
  1. notorious
    • [nəuˈtɔːriəs]
    • 出了名的,声名狼藉的
    • Known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous
  2. Calaveras
    • [ˌkæləˈverəs]
    • n.卡拉维拉斯,含煤沉积岩
  3. call on
    • [kɔːl ɔn]
    • v.拜访
    • to ask; appeal to:They called on him to represent them
    • to visit for a short time:to call on friends.
  4. garrulous
    • [ˈgæruləs]
    • adj.爱说话的,絮聒的
    • Given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative.See Synonyms at talkative
  5. inquire after
    • [inˈkwaiə ˈaːftə]
    • v.询问起,提起
    • To ask about the health or condition of
  6. lurk
    • [lɜ:k]
    • vi. 潜伏, 埋伏, 潜在
  7. hereunto
    • [hiərʌnˈtuː]
    • 于此Hereto
    • adv.到此为止,迄今
  8. conjecture
    • [kənˈdʒektʃə]
    • v.猜想
    • Inference or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence.
    • A statement, an opinion, or a conclusion based on guesswork.
  9. exasperate
    • [igˈzaːspəreit]
    • v.激怒
    • To make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly.
  10. reminiscence
    • [ˌremiˈnisns]
    • n.缅怀往事,怀旧
    • The act or process of recollecting past experiences or events.
    • An experience or event recollected.所忆往事
  11. tedious
    • [ˈtiːdiəs]
    • 冗长乏味的
    • Tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness; boring.See Synonyms at boring
    • Obsolete Moving or progressing very slowly.缓慢的
  12. stove
    • [stəuv]
    • n.炉子
    • An apparatus in which electricity or a fuel is used to furnish heat, as for cooking or warmth.
  13. dilapidated
    • [diˈlæpiˌdeitid]
    • 坍坏的,荒废的
    • Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, as through neglect; broken-down and shabby.
  14. bald
    • [bɔːld]
    • 秃头的
    • Lacking hair on the head.
    • Lacking a natural or usual covering
    • 光秃的
  15. cherish
    • [ˈtʃeriʃ]
    • v.怜爱,珍爱
    • To treat with affection and tenderness; hold dear
    • 怜爱、温柔地对待;珍爱:
    • cherish one's family; fine rugs that are cherished by their owners.
    • 爱家庭;为主人所珍爱的精美地毯
    • To keep fondly in mind; entertain
    • 充满感情地怀有;抱有
    • cherish a memory.
  16. Gospel
    • [ˈgɔs(p)əl]
    • n.四福音书
    • Gospel Bible One of the first four books of the New Testament, describing the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and recording his teaching.
  17. obligation
    • [ˌɔbliˈgeiʃən]
    • n.感激,感恩
    • The service or favor for which one is indebted to another.
    • 恩惠
  18. blockade
    • [blɔˈkeid]
    • v.封锁
    • To set up a blockade against.See Synonyms at besiege
    • 封锁
  19. reel off
    • [riːl]
    • 一口气地背出
    • To recite fluently and usually at length
    • 熟练地、一口气地背出
  20. monotonous
    • [məˈnɔtənəs]
    • 单调的
    • Sounded or spoken in an unvarying tone.
  21. key
    • [ki:]
    • n. (乐曲的)调; 口吻, 基调
  22. betray
    • [biˈtrei]
    • v.无意识地暴露
    • To make known unintentionally
    • 无意识地暴露
    • To give aid or information to an enemy of; commit treason against
    • 背叛
  23. suspicion
    • [səsˈpiʃən]
    • n.少量,痕迹
    • A minute amount; trace.
    • 怀疑
  24. interminable
    • [inˈtəːminəbl]
    • 无休止的
    • Being or seeming to be without an end; endless.See Synonyms at continual
  25. vein
    • [vein]
    • n. 风格,方式
    • n. 静脉;叶脉
  26. earnestness
    • [ˈənistnis]
    • n.诚挚
    • deep sincerity or seriousness
  27. sincerity
    • [sinˈseriti]
    • n.真诚
  28. ridiculous
    • [riˈdikjuləs]
    • 可笑的,荒唐的
  29. transcendent
    • [trænˈsendənt]
    • 超凡的
    • Surpassing others; preeminent or supreme.
    • Lying beyond the ordinary range of perception超然的
  30. finesse
    • [fiˈnes]
    • n.技巧,手段
    • Refinement and delicacy of performance, execution, or artisanship.
    • 技巧
    • Skillful, subtle handling of a situation; tactful, diplomatic maneuvering.
    • 手段,手腕
  31. Reverend
    • [ˈrevərənd]
    • n.牧师
    • Abbr. Rev.Used as a title and form of address for certain clerics in many Christian churches. In formal usage, preceded by the
    • Reverend 缩写 Rev.大人:用作对许多基督教堂中某些神职人员的称号及敬称形式。在正式用法中,前面加the :
    • the Reverend Jane Doe; Reverend John Jones.
    • 简.多伊牧师;约翰.乔伊斯牧师
  32. feller
    • [ˈfelə]
    • n.男子或男孩
    • A man or boy; a fellow.
  33. flume
    • [fluːm]
    • n.人工渠道
    • An open artificial channel or chute carrying a stream of water, as for furnishing power or conveying logs.
  34. turn up
    • [təːn ʌp]
    • v.出现
    • To make an appearance; arrive
  35. come out
    • [kʌm aut]
    • 结果是…
  36. lay for
    • [lei fɔː]
    • 等待进行攻击
    • 埋伏着等待
    • To be waiting to attack
  37. flush
    • [flʌʃ]
    • 满面红光的
    • Having a healthy reddish color; flushed.
    • Having an abundant supply of money; affluent.富足的
  38. busted
    • [bʌstid]
    • 破产了的,失败了的
  39. exhorter
    • [igˈzɔːtə]
    • n.劝勉者,告诫者
    • To urge by strongoften stirring argumentadmonitionadviceor appeal
    • 力劝
  40. was bound for
    • [wəs baund fɔː]
    • 开往...以...为目的地
  41. dangdest
    • [ˌdɑːndist]
    • n.全力,最大努力
    • a euphemistic word for damnedest.
  42. come on
    • [kʌm ɔn]
    • 逐渐开始
    • To convey a particular personal image
  43. mare
    • [ˈmɛər]
    • n.母马
    • 母驴
    • A female horse or the female of other equine species.
  44. nag
    • [næg]
    • n.老马,劣等竞赛马
    • A horse, especially
    • An old or worn-out horse.
  45. for all
    • [fɔː ɔːl]
    • 尽管
  46. asthma
    • [ˈæsmə]
    • n.哮喘
    • A chronic respiratory disease, often arising from allergies, that is characterized by sudden recurring attacks of labored breathingchest constrictionand coughing.
  47. distemper
    • [disˈtempə]
    • n.温热病
    • An infectious viral disease occurring in mammalian, characterized by loss of appetite, a catarrhal discharge from the eyes and nosevomitingfeverlethargypartial paralysis caused by destruction of myelinated nerve tissueand sometimes death.Also called canine distemper
  48. consumption
    • [kənˈsʌmpʃən]
    • n.痨病
    • Pulmonary tuberculosis. No longer in scientific use.
    • 痨病:肺结核
  49. fag-end
    • [fægend]
    • n.最后的部分
    • The last part
    • 最后的部分
    • The frayed end of a length of cloth or rope.
    • 散端:一段布或绳的末端磨损了的头
  50. cavort
    • [kəˈvɔːt]
    • v.跳跃,蹦跳
    • To bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper.
  51. straddle
    • [ˈstrædl]
    • v.跨
    • To stand or sit with a leg on each side of; bestride
  52. racket
    • [ˈrækit]
    • n.吵闹声
    • A loud, distressing noise.See Synonyms at noise
    • 球拍
  53. blow her nose
    • [bləu həː nəuz]
    • 擤鼻涕
  54. fetch up
    • [fetʃ ʌp]
    • 到达目的地停止
    • To bring to a halt; stop.
    • To reach a stopping place or goal; end up.
    • 结束
  55. cipher
    • [ˈsaifə]
    • v.计算
    • To solve by means of arithmetic.
    • 计算
    • To put in secret writing; encode.
    • 将…写成密码
  56. pup
    • [pʌp]
    • n.小狗崽
  57. furnace
    • [ˈfəːnis]
    • n.火炉,熔炉
  58. tackle
    • [ˈtækl]
    • v.捕捉,擒住并按倒
    • 格斗
  59. bully-rag
    • [ˈbuliˌræg]
    • v.<方>欺凌
    • 威吓
  60. let on
    • [let ɔn]
    • 宣扬
    • To allow to be known; admit
    • To pretend.
    • 假装
  61. hind
    • [haind]
    • 后面的
    • adj. Located at or forming the back or rear; posterior
  62. chaw
    • [tʃɔː]
    • v.嚼, 咀嚼
  63. sponge
    • [spʌndʒ]
    • n.海绵蛋糕
  64. snatch
    • [snætʃ]
    • v.抢夺
    • To grasp or seize hastily, eagerly, or suddenly.
  65. shuck out
    • [ʃʌk aut]
    • 剥去了壳
  66. tomcat
    • [ˈtɔmkæt]
    • n.雄猫
  67. chicken cock
    • [ˈtʃikin]
    • 小公鸡
  68. doughnut
    • [ˈdəunʌt]
    • n.甜甜圈
    • A small ring-shaped cake made of rich, light dough that is fried in deep fat.Also called Regional olicook
  69. summerset
    • [ˈsʌməset]
    • n.翻筋斗
    • Variant of somerset
  70. flat-footed
    • [ˈflætfutid]
    • 平稳落足地
    • Steady on the feet.
    • 坚定的
  71. nail
    • [neil]
    • n.钉牢
    • To fasten, join, or attach with or as if with a nail.
    • 钉牢
  72. sing out
    • [siŋ aut]
    • 大声叫喊
    • To call out loudly.
  73. snake
    • [sneik]
    • v.蜿蜒前进
  74. flop
    • [flɔp]
    • v.猛落
    • To fall or lie down heavily and noisily.
  75. gob
    • [gɔb]
    • n.一小团或块
    • A small mass or lump.
  76. indifferent
    • [inˈdifərənt]
    • 冷漠的,不关心的
    • Not mattering one way or the other.
    • 不关心的,不重要的
    • Characterized by a lack of partiality; unbiased
    • 中立的,公正的
  77. for all
    • [fɔː ɔːl]
    • 尽管; 虽然
  78. fair and square
    • [fɛər ʌnd skwɛər]
    • 公正诚实,正大光明
  79. dead
    • [ded]
    • 不动的,固定的
  80. straddle
    • [ˈstrædl]
    • n. 跨距
    • To stand or sit with a leg on each side of; bestride
  81. breed
    • [briːd]
    • n.属
    • A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics, especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation.
  82. strong suit
    • [strɔŋ sjuːt]
    • n.强项
  83. ante
    • [ˈænti]
    • v.下注
    • To put (one's stake) into the pool in poker.
  84. red
    • [red]
    • n.赤字,亏空
  85. monstrous
    • [ˈmɔnstrəs]
    • 特别大的
    • Exceptionally large; enormous
    • 特别大的
    • Shockingly hideous or frightful.See Synonyms at outrageous
    • 丑陋的
    • Deviating greatly from the norm in appearance or structure; abnormal.
    • 畸形的
  86. lay over
    • [lei ˈəuvə]
    • 覆盖,胜过
    • 使延期
  87. lattice
    • [ˈlætis]
    • n.格子
    • An open framework made of strips of metal, woodor similar material overlapped or overlaid in a regularusually crisscross pattern.
  88. parrot
    • [ˈpærət]
    • n.鹦鹉
  89. canary
    • [kəˈnɜəri]
    • n.金丝雀
    • A small finch (Serinus canaria) native to the Canary Islands that is greenish to yellow and has long been bred as a cage bird.
  90. deliberate
    • [diˈlibəreit]
    • 深思熟虑的
    • Arising from or marked by careful consideration
    • Done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature and effects; intentional蓄意的
  91. amateur
    • [ˈæmətəː]
    • n.业余爱好者
    • Not professional; unskillful.
    • 外行的;技术不佳的
  92. prize
    • [praiz]
    • vt.撬开
    • n.奖赏奖金奖品捕获捕获物战利品
  93. quail
    • [kweil]
    • n.鹌鹑
  94. slop
    • [slɔp]
    • v.在泥浆(或雪泥)中走
    • To be spilled or splashed
    • 洒,泼
  95. even
    • [ˈiːvən]
    • 齐的,相齐的
    • Equal or identical in degree, extent, or amount
    • 相同的
  96. heave
    • [hiːv]
    • n. 起伏,耸涌
    • v.To raise or lift, especially with great effort or force举起
  97. budge
    • [bʌdʒ]
    • v.挪动
    • To move or stir slightly
  98. stir
    • [stəː]
    • v.稍微挪动
  99. disgusted
    • [disˈgʌstid]
    • 愤慨的,厌恶的
    • 厌烦的
    • Filled with disgust or irritated impatience.
  100. jerk
    • [dʒəːk]
    • v.突然申出
  101. baggy
    • [ˈbægi]
    • 袋状的,松垂的
  102. nap
    • [næp]
    • n.软的表面
  103. heft
    • [heft]
    • v.掂重量
    • To lift (something) in order to judge or estimate its weight.
    • To hoist (something); heave.
    • 升起;举起
  104. belch
    • [beltʃ]
    • v.吐出,打嗝
    • To expel gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth; burp.
    • 从胃部通过嘴有声音地排出气体;打嗝
    • To erupt or explode.
    • 迸发,爆炸
    • To gush forth.
    • 吐出
  105. vagabond
    • [ˈvægəˌbɔnd]
    • n.流浪汉,流浪者
    • A person without a permanent home who moves from place to place.
    • A wanderer; a rover.
  106. sociable
    • [ˈsəuʃəbl]
    • 好交际的;合群的
    • Fond of the company of others; gregarious.
  107. button-hole
    • [ˈbʌtnhəul]
    • v.拽扯外衣强留
    • To accost and detain (a person) in conversation by or as if by grasping the person's outer garments
    • 强留某人谈话
    • n.钮扣眼
  108. afflicted
    • [əˈflikt]
    • 痛苦折磨的
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Textbook Vocabulary