Strep pyogenes and Neisseria

  1. What type of hemolysis does strep pyogenes cause?
    Beta Hemolysis
  2. What bacteria causes strep throat?
    Strep pyogenes
  3. What are some symptoms of strep pyogenes?
    • Fever
    • Malaise
    • headache
    • pus filled lesions on the tonsils
  4. Impetigo caused by strep pyogenes is?
  5. Characteristics of pyoderma?
    • pus producing lesions of the face, arms and legs
    • yellow crust forms after pus filled lesions break open
    • crust stage is highly contagious
    • direct contact and contaminated fomites are modes of transmission
  6. Enters the body through breaks in the skin and secretes toxins and enzymes which dissolve fascia?
    Necrotizing Fasciitis
  7. Complication of untreated or incorrectly treated Strep throat or Scarlett Fever that can damage heart valves and heart muscles.
    Rheumatic Fever
  8. Filtration of Strep. pyogenes and its antibodies from the kidney is prohibited. Blood flow through the kidneys is blocked leading to elevated blood pressure and low urine output.
  9. Streptococcus pyogenes known as "child-bed fever". Females may carry this Strep. in their vaginal lining. Semmelweiss helped to reduce cases by requiring hand washing
    Puerperal Sepsis
  10. Spread from the site of infection through the bloodstream (Bacteremia and multisystem infections). Symptoms include pain, fever, chills, malaise, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea and the death rate is 40%.
    Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome
  11. 6 ways to for prevention of Strep. Infection
    • Wear gloves
    • thoroughly cook and properly refrigerate foods
    • place antiseptics on small wounds and abrasions
    • do not touch your face with your hands
    • Watch for signs (sore throat, high fever, ear infections)
    • Get vaccines and shots
  12. Gram-negative diplococci responsible for gonorrhoeae
  13. Transmissions of gonorrhea:
    • Usually sexually
    • may live 24 hours outside the body in moist conditions
    • through bathwater or linens shared with an infected adult
    • though birth canal to infant
    • can enter the blood stream
  14. Symptoms of gonorrhea:
    • Watery discharge from urethra
    • 2-5 days becomes purulent discharge
    • Painful discharge
    • Vas deferens scarring
    • Proctitis
    • Pharyngitis
  15. Often asymptomatic with 50% having no symptoms or signs of infection. Commonly infects cervix of uterus. Watery discharge may become purulent.
  16. Female symptoms of chancres:
    • Fallopian tube scarring
    • Proctitis
    • Pharyngitis
    • Gingivitis
    • Arthritis, meningitis, endocarditis, hepatitis
  17. Common disease found in 40% of the population nasopharynx that can be severe and cause sudden death
    Neisseria meningitidis
  18. Transmission of neisseria meningitidis:
    • respiratory droplets (airborne)
    • close contact such as soldiers in barracks, prisoners, college students living in dorms.
  19. Irregular fever, loss of appetite
    abrupt sore throat, vomiting
    constipation, intense headache
    Intolerance to light and sound
    Contracted pupils, delirium
    Retraction of head and neck pain
    Convulsions, shock and coma
    Symptoms of Meningococcus
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Strep pyogenes and Neisseria
Microbiology strep pyogenes and neisseria questions