
  1. The image sensor used in most professional video cameras is the __________.
  2. The __________ is the opening is the pening in the lens that allows light into the camera.
  3. Zooming achieved by progressively reading out a smaller and smaller area of a digitally constructed image is known as __________.
    digital zooming
  4. __________ is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in focus.
    Depth of field
  5. An image sensor that has less power consumption is the __________.
  6. A __________ is a platform with wheels used to smoothly move a camera.
  7. __________ is the distance between the optical center of the lens and the image sensor at the focal plane
    Focal length
  8. A camera that is held by a person and not supported by a camera mount is a __________ camera.
  9. The __________ is the adjustable diaphragm of the lens.
  10. A zoom lens __________.
    a. cannot focus on infinity
    b. has a fixed focal length
    c. has a variable focal length
    d. has a fixed focus
    c. has a variable focal length
  11. A camera mount that is a three-;egged stand with extendable legs is a __________.

    B. tripod
  12. The larger the f-stop
    number, __________.
    a. the smaller the opening, meaning less light
    b. the smaller the opening, meaning more light
    c. the larger the opening, meaning less light
    d. the larger the opening, meaning more light
    a. the smaller the opening, meaning less light
  13. A short focal length creates this type of angle.
    a. wide angle
    b. narrow angle
    c. sharp angle
    d. short angle
    d. short angle
  14. A long focal length
    creates this type of angle.
    a. narrow angle
    b. shot angle
    c. wide angle
    d. long angle
    a. narrow angle
  15. Decreasing the opening
    of a lens will cause depth of field to __________.

    a. increase
    b. decrease
    c. remain the same
    d. reduce
    a. increase
  16. A camera control that
    automatically adjusts a camera’s color-balance control is called __________.

    a. color control
    b. backlight control
    c. black balance
    d. white balance
    d. white balance
  17. A prime lens has a __________ focal length.

    d. moving
    C. fixed
  18. The focal length of
    the lens can affect these factors.
    a. sharpness of the scene
    b. depth of field
    c. prominence of the background
    d. camera shake
    e.all of the above
    e.all of the above
  19. Of the following, which f-stop
    setting would allow in the greatest amount of light?
    a. f16
    b. f8
    c. f5.6
    d. f4
    d. f4
  20. Of the following,
    which f-stop would create the greatest depth of field?

    C. f16
  21. Of the following focal
    lengths, which would create the widest angle of view?

    B. 10 mm
  22. Of the following,
    which focal length would create the most narrow field of view?

    C. 1000 mm
  23. Increasing the video gain in low light will strengthen the picture signal, but it will also

    B. increase picture noise
  24. The small viewfinder with a flexible eyecup is known as the __________.
    a. studio viewfinder
    b. LCD screen
    c. ENG/EFP viewfinder
    d. Ez viewfinder
    c. ENG/EFP viewfinder
  25. The device that attaches to a camera and is used to attach it quickly to a tripod is the
    a. locking mechanism
    b. quick release
    c. screw mount
    d. camera release
    b. quick release
  26. Focal length is measured in __________.

    C. millimeters
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