ASA CRJ 700/900 ProCheck

  1. 1. What is the maximum allowable weight of the CR7/CR9 at the gate?
    • CR7: 75,250 lbs.
    • CR9: 85,000 lbs.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-2.1
  2. 2. What is the maximum allowable takeoff weight of the CR7/CR9?
    • CR7: 75,000 lbs.
    • CR9: 84,500 lbs.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-2.1
  3. 3. What is the maximum zero fuel weight of the CR7/CR9?
    • CR7: 62,300 lbs.
    • CR9: 70,750 lbs.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-2.1
  4. 4. What is the maximum weight for landing for the CR7/CR9?
    • CR7: 67,000 lbs.
    • CR9: 75,100 lbs.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-2.1
  5. 5. Are there any circumstances under which it would be acceptable to exceed the maximumstructural landing limit?
    Landing over the maximum landing weight is permissible, if required by an emergency. The decision to land overweight is an operational decision that is made by the Captain. Timepermitting, contact the Dispatcher to review any available options.

    Ref: FOM 9-2.2
  6. 6. What is the maximum temperature for takeoff and landing?
    ISA + 35° C

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3.1
  7. 7. What is the minimum temperature for takeoff and dispatch?
    -40°C. This is a hard number with no computations necessary.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3.1
  8. 8. What is the maximum takeoff and landing altitude?
    8,000 feet pressure altitude.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3.1
  9. 9. What is the maximum Runway slope?

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3.4
  10. 10. What is the maximum tailwind allowed for takeoff and landing?
    10 kts.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3.4
  11. 11. Assuming aircraft weight and OAT allow, what is the maximum altitude the aircraft may beoperated?
    FL 410.

    Ref: CR7/9OM Vol 1, 1-3.1
  12. 12. Your flight must be within 60 minutes of the nearest suitable airport under whatconditions?
    If cargo is carried in the cargo compartment.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3.4
  13. 13. Assuming the BTMS system is operative, what is the minimum brake cooling time betweena landing stop or a rejected takeoff and the subsequent takeoff?
    15 minutes.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.4
  14. 14. What is the maximum BTMS readout allowed prior to takeoff?
    Stable or decreasing with brake temperatures in the green range before takeoff.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.4
  15. 15. What is the maximum weight allowed in the forward cargo compartment of the CR7/CR9?
    • CR7: 1,000 lbs.
    • CR9: 1,700 lbs.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-2.1
  16. 16. What is the maximum weight allowed in the aft cargo compartment?
    3,740 lbs.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-2.1
  17. 17. What is ASA’s procedure for resetting circuit breakers in flight?
    A circuit breaker must not be reset or cycled unless doing so is consistent with explicit procedures specified in the OM/QRH or unless, in the judgment of the PIC that resetting orcycling of the circuit breaker is necessary for the safe completion of the flight.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.3
  18. 18. What is the maximum crosswind on a wet runway?
    27 Knots

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.4
  19. 19. What is the maximum crosswind on a contaminated runway with braking action less thangood?
    15 Knots

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.4
  20. 20. What is the maximum crosswind if the Captain has less than 100 hours PIC in type for
    the CRJ 700/900?
    27 Knots

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.5
  21. 21. What is the maximum speed the landing gear can be lowered?
    220 KIAS.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.3
  22. 22. What is the maximum speed to raise the landing gear?
    200 KIAS.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.3
  23. 23. What is the maximum speed with the landing gear extended?
    220 KIAS

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.3IAS.
  24. 25. What is the maximum speed for flaps 1°?
    230 KIAS.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.3
  25. 26. What is the maximum speed for flaps 8°?
    230 KIAS.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.3
  26. 27. What is the maximum speed for flaps 20°?
    210 KIAS.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.3
  27. 28. What is the maximum speed for flaps 30?
    185 KIAS

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.3
  28. 29. On the CR9, selecting the flaps/slats selector to 20º will deploy the flaps and slats to?
    Both to 20º

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol. 2, 11-9.6 & 7
  29. 30. On the CR9, regardless of the handle position, selection of the EMER FLAP switch willcause the flaps and slats to extend to what position?
    Both to 20°

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol. 2, 11-9.6 & 7
  30. 31. What is the maximum speed for flaps 45°?
    170 KIAS.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.4
  31. 32. What is the maximum allowable tire speed for the CR7/CR9?
    • CR7: 182 kts ground speed
    • CR9: 195 kts ground speed

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.5
  32. 33. What is the maximum airspeed for turbulent air penetration?
    280 knots or mach .75 whichever is lower

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.5
  33. 31. What action must the Captain ensure is taken under the following conditions? Level cruiseflight at FL 330, moderate or greater turbulence is encountered, indicated airspeed is 255knots, indicated mach of 0.73.
    Accelerate to mach 0.75 for the best buffet margin.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.5 CR7/9 OM Vol 2, 10-7.9
  34. 32. What is maximum indicated airspeed for windshield wiper operation?
    250 KIAS

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.
  35. 33. What speed may not be exceeded with the ADG deployed?

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.5
  36. 34. What is the maximum cruise speed allowed during flight in RVSM airspace for theCR7/CR9?
    • CR7: .83 Mach
    • CR9: .82 Mach

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.1 & 2
  37. 35. What is the maximum MMO? CR7/CR9
    • CR7: .85
    • CR9: .84

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-5.1 & 5.2
  38. 36. What is the maximum time the airplane may be stationary with the taxi lights on?
    10 minutes.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.4
  39. 37. What altitude would have to be set in the MDA window while on an ILS approach with a DA of 212 feet?
    220 feet.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.5
  40. 38. Under what circumstances should a pilot disregard a TCAS RA?
    Obvious malfunction or A/C is performance limited such as single engine.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.5
  41. 39. May a pilot deviate from an ATC clearance to comply with a TCAS RA?

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.5
  42. 40. What is the minimum altitude the autopilot may turned on after takeoff or go around?
    600 feet AGL.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.1
  43. 41. What is the minimum altitude the autopilot may be used on a precision approach?
    Not less than 50 feet below the applicable DA, or 80 feet AGL, whichever is higher.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.1
  44. 42. What is the minimum altitude the autopilot may be used while flying a visual approach?
    400 feet AGL.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.1
  45. 43. What is the minimum altitude the autopilot may be used while flying a non-precisionapproach?
    400 feet AGL or 50 feet below the MDA (whichever is higher).

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.1
  46. 44. By what altitude must the aircraft be configured for landing and on a stable approach priorto commencing a Category II approach?
    By 1000 feet AGL

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 3-7.4
  47. 45. To accept a Category II approach what minimum braking action must be reported?

    Ref: FOM 2-9.12, CR7 & CR9 QRH Vol 1, Cat II Briefing Guide, CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 3-7.3
  48. 46. What are the maximum demonstrated crosswind components for Category II operations?
    15 knots crosswind20 knots headwind

    Ref: CR7 & CR9 QRH Vol 1, Cat II Briefing Guide CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 3-7.3
  49. 47. In order to takeoff with more than 500 lbs. of fuel in the center tank, how much fuel needsto be in the wing tanks?
    More than 4,400 lbs. in each wing tank.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.10
  50. 48. What is the maximum permissible fuel imbalance between the contents of the main lefttank and the main right tank?
    • During takeoff- 300 lbs.
    • All other phases of flight- 800 lbs.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.10
  51. 49. What is the minimum fuel quantity in each wing for a go around?
    600 lbs.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.10
  52. 50. During a minimum fuel go around, what is the pitch limit?
    10 degrees.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.10
  53. 51. What is the minimum bulk fuel temperature for takeoff?

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.11
  54. 52. What requirement exists concerning center fuel tank quantity during flight?
    Center fuel tank quantity must be monitored throughout flight.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.10
  55. 53. What should you do if there is any abnormal increase in quantity or suspected leak into thecenter tank?
    Immediately refer to QRH VOL 2-ABNORMAL Section 9, “Abnormal Increase of Center TankQuantity or Suspected Leak into Center Tank.”

    Ref: CR7 & CR9 QRH Vol 2 ABNORM 9-11
  56. 54. What is the maximum engine ITT allowed during engine start?

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.3 thru 4.5
  57. 55. How long must the engines be running prior to takeoff?
    2 minutes.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.2
  58. 56. How long must the engines stabilize at idle prior to shutdown?
    2 minutes.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.2
  59. 57. Does taxi time count towards the stabilization time and if so under what conditions?
    Yes, all taxi time after landing counts toward the required two minutes.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.2
  60. 58. For how long may either normal takeoff power or maximum power be utilized after takeoff?
    Normal takeoff power and maximum power is limited to five (5) minutes

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.3 thru 4.5
  61. 58. APR power (one engine) is limited to how long?
    10 minutes

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.5
  62. 59. Oil pressure greater than 95 psi is limited to how long?
    10 minutes and the engine must remain at idle until oil pressure is in the normal range

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.6
  63. 60. For how long must the engine starter cool after the first start attempt?
    10 seconds.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.7
  64. 61. For how long must the engine starter cool after the second start attempt?
    10 seconds.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.7
  65. 62. For how long must the engine starter cool after the third start attempt?
    5 minutes.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.7
  66. 63. How long may the starter remain on during a start attempt?
    90 seconds.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.7
  67. 64. What is the maximum ITT for fuel introduction during ground engine starts?

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.5
  68. 65. What is the maximum ITT for fuel introduction during in-flight engine start attempts?

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.5
  69. 66. What is the maximum N2 for starter engagement?

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.7
  70. 67. What is the maximum starter time allowed for the first engine start or dry motor on theground?
    90 seconds.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.7
  71. 68. How long must the starter cool after a dry motor?
    5 minutes.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.7
  72. 69. What is the maximum starter time allowed for the second and subsequent dry motor cycleson the ground?
    30 seconds

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.7
  73. 70. What distinguishes a dry motor from a start attempt?
    Thrust levers remain in shutoff during a dry motor.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.7
  74. 71. Under what wind conditions (wind speed and relative bearing) is a static takeoffprohibited?
    When the wind direction is outside ± 30 degrees from the nose and wind speed 30 knots or less,static power no greater than 75% N1 before brake release, followed immediately by TOGA setting.When wind direction is outside ± 30 degrees from the nose and the wind speed is greater than 30knots, static power not above idle is allowed (rolling takeoff)

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.18
  75. 72. When must continuous ignition be turned on?
    • 1.T/O or LDG on contaminated runways,
    • 2.T/O w/crosswind > 10 knots
    • 3.Flight through moderate or greater precipitation
    • 4.Flight through moderate or heavier intensity turbulence
    • 5.Flight in vicinity of thunderstorms.
    • Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.6
  76. 73. To what minimum speed may max reverse thrust be applied?
    75 KIAS.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.4
  77. 74. At what speed must reverse thrust be reduced to 60% N1?
    75 KIAS.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7-4
  78. 75. What is the thrust reverser operation procedure for a normal landing on a dry runway in ATL?
    • To counteract the likelihood of FOD flight crews should use the following procedure:
    • Upon touchdown deploy the thrust reverser but do not accelerate the engine above idle. Smoothly apply braking by steadily increasing pressure. Upon touchdown deploy the thrust reverser but do not accelerate the engine above idle. Smoothly apply braking by steadily increasing pressure.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 2, 10-6.1
  79. 76. What additional preflight checks are required when the airplane is cold soaked at an ambient temperature of −30° C or colder for more than 8 hours?
    The engines must be motored for 60 seconds and fan rotation verified before a start is initiated.The thrust reversers must be actuated until they deploy and stow cycles are 2 seconds or less.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.6
  80. 77. What is the minimum temperature for starting a cold soaked APU?

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.15
  81. 78. What is the APU starter motor duty cycle?
    Do not perform more than three start attempts in one hour.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.15
  82. 79. What delay must be observed between APU cranking attempts?
    2 minutes.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.15
  83. 80. What is the maximum starting altitude for the APU?
    37,000 feet.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.16
  84. 81. To what maximum altitude may the APU be operated?
    41,000 feet.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.16
  85. 81. To what altitude may the APU be used for engine starts?
    21,000 feet.

    • Ref: CR7 & CR9 QRH Vol 2, ABN 1-4 Engine Relight Procedure, This is not a ‘memory item’ andis only a consideration during a QRH procedure where the max altitude is clearly stated in the checklist.
    • In the concept of the OM, you would never start an engine in flight from memory
  86. 82. To what altitude may the APU bleed air supply the PACKS?
    25,000 feet.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-4.17
  87. 83. With the APU shut down and an APU door open indication displayed, what limitations must be adhered to?
    Airplane must be limited to 220 KIAS or, APU must remain in operation.

    Ref: CR7 & CR9 QRH Vol 2, ABN 4-5 APU Door Failure, or CR7 & CR9 MEL. This is not a‘memory item’ and is only a consideration during a QRH procedure concerning the APU door. If ithappened in flight the QRH will specify the limitations. If it happened on the ground you wouldconsult maintenance to have it cleared or deferred. If deferred, the MEL will state the applicablelimitations
  88. 84. What is the maximum altitude during single pack operations CR7/CR9?
    • CR7: 31,000 feet
    • CR9: 25,000 feet
    • This is not a ‘memory item’ and is only a consideration during a QRH procedure concerning the APU door. If it happened in flight the QRH will specify the limitations. If it happened on the ground you would consult maintenance to have it cleared or deferred. If deferred, the MEL willstate the applicable limitations
  89. 85. What must be ensured prior to opening any of the airplane doors?
    Airplane must be completely depressurized

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.1
  90. 86. What is the time limit for DC power only, during ground operations?
    5 minutes.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.3
  91. 87. What restriction is placed on using the APU as a bleed source in manual mode and usinganti-ice?
    Wing and/or Cowl anti-ice selection in this configuration is prohibited.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.2
  92. 88. What is the restriction/limitation on the use of IAS mode?
    Use of DES submode (flight Director or autopilot coupled) during approach is not permitted.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.1
  93. 89. What is the maximum glidepath angle for an ILS approach?
    3.5 degrees

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.1
  94. 90. When should the GRND PROX TERRAIN switch be selected to off?
    When taking off from, or within 15NM of landing at, an airport not contained in the EGPWS airport database.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.6
  95. 91. What is the maximum altitude for flap extension?
    15,000 feet.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.3
  96. 92. To what minimum altitude may the flight spoilers be used?
    800 feet AGL.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1,1-7.3
  97. 93. What is minimum speed for flight spoiler use?
    The recommended approach speed plus 10 knots.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-7.3
  98. 94. Under what conditions do icing conditions exist on ground and for takeoff?
    OAT 10°C or lower with visible moisture present in any form with visibility 1 mile or less.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3.2
  99. 95. When must cowl anti-ice only be used during ground operations?
    During ground icing conditions with temperature less than 10°C. Must also be on when operatingon ramps, taxiways, runways where surface snow, slush, ice or standing water is present.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3.2
  100. 96. What is the definition of Icing conditions in flight?
    Icing conditions exist in flight when the TAT is 10°C or below and visible moisture in any form isencountered, (such as clouds, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals) except when the SAT is < 40°C.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3.2
  101. 97. When must Cowl anti-ice be used in flight?
    In icing conditions, or if “ICE” is enunciated by the ice detection system.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3.2
  102. 98. When must Wing anti-ice be used in flight?
    If “ICE” is enunciated by the ice detection system, or in icing conditions with airspeed less than 230 kts.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3,2
  103. 99. If you have been deiced with Type II or Type IV fluids, what is the restriction to wing antiicing?
    Do not turn on the wing anti-ice until just before power application for takeoff.

    Ref: CR7/9 OM Vol 1, 1-3.2
Card Set
ASA CRJ 700/900 ProCheck
Flash Cards to prepare for the ProCheck at ASA for the CRJ 700/900 aircrafts