USU 1350

  1. What can we do?
    • 1. Adapt to new realities of new climate
    • 2. Slow down rate by reducing our impact on communities
    • Cleaning up the way we live
  2. How can we change
    • hybrid vehicles
    • biodisel fuel in all equipment
    • power by methane
    • home construction - affordable green living
    • energy recovery techniques in home construction
    • wind power
    • solar energy - creates jobs, free, saves 5,000 tons of CO2
  3. Coal Gasification
    • produce 50% mroe power
    • cuts
    • CO2 emmissions is still power
  4. Undo damages of global warming
    continuously collect CO2 mix with different chemicals and release that of what seashells have been made of (harmless)
  5. Methods of study in Dr. E's
    • Relocate elk once per month using telemetry techniques from fixed wing aircraft
    • locate calves of collared elk twice year to estimate production and survival
    • Conduct annual helicopter surveys using recapture techniques to estimate population
  6. Telemetry Results
    • 2002 relocation 634x
    • 2003 relocation 969x
  7. Vector Data
    Where elk are specifically colors differentiate: different months of location
  8. Null Hypothesis
    • elk would use same area throughout year
    • rejected
  9. Productivity Results
    • 100% of females observed still had calves
    • Some females observed were sub-adult
    • Productivity and recruitment appear high
  10. Survey Results
    • Number of radio collared elk in survey: 47
    • Number of radio collared elk seen during surveys: 36
  11. Sightability
    number of radio elk seen during surveys/number of radio collared elk in survey area: 36/47: 76.6%
  12. SUmmary
    • Rejected hypothesis: used separate areas
    • elk move on to private lands during hunting season
    • Population size: good size, good productivity
Card Set
USU 1350
Global Warming