Quiz Ch 11

  1. How is the percentage of functional hemoglobin that is saturated with oxygen determined via pulse oximetry?

    B. The ratio of the red and infrared light that reaches the photodiode signifies the Sp02
  2. The therapist has applied a bandage-type pulse oximetry probe too tightly to an infant’s finger. What problem can be expected to occur in this situation?
    A. The Sp02 will read erroneously low.
    B. The Sp02 will read erroneously high.
    C. The monitor displays a message indicating inadequate pulse.
    D The monitor displays fluctuating Sp02 values between being erroneously low and high.
    D The monitor displays fluctuating Sp02 values between being erroneously low and high.
  3. As the therapist applies a pulse oximeter finger probe to a neonate who is receiving supplemental oxygen, she notices that the Sp0 reading is 100%. What should the therapist do in this situation?

    B. The therapist should obtain an arterial blood sample from this patient.
  4. Why do transcutaneous oxygen tension (P0 and carbon dioxide tension (PCO values differ from Pa0 and PaCO measurements?

    B. Because metabolism in the tissue consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide at the site of the electrode
  5. While attending to a neonatal patient in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), the therapist notices that a transcutaneous electrode is affixed to the upper chest of the neonate. What should the therapist do at this time?

    A. The therapist should do nothing because the transcutaneous electrode is properly placed.
  6. The therapist is assessing a mechanically ventilated infant and observes that the transcutaneous electrode temperature is set between 430 C and 44° C. What action does the therapist need to take at this time?

    38° C.
    D. The electrode needs to be repositioned and maintained at the same temperature.
    C. The temperature range set is appropriate; therefore, no action is necessary.
  7. Which of the following factors is the main physiologic factor responsible for deriving accurate transcutaneous data?

    D. Peripheral perfusion
  8. Which of the following features or characteristics apply to mainstream capnography?
    I. The mainstream capnograph contains narrow tubing that can become occluded with mucus.
    II. Mainstream capnography generally employs infrared spectrometers.
    III. The mainstream capnograph does not add much weight to the breathing circuit.
    IV. The mainstream capnograph is placed at the proximal end of the endotracheal tube.

    B. II and IV only
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Quiz Ch 11
Quiz Ch 11