Tenant Design and Construction Guidlines
-To educate tenants about sustainable design
SS Credit 10
Joint Use of Facilities (Schools only)
-To make schools more integrated part of the community
SS Credit 10, What school spaces are available to public use?
-Playing Field
-1 Classroom
WE Prerequisite 1
Water Use Reduction
-To increase water efficiency and reduce burden on local water treatment plants.
WE Prerequisite 1, Water use must be reduced what percent of baseline water use?
WE Prerequisite 1, What is the baseline for toilet water use?
WE PRerequisite 1, What fixtures are to be regulated for water efficiency?
-Sinks Kitchen
-Spray valves
WE PRerequisite 1, What fixtures do not count in water efficiency?
-Steam cooker
-Ice makers
-Clothes washers
EPAct of 1992
Addresses the energy and water use in commercial, industrial, and residental
WE PRerequisite 1, What is blackwater?
Wastewater from toilets
WE PRerequisite 1, Process Water?
Water used in industrial applications. Cooling towers, boilers, dishwashing, clothes washers and ice makers.
WE Credit 1
Water Efficient Landscaping
-To limit or stop the use of potable water for landscaping.
WE Credit 1, What two options are available for this credit?
50% reduction in water use or no use of potable water.
WE Credit 1, What percentage of water use accounts for landscaping?
WE Credit 1, What is greywater?
Water from bathroom sinks, tubs, showers, washers.
WE Credit 2
Innovative Wastewater Technologies
-To reduce wastewater and potable water demand, while allowing local aquifer to recharge, fill up.
WE Credit 2, What two options can you do to reduce potable water use?
Option 1: Reduce by 50%
Option 2: Treat 50% wastewater to tertiary standards
WE Credit 3
Water Use Reduction
-To further increase water efficiency to reduce burden on local water supply.
WE Credit 3, For 2,3,4 points what percentage of water reduction rate is needed?
30%, 35%, 40%
WE Credit 4 (Schools Only)
Process Water Use Reduction (Schools Only)
-To maximize water efficiency and reduce burden on local water.
WE Credit 4, What must a building have to recieve this credit?
-No garbage disposal
-No refrigerant that uses coolant potable water
-20% reduction from standard in: dishwasher, washing machine, food steamers, ice makers, and spray valves.
EA Overview, What percentage of energy does a building use? What percentage of electricity does it use?
39% and 74%
EA Prerequisite 1
Fundamental Commissioning of Building Energy Systems
-To make sure all systems are installed, checked and working properly as what owner wants.
EA Prerequisite 1, What and who is CxA?
Commissioning Authority: a person to organize, lead and review all the complete commissioning process of the project
EA Prerequsiste 1, How many projects does an CxA have to have under his belt?
EA Prerequisite 1, Does the CxA have to seperate person from the project team?
EA Prerequisite 1, What systems are effected by commisioning?
-Lighting and Daylighting controls
-Hot water systems
-Renewable energy systems (solar, wind)
EA Prerequisite 1, What is commissioning (Cx)?
Process to verify that all building systems are installed, maintained and run according to owners wants.
EA Prerequisite 1, What is commissioning plan?
A document that states all that the commissioning process will do.
EA Prerequisite 1, What is commissioning process?
A method to verify all systems are what the owner wants.
EA Prerequisite 1, What is downstream equipment?
All heating and cooling systems that are connected to thermal energy located in the building.
EA Prerequisite 1, What is upstream equipment?
All heating and cooling that does not deal with thermal energy and is associated with a heating plant.
EA Prerequisite 1, What is district energy system?
A central energy plant that deleivers energy to other buildings. BYU-I for example.
EA Prerequisite 1, What is verification?
A test that makes sure all systems work according to documents.
EA Prerequisite 2
Minimum Energy Performance
-To establish minimum energy use for a building
EA Prerequisite 2, What is ASHRAE 90.1?
Deals with energy in a building
EA Prerequisite 2, What is Energy Star?
Rating system to compare energy use of one building to another similar building.
EA Prerequisite 2, What is an economizer?
Device to make building more energy efficient.
EA Prerequisite 2, What is an energy model?
A computer program to show how much energy a building will use and how to fix it.
EA Prerequisite 2, What is lighting power density?
Lighting power installed per unit area.
EA Prerequisite 3
Fundamental Refrigerant Management
-To reduce ozone depletion.
EA Prerequisite 3, How can you achieve this prerequisite?
Zero use of CFC's (chlorofluorocarbons) in HVAC systems or a phase out plan.
EA Credit 1
Optimize Energy Performance
-To increase levels of energy performance beyond prerequisites.
EA Credit 1, What is plug load or receptacle load?
Current that is drawn by all plugged in appliances.
EA Credit 2
On-site Renewable Energy
-To increase the levels of on-site renewable energy and reduce use of fossil fuels.
EA Credit 2, What is biomass?
Material from plant life such as trees and gras to produce electricity.
EA Credit 2, What is bio-fuel based systems?
Power systems that run on organic materials.
EA Credit 2, What is geothermal energy?
Energy derived from steam or water in the ground.
EA Credit 2, What is Green-e?
A program to establish green power.
EA Credit 2, What is life-cycle cost analysis?
Estimated costs for upkeep of features in a building. Ex. HVAC systems.
EA Credit 2, What is renewable energy?
Energy that will not deplete. Wind, solar etc.
EA Credit 3
Enhanced Commissioning
-To start commissioning process early and additional process after verification.
EA Credit 4
Enahanced Refrigerant Management
-To reduce ozone depletion and support Montreal Protocol (no use of CFC's).
EA Credit 4, What are halons?
Substances used in fire supression system that deplete ozone.
EA Credit 4, What are HCFC's?
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons, the deplete less of the ozone then CFC's.
EA Credit 4, What are HFC's?
Hydrofluorocarbons, do not deplete ozone but help in global warming.
EA Credit 5 (New construction and Schools)
Measurement & Verification
-To provide ongoing accountability of energy use over time.
EA Credit 5.1 (Core & Shell)
Measurement & Verification-Base Building
-To provide ongoing accountability of energy use over time.
EA Credit 5.2 (Core & Shell)
Measurement & Verification-Tenant Submetering
-To provide ongoing accountability of energy use over time.
-Req.: to install a central metering station that can be expanded.
EA Credit 6
Green Power
-To encourage grid-source power, and renewable energy on a net zero pollution basis.
EA Credit 6, What is the requirement for this credit?
To have at least a 2 year renewable energy contract to provide 35% of energy for a building.
EA Credit 6, What are REC's?
Renewable energy certificates, proof that renewable energy was used.
MR Overiew, What percentage of total solid waste is construction waste?
MR Overview, What are the 3 strategies that EPA rank the best solution for solid waste management?
1. Source Reduction
2. Reuse
3. Recycle
MR Prerequisite 1
Storage and Collection of Recyclables
-To reduce waste that is sent to dumps.
MR Prerequisite 1, What materials can be recycled at the least?
-Coragted cardboard
MR Prerequisite 1, What is source reduction?
Reduces the amount of unnecesary materials into the building and its packaging.
MR Prerequisite 1, What is waste diversion?
Disposes products other then landfills and incinerators.
MR Credit 1.1
Builidng Reuse-Maintaining Existing Walls, Floors and Roof
-To extend the life cycle of a building and reduce waste as it relates to materials.
MR Credit 1.1, What is adaptive reuse?
Renovation of a space to be used other then original purpose.
MR Credit 1.2
Building Reuse-Maintain Interior Nonstructural Elements
-To extend the life cycle of a building and reduce waste as it relates to
MR Credit 1.2, What are the requirements?
To use 50% of original nonstructural interior elements.
MR Credit 1.2, What are Soft Costs?
Expenses that are not directly a construction cost.
MR Credit 2
Construction Waste Management
-To divert materials from landfills, and direct them to be recycled or reused.
MR Credit 2, What is alternative daily cover?
Alternative cover for landfill waste at the end of day to prevent fire, blown material and scavengers.
MR Credit 2, What is recycling?
Collection and processing of materials that were from solid waste. Converting a product to something else.
MR Credit 2, What is reuse?
Takeing a product and return it to the original use.
MR Credit 3
Material Reuse
-To reuse building material and lessen the use of virgin materials.
MR Credit 3, The sum of reused materials must be ____% or ____% of total material cost.
5% or 10%
MR Credit 4
Recycled Content
-To increase demand for the use of recycled materials.
MR Credit 4, What is Fly Ash?
Solid residue made from the incinerator process.
MR Cedit 4, What is recycled content?
The proportion of a material that is recycled.
MR Credit 5
Regional Materials
-To encourage the use of materials that are extracted and manufactured regionally.
MR Credit 5, What is the distance to be considered regional?
500 miles
MR Credit 6
Rapidly Renewable Materials
-To reduce us of finite raw materials and increase use of rapidly renewable materials.
MR Credit 6, To be considered rapidly renewable, how many years is considered renewable?
10 years.
MR Credit 6, What is Embodied Energy?
Energy that is used for the entire life of a product from beginning to end.
MR Credit 6, What is life cycle assessment?
The study of the potential impacts and aspects environmentally of a product.
MR Credit 7
Certified Wood
-To encourage responsible forest management.
MR Credit 7, What requirements are needed to achieve this credit?
50% of wood should be SFC certified.
MR Credit 7, What does FSC stand for?
Forest Stewardship Council
MR Credit 7, What is COC?
Chain of custody: tracking system from beginning to the end of product.
IEQ Overview, How much time is spent indoors? (percentage)
IEQ Prerequisite 1
Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance
-To establish a minimum for IAQ.
IEQ Prerequisite 1, What is mix mode circulation?
Mixes both mechanical ventilation and natural air flow.
IEQ Prerequisite 1, What is off-gassing?
Emissions of VOC's from natural or synthetic material.
IEQ Prerequisite 1, Passive Ventilation, what is it?
A way to provide natural ventilation without mechanical means through layout, fabric or form.
IEQ Prerequisite 2
Environemental Tabaco Smoke Control (ETS Control)
-To prevent or eliminate exposure to ETS.
IEQ Prerequisite 3
Minimum Acoustical Performance
-To provide classrooms that are quiet for teaching.
IEQ Prerequisite 3, What is the core learning space?
Educational spaces that are primarily learning and teaching.
IEQ Prerequisite 3, What is hertz?
The frequency of vibration per second.
IEQ Prerequisite 3, What is NRC?
Noise Reduction Coeffeicent: the average absorption of sound.
IEQ Credit 1
Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring
-To provide ventilation monitoring to help with comfort.
IEQ Credit 1 What two type of spaces are monitored?
Mechanically vented and naturally vented about 3-6FT above floor.
IEQ Credit 1, ASHRAE 62.1
IEQ Credit 1, What does ASHRAE stand for?
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers
IEQ Credit 1, What is breathing zone?
Area between 3'-6' above floor and 2' away from walls.
IEQ Credit 1, Demand control ventilation?
Reduction of outside air due to a time schedule.
IEQ Credit 1, What is return air?
Air that is removed and recirculated.
IEQ Credit 2
Increaded Ventilation
-To provide additional outside air for better IAQ
IEQ Credit 2, What are the three basic methods of venting a building?
mechanical, natural and mix-mode
IEQ Credit 2, What is exfiltration?
Air leakage outside of space.
IEQ Credit 2, What is infiltration?
Air leaking into a space.
IEQ Credit 3.1
Construction Indoor Air Quality Management-During Construction
-To reduce IAQ problems during construction
IEQ Credit 3.1, SMACNA stands for what?
Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association: makes guidelines for maintaining healthful IAQ during construction.
IEQ Credit 3.1, What does MERV stand for, what is it?
Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value: filter rating system made by ASHRAE.
IEQ Credit 3.2
Construction Indoor Air Quality Management- Before Occupancy