
  1. is a normal reaction to stress. It becomes a problem when it becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations
  2. –Generalized anxiety disorder
    –Panic disorder
    –Post traumatic stress disorder
    –Social anxiety disorder
  3. •Clinical depression (feeling down for a lengthy period)
    •SAD (seasonal affective disorder)
    •Bi-polar disorder (a.k.a., manic depression)
    •Postpartum Depression (baby blues)
    Mood Disorders
  4. •Suicide by a family member or friend
    •Readily available means of committing suicide
    •History of substance abuse or eating disorders
    •Serious medical problems
    •Expressing the ‘wish’ to be dead
    •Increasing social withdrawal/isolation
    •Sudden inexplicable lightening of mood
    •Previous history of attempts
    Recognizing the Warning Signs of Suicide
  5. •Therapists
    –licensed counselors
    –licensed social workers
    Management ofPsychological Disorders
  6. žCold turkey
    žDelay 1st use
    žCounting cigarettes
    Cessation Strategies
  7. žSmoking cessation lowers the risk for lung and other types of cancer.7 The risk for developing cancer declines with the number of years of smoking cessation.7,8
    žRisk for coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease is reduced after smoking cessation.7,8 Coronary heart disease risk is substantially reduced within 1 to 2 years of cessation.8
    Health Benefits of Cessation
  8. It takes the average person seven quit attempts to finally be successful.
    Quit smoking
  9. lReduce initiation
    lPromote cessation
    lEliminate exposure to second-hand smoke
    lDeveloping and advancing policy
    erins job
  10. –Average state tax per pack of cigarettes
  11. lAcute risks: shortness of breath, exacerbation of asthma, increased carbon monoxide levels, impotence, and infertility
    lLong-term risks: heart attacks and strokes, lung and other cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, death
    lThe adverse health effects from cigarette smoking account for 440,000 deaths, or nearly 1 of every 5 deaths, each year in the United States.
    lMore deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined.
    Health Effects of Tobacco Use
  12. One can of Copenhagen is equal to
    three packs of cigarettes
  13. lDecide for yourself
    lSet a date
    lChoose your method
    lChange your habitsDon’t quit quitting
    How to Quit
  14. Where is CROSSROADS located?
  15. 1.Warwick Center
    2.Recreation Center
  16. ¡Any substance or activity that becomes the focus of a person’s life at the expense of other needs and interests
  17. ¡Addictiveness has two characteristics:
  18. §How quickly can you get addicted
    §How difficult is it to quit
  19. A compelling need to perform the behavior, obsessive planning for the next opportunity to perform it
  20. some aspect of the behavior produces pleasurable physical and/or emotional states and relieves negative ones
  21. Loss of control
    Negative consequences
    Characteristics of addictive behaviors
  22. ¡Characteristics of individual
    ¡The behavior/substance being used
    ¡Age at first use
    ¡Mental illness
    ¡Genetic factors
    ¡Socioeconomic influences
    Things that affect addiction:
  23. Which of these is a depressant?
  24. ¡Includes alcohol, Rohypnol, GHB, tranquilizers, sedatives, Valium, Xanax, Amytal, Phenobarbital
  25. What is the most commonly used date rape drug?
  26. What is the best food to eat before drinking
  27. 1.Cheeseburger
  28. How long does your body take to fully process one drink?
    60 min
  29. which is a stimulant?
  30. 1.Ritalin
  31. Which of these is NOT a risk of opiate use?
  32. 1.Life-threatening withdrawal symptoms
  33. physical,emotional, spiritual
    3 dimensions of health
  34. •A state of optimal personal, interpersonal, and environmental well-being (book)
  35. •Heredity…genetic background; inherited factors that may contribute to disease
    •Environment…physical and psychosocial surroundings
    •Health care services…cost and availability
    •Individual behavior
    Major influences on health
  36. •Precontemplation: you have no intention of changing the behavior
    •Contemplation: you intend to take action within the next 6 months
    •Preparation: you plan to take action in the next month
    •Action: you are outwardly changing the behavior
    •Maintenance: you have successfully changed the behavior for more than 6 months
    •Termination: you are no longer tempted to lapse back into your old habits
    stages of change
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first health quiz