A receptor used to examine a large area of the maxilla or mandible in one image
Extraoral Receptor
A receptor placed outside the mouth
Periapical Receptor
A receptor used to examine the entire tooth and supporting bone
Bite-Wing Receptor
A receptor used to examine the crowns of the maxillary and mandibular teeth on a single image
What happens to the image when the object- receptor distance is increased?
image magnification, loss of definition
What piece of equipment is required to hold the receptor parallel to the long axis of the tooth in the paralleling technique?
film holder
film holding device
What do the letters X,C, and P refer to?
X= Extension
C= Cone
(PID) P= Paralleling
How is the patient's head positioned before exposing receptors?
Upper max arch parallel to the floor
mid sagital plane is perpendicular to the floor
Why is an increased target-receptor distance required in the paralleling technique?
to avoid image magnification
Which of the following describes the relationship of he central ray to the receptor in the paralleling technique?
90 degrees to the receptor and long axis of the tooth
which of the following describes the relationship between the receptor and the long axis of the tooth in the paralleling technique?
the receptor and the tooth are parallel to each other
which of the following describes the distance between the receptor and the tooth in the paralleling technique?
the receptor is placed away from the tooth and toward the middle of the oral cavity.
which of the following about receptor placement is correct?
2= anterior receptors are placed vertically
3= posterior receptors are placed horizontally
which of the following are advantages of the paralleling technique?
1= increased accuracy
2= simplicity of use
3= ease of duplication
the advantages of the paralleling technique outweigh the disadvantages
too much vertical angulation results in images that are
too little vertical angulation results in images that are
increase the verticle
incorrect horizontal angulation results in images that are
which of the following errors can occur with the bisecting technique?
1= elongation
2= overlapped contacts
3= cone-cut
4= phalangioma
the area of the oral cavity that is most likely to elicit the gag reflex when stimulated is the anterior third of the tongue
breathing takes place simultaneously with the gag reflex
psychogenic and tactile stimuli are precipitating factors for the gag reflex
lack of operator confidence may act as a psychogenic stimulus and contribute to the gag reflex.
posterior periapical projections are always exposed before anterior periapical projections.
the mandibular molar periapical projection is most likely to elicit the gag reflex.
a receptor that is dragged along the palatal tissues may stimulate the gag reflex.
if a patient is breathing during receptor placement and exposure, the gag reflex will not occur
the patient with a hypersensitive gag reflex should be instructed to inhale during the application of topical anesthetic spray.
it is appropriate for the dental radiographer to question a patient about a disability
the dental radiographer should talk to the caregiver of a patient with a disability instead of talking directly to the patient.
the bisecting technique is recommended for the endodontic patient.
the panoramic examination is the imaging examination most often used in edentulous patients
Anatomic order refers to how teeth are arranged in the dental arches
a clear film mount is preferred (instead of an opaque film mount) for better interpretation of radiographs.
only the dentist is qualified to mount dental radiographs
films may be mounted at any time after processing
mounted films are quicker and easier to view and interpret
mounted films decrease the chances of error in distinguishing the patient's right and left sides
although all members of the dental team may view films, it is the responsibility of the dentist to establish a final or definitive, interpretation and diagnosis.
after film viewing, all positive findings must be noted in the patient record