Phlebotomy Chpt. 3

  1. How is a person positioned when in the suprine position?
    Lying on their back, face up
  2. what is the puropse of the nucleus?
    DNA, most important organell of the cell
  3. What is the purpose of the Endoplasmic Reticulum?
    Channel for the transplant of material in and out of the nucleus
  4. What is the purpose of the Mitochondria?
    Serve as sites for cells respiration and energy production
  5. What is the purpose of the Golgi apparatus?
    layers of membranes w/in a cell that sythesize carbs and combine w/ protein molecules- makes starches
  6. What is the purpose of Lysosomes?
    Spherial bodies in the cell cytoplasm that break down componets
  7. Study of the shape and structure of the body and the relationship of one body part to another?
  8. Study of the function of each body parts and how the functions of the various parts coordinate to from a living organism
  9. Process of change- process in the body of making substance and breaking down substances so the body can function.
  10. Process of producing energy by breaking down complex componets into simple compounds.
  11. Process of the body using simple substances to build substances.
  12. the body is divided in equal right & left side sections by an imaginary line called...?
    Median (sagittal) plane
  13. ______ would be any structure towards the point of attachment to the body
  14. _______ is the farthest from the point of attachment
  15. An imagineary vertical cut at a right angle to the median plane is known as the...?
    Frontal ( coronal) plane
  16. _____ is anything in front of this frontal plane.
    Anterior ( ventral)
  17. Structures to the back of the coronal plane are determined to be_______ to the plane
    posterior (dorsal)
  18. _______ plane is a horizontal plane that divides the body into upper and lower halves.
  19. Structures above transverse plane are listed as________ to the plane
    Superior (crainal)
  20. Structures below the plane are listed as _________ to the plane
    inferior (caudal)
  21. ______ serve as sites for cell respiration and energy production. They also breakdown carbs, fats, and protien molecules into energy to be stored in the cell as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The "powerhouse"
  22. Channel for transport of material in and out of the nucleus "Get genitic info in and out of the nucleus"
    Endoplasmic reticulum
  23. DNA, most important organelle of the cell. Controls the division and activities of the cell.
  24. makes starch (sugar) consist of layers of membranes that synthesize carbs and combine them with protein molecules
    Golgi apparatus
  25. Spherical bodies in the cytoplasm that contain powerful digestive enzymes to break down complex cellular components into more useable sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, and glycerol
  26. The_____ is the outter most layer covering of the skin and has no blood vessels present (avascular)
  27. Below the epidermis is the ________made up of connective tissue and has blood vessels
  28. The skin is a _____ tissue. Protects the body by covering internal and external surfaces
  29. ____________ tissue supports and comnnects organs and tissues of the body
  30. __________tissue has the ability to shorten, thicken, or contract.
  31. ________ tissue consists of neurons (nerve cells) that have the ability to react. They are found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
  32. The 3 types of muscle tissue are....
    Cardiac, muscle,and smooth muscle
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Phlebotomy Chpt. 3
Phlebotomy Chpt. 3