arch history

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    Thomas Cole, The Architect’s Dream, oil on canvas, 1840
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    John Singleton Copley, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey), oil on canvas, 1775
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    Reconstruction drawing, of a prehistoric hut, Terra Amata, near Nice, France, ca. 400,000 BC
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    Painted caves at Lascaux, Dordogne, France, ca. 15000-13000 BC
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    Carnac alignments, Brittany, France, ca. 4250-3750 BC
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    Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England, ca. 2900-1400 BC
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    Çatal Hüyük, Konya Plain, Anatolia, Turkey, ca. 6500-5700 BC
  8. a prehistoric tomb made of large upright stones, capped with a horizontal stone, and
    originally buried under an earth mound.
  9. a circle of upright stones or posts.
  10. a large stone.
  11. a surface that is written or drawn upon, and then cleared and reused, often leaving trace
    remnants of the previous work.
  12. construction using upright posts and horizontal lintels, not arches or vaults; also known
    as “post-and-beam” or “post-and-lintel” construction.
  13. building materials used for making walls, consisting of “wattle” or thin branches
    weaved between upright stakes, and reinforced by applying “daub” or a plaster-like substance over the wattle structure.
    wattle and daub
  14. Greek for “stone”
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    White Temple and Ziggurat, Uruk (Warka, Iraq), ca. 3500-3000 BC
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    Stele with law code of Hammurabi, from Susa, Iran, basalt, ca. 1780 BC
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    Statues of Gudea, including one holding temple plan, from Girsu, Iraq, diorite, ca. 2100 BC
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    Ziggurat of Ur-Nammu, Ur, Iraq, ca. 2100 BC
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    Citadel of Sargon II at Dur Sharrukin (Khorsabad, Iraq), ca. 720 BC
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    Citadel of Sargon II at Dur Sharrukin (Khorsabad, Iraq), ca. 720 BC
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    Lamassu figures and tribute bearers, gypsum, from Citadel of Sargon II at Dur Sharrukin, ca. 720 BC
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    Ishtar Gate, Babylon (Iraq), glazed brick, ca. 575 BC
  23. in ancient Mesopotamia, an indirect approach into a temple or cella; generally gods
    entered into a temple on the long axis, while humans entered on the short axis and turned 90-degrees to approach the cult statue.
    bent-axis approach
  24. an asphalt of Asia Minor used in ancient times as a cement and mortar.
  25. the main room in a temple, housing the cult statue.
  26. an Assyrian guardian in the form of a human-headed winged bull.
  27. in ancient Mesopotamia, a pyramidal mound or tower built of mud-brick forming the
    base of a temple, usually stepped or having a broad ascent winding around it.
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arch history
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