Staph & Strep.txt

  1. Characteristics of staph
    • Produces pus
    • Virulent
    • Easily survives heat, drying and many chemicals
    • Survive several months in dried pus and sputnum
    • More antibiotic resistance developing
  2. What is any staph infection called?
    An abscess
  3. Product of staph that destroys blood cells and tissue
  4. Main cause of death from staph infection
    Due to blood cell destruction
  5. Proteins that disrupt the cell membranes of tissues and WBCs
    Cytolytic toxin
  6. Proteins that stimulate intestinal muscle contraction, yielding nausea with intense vomiting.
  7. Toxin proteins easily absorbed into the blood stream
    TSS- toxic shock syndrome toxin
  8. Proteins that dissolves epidermal desmosomes causing skin cells to slough
    Exfolitive toxin
  9. Reddening of the skin, beginning near the mouth, spreading over the entire body followed by blisters filled with clear fluid
    SSS- scalded skin syndrome
  10. List 5 staph skin infections
    • TSS
    • SSS
    • Boils (furuncles)
    • Carbuncles
    • Abscesses
  11. Staph traveling through the body will affect other what?
    Organs and tissues (can shut down the kidneys)
  12. What causes impetigo contagiosa?
    Staph, strep or both
  13. Charact of impetigo contagiosa:
    • Highly communicable
    • Skin lesions are pus filled with bacteria and WBCs in them
    • Lesions will become dark and encrusted
    • May leave scarring
    • Treated with topical antibiotics
  14. Toxins traveling through the blood or tissue yielding infections in other area
    Systemic infections
  15. Name 5 systemic infections
    Endocarditis, menengitis, encephalitis, cystitis and nephritis.
  16. Staph septicemia
    Staph bacteria and toxins in the blood stream
  17. Two ways septicemia may be acquired
    • 1) primary- staph is directly injected into the blood
    • 2) secondary- staph leaks into the blood from another infection (tooth)
  18. Two forms of staph septicemia:
    • Rapid progression- profound toxemia with death within a few days
    • Slow progression- most frequent. Spreads slowly throughout the body
  19. What is staphylococcal food poising caused by?
    • Staph. aureus
    • (also called enteritis and enterocolitis)
    • Symptoms appear within 2-4 hours and may last up to 48 with profuse diarrhea and vomiting
  20. Staphylococcal food poisoning is caused by what?
  21. Staphylococcal food poisoning transmissions include:
    • Handled foods
    • Sneezing upon food
    • Improper refrigeration
    • Undercooking food
    • Foods at room temp too long
  22. Caused by strep, staph and diphtheria.
    TSS - toxic shock syndrome
  23. TSS disease course
    • Incubates in 12-24 hrs
    • Sudden onset high fever, vomiting and diarrhea
    • BP begins to drop
    • SSS may occur
    • Disorientation
  24. A collection of symptoms
  25. Name 7 forms of resistant staph aureus
    • mrsa- methicillin
    • vrsa- vancomycin
    • irsa- intermediate
    • ca-mrsa- community aquired
    • E-mrsa- epidemic
    • lrsa- linazolid
    • visa- vancomycin intermediate
  26. What is varicella?
    MRSA + chicken pox
  27. Strep throat with a red rash is called?
    Scarlet fevet
  28. What age does scarlet fever mostly effect?
    12 & under
  29. What group is scarlet fever in?
    Group A strep
  30. Strep throat transmissions:
    • Nose and throat secretions from carrier
    • Pus from contaminated lesion
    • Fomites
Card Set
Staph & Strep.txt
Microbiology Test 3 Questions