Quiz Ch 5, 6

  1. Which of the following factors are taken into consideration when assessing the gestational age of a neonate?
    I. Previous maternal pregnancies
    II. Prenatal ultrasound evaluations
    Ill. Postnatal findings based on physical and neurologic examinations
    IV. Gestational duration based on the last menstrual cycle

    D. III, and IV only
  2. The gestational age of a newborn has been evaluated to be 34 weeks. The newborn’s birth weight is greater than the 90th percentile. How should the therapist classify this infant?

    C. Large for gestational age
  3. An infant arrives in the newborn nursery with an axillary body temperature of 95.6° F. Which of the following events may be responsible for this infant’s temperature?

    C. The delivery room temperature was low.
  4. A physical examination is being performed on a newborn, and the therapist notices that the infant’s arms do not move symmetrically. Which of the following situations could account for this problem?

    A. An injury to the infant’s brachial plexus may have occurred during birth.
  5. The therapist notices that an infant presents with irregular areas of dusky skin alternating with areas of pale skin, On the basis of this observation, which of the following conditions should the therapist anticipate this patient having?

    A. Hypotension
  6. Which of the following neonatal skin presentations at birth is associated with a high hematocrit value or polycythemia and neonatal hyperviscosity syndrome?

    B. Reddish blue appearance
  7. Why are chest retractions more prominent among neonates than among older children and adults?

    D. Because newborns have relatively thin and weak musculature, and a less rigid thorax.
  8. Why is it difficult to localize auscultation findings of the thorax of a newborn?

    B. Because the neonate’s chest is small and sounds are difficult to differentiate.
  9. While performing a physical examination on a newborn infant, the therapist notices that the point of maximal cardiac impulse is to the left of the sternal border. Which of the following conditions can cause this situation?

    B. Right-sided pneumothorax
  10. Which of the following statements refers to the diagnostic procedure called transillumination?

    D. Direct a light source toward the ipsilateral surface of the patient’s thorax.
  11. A neonate is found to have a bounding pulse. Which of the following conditions may contribute t this finding?
    I. Patent ductus arteriosus
    II. Hypoplastic left-sided heart syndrome
    Ill. Coarctation of the aorta
    IV. Left-to-right shunt

    B. I and IV only
  12. What condition would be responsible for the therapist observing a pulse oximeter indicating decreased perfusion while central blood pressure remains normal?

    D. Volume depletion with compensatory peripheral vasoconstriction
  13. For the purpose of assessing right-to-left shunting, as in the case of persistent pulmonary hypertension, which of the following sites would render postductal blood?
    I. Right arm
    II. Left arm
    Ill. Right leg
    IV. Left leg

    B. II, III, and IV only
  14. Which of the following conditions can cause abdominal distention?
    I. Enterocolitis
    II. Ascites
    III. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
    IV. Omphalocele

    A. I and II only
  15. Which of the following conditions are associated with scaphoid abdomen?
    I. Necrotizing enterocolitis
    II. Gastroschisis
    III. Prune-belly syndrome
    IV. Sepsis

    A. II and III only
  16. While performing an examination of the abdomen of a neonate, the therapist is able to palpate the infant’s liver 1 to 2 cm below the right costal margin. Which of the following conditions can account for this development?

    D. Normal liver position
  17. After the umbilical cord has been cut in the delivery room during the delivery of a large for gestational age infant, the therapist notices that the umbilical cord is large and fat. Which of thE following maternal conditions is likely present?

    D. Diabetes mellitus
  18. A newborn who presents as pale, mottled, floppy, with little interest in feeding, and slightly irritabl ost likely has which of the following conditions?
    A Sepsis
    B. Respiratory distress syndrome
    C. Retinopathy of prematurity
    D. Cri du chat
    A Sepsis
  19. The therapist has placed a pulse oximeter probe on a finger of the right hand of a newborn and another pulse oximeter probe on a toe of the infant’s left foot. The pulse oximeter on the right hand reads 80% and the one on the left foot indicates 65%. Which of the following disease conditions does this neonate possibly have?

    C. Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
  20. D. Suprapubic aspiration
    Which of the following white blood cell counts constitutes the condition leukopenia?

    A. Less than or equal to 3500/mm
  21. Which of the following information represent components of patient history for a new pediatric patient?
    I. Chief complaint
    II. History of present illness
    III. Past medical history
    IV. Occupational history
    A. I and II only
    B. III and IV only
    C. I, II, and III only
    D. I, II, III, and IV
    C I, II, and III only
  22. The presentation in the emergency department of a 7-year-old child with a productive cough, diaphoresis, and fever while on vacation with her parents represents which of the following chief complaints?
    A. Cystic fibrosis
    B Pneumonia
    C. Asthma exacerbation
    D. Respiratory distress
    D. Respiratory distress
  23. Which of the following components comprise the history of present illness section of a patient’s medical history?
    I. Frequency and duration of symptoms
    II. Symptoms exhibited by parents
    III. Onset of symptoms
    IV. Symptoms resulting in hospitalizations

    D. I and III only
  24. Which of the following components comprise the past medical history section of the patient’s medical history?
    I. Birth weight
    II. Previous mechanical ventilation
    Ill. Recurrence of symptoms based on season
    IV. Emergency department visits

    A. I, II, and IV only
  25. Which of the following components of a patient’s medical history is intended to determine the presence of symptoms not identified in the history of present illness and that may be related or contribute to the child’s underlying condition?

    C. Review of systems
  26. A child who demonstrates head bobbing, nasal flaring, and grunting is exhibiting the signs of

    A. Respiratory distress
  27. Which of the following pulmonary diseases are not chest wall deformities, but are characterized by an increased anteroposterior diameter?
    I. Pectus excavatum
    II. Severe asthma
    III. Pneumonia
    IV. Cystic fibrosis
    A I and III only
    B. II and IV only
    C. II, III, and IV only
    D. I, II, Ill, and IV
    B. II and IV only
  28. During a physical examination of a child’s chest, the therapist perceives increased tactile fremitus over the patient’s right lower lobe. Which of the following conditions may cause this physical

    A. Pulmonary consolidation
  29. While percussing the thorax of a child during a physical examination, the therapist hears a dull percussion note over the child’s right lung. Which of the following conditions may cause this physical finding?
    I. Atelectasis
    II. Pneumothorax
    III. Pleural effusion
    IV. Consolidation

    A. I, II, and IV only
  30. After placing a stethoscope over a small child’s trachea, the therapist hears expiratory stridor. Which of the following conditions is consistent this finding?

    B. Tracheomalacia
  31. While auscultating a young child’s thorax, the therapist hears bilateral fine crackles. Which of the following conditions can produce these adventitious sounds?

    A. Pulmonary edema
  32. Examination of the ears, eyes, nose, and throat may reveal findings associated with which of the following conditions?

    D. Allergies
  33. What is the cause of hepatosplenomegaly associated with advanced cystic fibrosis?

    B. Right ventricular failure
  34. Which of the following terms is used to describe a low-pitched, wet sound similar to snoring, which suggests nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal, and/or hypopharyngeal airway obstruction?

    A. Stertor
  35. When performing a physical examination of the thorax, in what order should the therapist proceed the assessment?

    A. Inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation
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Quiz Ch 5, 6
Quiz Ch 5, 6