(Tropical; Rain) Forest
El Bosque
La Selva, La Jungla
Trail; Trailhead
El Sendero
La Conservacion
(Air; Water) Pollution
La Contaminacion (del Aire; del Agua)
La Deforestacion
(Nuclear, Solar) Energy
La Energia (Nuclear, Solar)
(Acid) Rain
La Lluvia (Acida)
El Medio Ambiente
Natural Resource
El Recurso Natural
To Stop (Doing Something)
Dejar de (+ inf.)
To Be Affected (by)
Estar Afectado/a (por)
To Be Polluted
Estar Contaminado/a
To Resolve; To Solve
Resolver (o:ue)
(made) of Aluminum
de Aluminio
(made) of Plastic
de Plastico
(made) of Glass
de Vidrio
To Be Happy
Alegrarse (de)
To Be Sorry; To Regret
Sentir (e:ie)
It's a Shame
Es Una Lastima
It's Ridiculous
Es Ridiculo
It's Terrible
Es Terrible
I Hope (that); I Wish (that)
Ojala (que)
(not) to Believe
(no) Creer
(not) to Doubt
(no) Dudar
(not) to Deny
(no) Negar (e:ie)
It's Impossible
Es Imposible
It's Improbable
Es Improbable
There is no Doubt that...
No Cabe Duda de..../ No Hay Duda de
It's (not) Certain
(no) es Cierto
It's (not) Possible
(no) es Posible
It's (not) Probable
(no) es Probable
It's (not) Certain
(no) es Seguro
It's (not) True
(no) es Verdad
Provided (that)
Con Tal (de) que
In Case (that)
En Caso (de) que
As Soon As
En Cuanto / Tan Pronto como
Butcher Shop
La Carniceria
Parking Lot
El Estacionamiento
Ice Cream Shop
La Heladeria
Pastry Shop
La Pasteleria
Beauty Salon
La Peluqueria, El Salon de Belleza
Fish Market
La Pescaderia
El Supermercado
To Stand in Line
Hacer Cola
To Run Errands
Hacer Diligencias
Mail/Post Office
El Correo
La Estampilla, El Sello
To Put (a Letter) in the Mailbox; To Mail
Echar (una Carta) al Buzon
To Send; To Mail
Enviar, Mandar
(Traveler's) Check
El Cheque (de Viajero)
Checking Account
La Cuenta Corriente
Savings Account
La Cuenta de Ahorros
To Fill Out (a Form)
Llenar (un Formulario)
To Pay in Installments
Pagar a Plazos
To Pay in Cash
Pagar al Contado/ en Efectivo
To Borrow
Pedir Prestado/a
To Apply for a Loan
Pedir un Prestamo
To Be Free of Charge
Ser Gratis
To Give Directions
Dar Direcciones
To Be Lost
Estar Perdido/a
(to the) North
(al) Norte
Opposite; Facing
Enfrente de
Drug Addict
el/la Drogadicto/a
Couch Potato
el/la Teleadicto/a
To Lose Weight; To Slim Down
To Reduce Stress
Aliviar el Estres
To Reduce Tension
Aliviar la Tension
To Hurry, To Rush
Apurarse, Darse Prisa
To Gain Weight
Aumentar de Peso, Engordar
To Enjoy; To Reap the Benefits (of)
Disfrutar (de)
To be on a Diet
Estar a Dieta
(not) to Smoke
(no) Fumar
To Lead a Healthy Lifestyle
Llevar una Vida Sana
To be Under a Lot of Pressure
Sufrir Muchas Presiones
To Try (to do Something)
Tratar de (+ inf.)
In Excess; Too Much
En Exceso
Sedentary; Related to Sitting
La Cinta Caminadora
Aerobics Class
La Clase de Ejercicios Aerobicos
el/la Entrenador(a)
To Warm Up
Calentarse (e:ie)
To Practice; To Train
To be in Good Shape
Estar en Buena Forma
To Exercise
Hacer Ejercicio
To Do Aerobics
Hacer Ejercicios Aerobicos
To Do Stretching Exercises
Hacer Ejercicios de Estiramiento
To Work Out
Hacer Gimnasia
To Lift Weights
Levantar Pesas
To Stay in Shape
Mantenerse en Forma
Alcoholic Beverage
La Bebida Alcoholica
El Colesterol
Afternoon Snack
La Merienda
el/la Nutricionista
To Eat a Balanced Diet
Come una Dieta Equilibrada
To Consume Alcohol
Consumir Alcohol