1. Periodontium consist of
    • G PAC
    • Gingiva
    • Periodontal ligament
    • Alveolar bone
    • Cementum
  2. what kind of epi is gingiva made of?
    keratinized oral epithelium
  3. what type of epi is the sulcus composed of?
    non-keratinized sulcular epi
  4. what type of epi is the JE made of
    non-keratinized junctional epithelium
  5. what are gingival fibers composed of?
    collagen connective tissues.
  6. Primary Gingival Fiber Groups
    • Dentogingival - cementum -> free gingiva & attached gingiva (support)
    • Alveologingival - Periosteum of bone -> attached gingiva (attach. gingiva to bone)
    • Dentoperiosteal - cemetum at CEJ -> alveolar crest (anchors teeth)
    • Circular - surrounds coronal portion of alveolar crest (supports free gingiva)
    • Transeptal - interdental space to cementum (maintains associations with other teeth)
  7. cementum -> free gingiva & attached gingiva (support)
  8. Periosteum of bone -> attached gingiva (attach. gingiva to bone)
  9. cemetum at CEJ -> alveolar crest (anchors teeth)
  10. surrounds coronal portion of alveolar crest (supports free gingiva)
  11. interdental space to cementum (maintains associations with other teeth)
  12. function of secondary gingival fiber: intercircular
    sustains dental arch.

    distal, facial, and lingual of one tooth to adjacent tooth and mesial of next adjacent tooth
  13. secondary gingival fiber group: semicircular, connections and function
    connection: mesial to distal of same tooth

    supports free gingiva
  14. bone surrounding root that is lined by cribriform plate
    alveolar bone proper
  15. bone comprised of cortical plates on the facial and lingual aspects of a tooth
    compact bone
  16. bone which fills in bone between the cortical bone and the alveolar bone
    cancellous bone
  17. means of attachment to perio ligament
    bundle bone
  18. first bone lost in periodontal disease
    alveolar crest bone
  19. two nonpathogenic bone modifications that can occur
    dehiscence : bone resorption in absense of disease. can occur on facial surfaces of teeth with labially inclined teeth.

    fenstration: openings or windows into the bone
  20. openings or windows into the bone
  21. bone resorption in the absence of disease, can occur on the facial surfaces of teeth with labially inclined teeth
  22. first periodontal ligament to be lost in periodontal disease are
    alveolar crest fibers
  23. Periodontal Fibers and Their Functions:
    Alveolar Crest
    • Alveolar Crest; cementum to alveolar crest bone; opposes lateral forces
    • Horizontal; cementum to alveolar bone horizontally; resist tilting and rotation
    • Oblique; occlusal aspect apically to alveolar bone; main mode of attachment
    • Apical; apically fr cementum to alveolar bone; resist extrusion
    • Transeptal; cementum to cementum of adjacent tooth
  24. perio fiber which connects cementum to alveolar crest bone
    Alveolar crest fibers
  25. function of alveolar crest fibrs
    opposes lateral forces
  26. perio fiber which connects cementum to alveolar bone horizontally
  27. function of horizontal perio fibers
    resist tilting and rotation..
  28. function of oblique perio fiber
    main mode of attachment, counter vertical mastication forces
  29. a tooth's main mode of attachment (perio fiber)
    oblique fibers
  30. function of apical perio fibers
    resist extrusion
  31. suprabony pockets are involved with
    horizontal bone loss, located coronal to alveolar crest bone
  32. infrabony pockets are
    apical to alveolar crest bone and may be horizontal or vertical bone loss
  33. one-walled defect has how many walls left standing?
    just one wall.
  34. drugs which cause gingival hyperplasia
    • Phenytoin (seizure)
    • cyclosporins (anti-rejection drugs)
    • nifedipine or verapamil (calcium-channel blockers)
  35. pemphigoid
    blisters. body attacks fibrous attachment of skin and underlying connect tissues.
  36. pemphigus vulgaris
    desmosomes and positive Nikolsky's sign. (pressure of finger near bull causes extension of bulla)
  37. bacteria involved with chronic perio
    Porphyromonas gingivalis

    • P. intermedia
    • Bacteroides forsythus
    • Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
    • Fusobacterium nucleatum
    • Eikenella corrodens
    • Campylobacter rectus
    • Treponema spp
  38. Classification of Perio Disease:
    I. Gingivitis
    II. Slight chronic perio
    III Mod chronic Perio
    IV: advanced chronic perio
    V: aggressive perio
    • I: gingivitis: 1-3 mm
    • II: slight chronic perio: 4-5 mm
    • III: mod chronic perio: 5-7 mm
    • IV: advanced chronic perio: >7 mm
    • V: aggressive perio: possibly lose 1 mm/year
  39. Heavy plaque accumulation is not present with what type of perio?
  40. Why are down syndrome pts prone to perio?
    because they have P. gingivalis
  41. Papillion-Levfevre syndrome
    • genetic disorder
    • charac: hyperkeratosis of palms and soles

    affects primary dentition with perio
  42. Periodontal abscesses occur on vital or non vital teeth?
  43. arthralgia
    joint pain
  44. bruxism
    grinding teeth
  45. tooth vibration as teeth occlude
  46. Furcation Classification
    • I. just a notch
    • II. enters but does not go through
    • III goes through but gingival margin hides furcation
    • IV furca fully exposed
  47. Tooth Mobility classifcation
    • + very slight mobility
    • I. 1 mm
    • II. 2 mm
    • III. 3 mm or compressible
  48. actisite
    cord impregnated with tetracycline that must be removed 7-10 days after therapeutic treatment. higher concentration than systemic tetracycline
  49. Atridox
    slowly releases doxycycline for about 1 week. administered subgingivaly for 21 days.
  50. Periostat

    suppresses increased levels of tissue-destroying collagenase enzymes produced by bacteria.
  51. Arestin
  52. surgery which rapidly eliminates excessive tissues
    Excisional surgery

    (gingivectomy, gingivoplasty: reshapes gingival tissues)
  53. bone grafts:
    • autografts: fr pt
    • allografts: cadaver bone
    • xenograft: cow or pig
    • alloplast: synthetic bone
  54. surgery which involves the removal of half the tooth, both crown and root.
    root hemisection
  55. root resection is the
    removal of one root from a multirooted tooth with the crown still intact.
  56. direct anchorage of an implant by the formation of bony tissue aronud it without growth of fibrous tissue at the bone-implant interface
  57. dental implants are made from what metal?
  58. implants which are screw-shaped, cylindrical, or blade implants that serve as an anchor for a crown or a bridge.
  59. implants custom-fabricated to fit over the bone and the under periosteum. fit whole arches or unilateral.
  60. "staple implant"
  61. infection around an implant due to a change in the microbial growth
  62. when should sutures typicall be removed after periodontal surgery?
    7-14 days.

    epi heals at day 7, osseous heal and recounter take place in 4-6 months
  63. when does osseous healing and recountouring take place?
    4-6 months
  64. the preferred type of toothbrushing method to be used with periodontal pack is
    Charter's method (place bristles of brush at a 45 degree angle to the occlusal surface)
  65. healing process when the edges of the wound are close together as a clot forms to act like a scaffolding.
    First intention healing

    (clot is replaced by granulation tissue as capillaries migrate into the wound site. Fibroblasts produce collagen fibers, healing the wound in about 2 weeks)
  66. healing when the edges of the wound are not within close proximity. the wound heals from the base and outer borders inward one cell layer at a time.
    second intention healing

    (ex: donor site from the palate for a free gingival graft)
  67. furosemide
    loop diuretic
  68. digoxin
    cardiac glycoside that increases heart contractions
  69. cyclosporin
    causes gingival hyperplasia
  70. lidocaine
    treats dysrhythmias
  71. a good drug for juvenile periodontal disease, so long as all teeth have formed

    longer half-life in gingival crevicular fluid
  72. drug used for NUG, pericoronitis, periaplica and perdontal abscesses
  73. drug to treat oral candidiasis
  74. Drug to treat lichen planus
  75. Drug to treat primary herpes
  76. lesion that when rubbed with a 2x2 sloughs off leaving a red inflamed area
    desquamative gingivitis
  77. gingivitis due to a lack of vitamin C and affects connective tissues
    Scorbutic gingivitis
  78. average distance of alveolar crestal bone to cementoenamel junction (CEJ) is
    1.5-2.0 mm
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