test 6

  1. produst of primary tumors that arise from components of the testis and its appendages
    testicular cancer
  2. age factors for testicular cancer
    birth - 10, 20- 40, over 60 yrs
  3. race factors of testi cancer
    caucasians are 4x more likely to develop testi cancer than african americans
  4. types of testicular cancer
    germ cell tumors and non-germal neoplasm
  5. derived from the germinal epithelium of mature testis, accts for 90% of testicular cancers
    germ cell tumors
  6. derived from cells that support the generation and maturation of sperm, accts for 5% of testi cancer
    non-germinal neoplasm
  7. types of germ cell tumors
    seminoma, embryonal cell cancer, teratoma, mixed cell type, choriocarcinoma
  8. accts for 35% of tumors, most responsive to treatment, common in 40 yr olds
  9. accts for 20% of tumors, most commonly seen in children, characterized by rapid growth and spread
    embryonal cell cancer
  10. accts for 5% of tumors, common in adults and children, prevalent in young children/ infants
  11. accts for 40% of tumors, most are a combination of teratoma and embryonal cell carcinoma
    mixed cell type
  12. accts for 1-3% of tumors, carries poor prognosis
  13. non-germ cell tumors
    leydig cell, and sertoli cell
  14. most common nongerm cell tumor, accts for 1-3% of all testicular tumors, occurs in 5-9 y/o and 25-35 y/o
    leydig cell tumors
  15. rare, accts for less than 1% of testi tumors, occur in 1 y/o or younger and 20-45 y/o
    sertoli cell tumors
  16. symptoms of testicular cancer
    painless enlargement, sensation of heaviness, pain or asymptomatic, dyspnea or cough(pulmonary metastasis), bone pain ( bone metastasis)
  17. signs of testicular cancer
    firm, not tender testicular mass; hydrocele may accompany mass
  18. diagnostic exams
    • palpation,
    • scrotal ultrasound
    • abd, chest, and and cervical region exam
    • serum tumor markers- AFP, HCG, LDH
    • LDH
    • chest x-ray
    • CT scan of chest, abd and pelvis
  19. treatment for low stage seminoma
    radiosensitive, radical orchiectomy, retropertitoneal irradiation, chemo
  20. treatment for high stage seminoma
    chemo, orchiectomy
  21. treatment for low stage nonseminomatous germ cell tumor
    RPLND, orchiectomy, chemo
  22. treatment for high level nonseminomatous germ cell tumor
    orchiectomy, chemo, RPLND
Card Set
test 6
descriptions and info concerning testicular and kidney cancer