
  1. transient
    • [ˈtrænziənt]
    • 短暂的,随时间消逝的
  2. clown
    • [klaun]
    • n.小丑,丑角
  3. minstrel
    • [ˈminstrəl]
    • n.吟游说唱歌手
  4. gaudy
    • [ˈgɔːdi]
    • adj.俗艳的
    • adj.Showy in a tasteless or vulgar way.
    • 俗艳的,无品味而庸俗地炫耀的
    • n.A feast, especially an annual university dinner.
    • 盛大宴会,宴会,尤指大学中的年会
  5. packet
    • [ˈpækit]
    • n.班轮
    • 包裹
    • Informal:A sizable sum of money.
    • 相当大数目的一笔钱
  6. expectancy
    • [ikˈspektənsi]
    • n.期待
    • n.The act or state of expecting; expectation
  7. drowse
    • [drauz]
    • v.昏昏欲睡,打瞌睡
    • To be half-asleep
    • v.tr.
    • To make drowsy
    • 使昏昏欲睡
  8. splint
    • [splint]
    • n.薄木条(片,带)
    • n. A thin, flexible wooden strip, such as one used in the making of baskets or chair bottoms.
  9. slouch
    • [slautʃ]
    • v.低垂
    • To droop or hang carelessly, as a hat.
    • v.intr.
    • To sitstandor walk with an awkwarddroopingexcessively relaxed posture.
    • 无精打采的坐,站,走
  10. shingle
    • [ˈʃiŋgl]
    • n.木瓦
    • A thin oblong piece of material, such as wood or slate, that is laid in overlapping rows to cover the roof or sides of a house or other building.
  11. shaving
    • [ˈʃeiviŋ]
    • n.刨花
  12. break down
    • [breik daun]
    • 使体力崩溃
  13. sow
    • [sau]
    • n.大母猪
    • n. An adult female hog.
  14. litter
    • [ˈlitə]
    • n.(一)窝,一胎生下的小崽
  15. loaf
    • [ləuf]
    • v.游荡,闲掷光阴
    • To pass time at leisure; idle.
  16. rind
    • [raind]
    • n.皮
    • A tough outer covering such as bark, the skin of some fruits, or the coating on cheese or bacon.
  17. levee
    • [ˈlevi]
    • n.堤岸
    • An embankment raised to prevent a river from overflowing.
    • 堤岸
    • A landing place on a river; a pier.
    • 码头
  18. skid
    • [skid]
    • n.货盘
    • A pallet for loading or handling goods, especially one having solid sideboards and no bottom.
  19. wharf
    • [(h)wɔːf]
    • n.码头
    • A landing place or pier where ships may tie up and load or unload.
  20. drunkard
    • [ˈdrʌŋkəd]
    • n.醉汉,酒鬼
    • One who is habitually drunk.
  21. lap
    • [læp]
    • v.拍打
    • To wash or slap against with soft liquid sounds
  22. wavelet
    • [ˈweivlit]
    • n.微波
    • A small wave; a ripple.
    • 小波浪;微波
  23. majestic
    • [məˈdʒestik]
    • 宏伟的,庄严的
    • Having or showing lofty dignity or nobility; stately. grand
  24. withal
    • [wiˈðɔːl]
    • adv.且;此外
    • In addition; besides
    • 且;此外
  25. drayman
    • [ˈdreimən]
    • n.板车车夫
    • A driver of a dray.
    • 板车车夫
  26. prodigious
    • [prəˈdidʒəs]
    • 巨大的
    • Impressively great in size, force, or extent; enormous
    • 巨大的
    • Extraordinary; marvelous
    • 不可思议的;惊人的
  27. stir
    • [stəː]
    • v.挪动
    • To excite strong feelings in.
    • 激起
  28. clatter
    • [ˈklætə]
    • n.格格响声
  29. dray
    • [drei]
    • n.板车
    • A low, heavy cart without sides, used for haulage.
    • 板车
  30. twinkling
    • [ˈtwiŋkliŋ]
    • n.转眼间
    • The time it takes to blink once; an instant
    • 转眼间
    • The act of blinking.
    • 眨眼的动作
    • A blink or twinkle
    • 闪烁或闪耀
  31. quarter
    • [ˈkwɔːtə]
    • n.象限,(四面八方)
    • 住处,岗位
  32. gilded
    • [ˈgildid]
    • 镀金的
    • covered with or as if with a thin layer of gold.
    • 镀金的
  33. fanciful
    • [ˈfænsiful]
    • 幻想奇特的
    • Showing invention or whimsy in design; imaginative.See Synonyms at fantastic
    • 幻想奇特的
  34. texas
    • [ˈteksəs]
    • n.甲板上的最高舱
    • A structure on a river steamboat containing the pilothouse and the officers' quarters.
    • 高级房舱
  35. boiler
    • [ˈbɔilə]
    • n.锅炉,汽锅
    • An enclosed vessel in which water is heated and circulated, either as hot water or as steam, for heating or power.
    • 锅炉,汽锅
    • A container, such as a kettle, for boiling liquids.
    • 水壶
  36. hurricane
    • [ˈhʌrikən]
    • n.飓风
    • A severe tropical cyclone originating in the equatorial regions of the Atlantic Ocean or Caribbean Sea, traveling north, northwest, or northeast from its point of origin, and usually involving heavy rains.
  37. hurricane deck
    • [ˈhʌrikən dek]
    • n.防风甲板
    • The upper deck on a passenger steamship.
    • 载客汽船上的上甲板
  38. jack-staff
    • [dʒæk stʌf]
    • n.船首旗竿
  39. envy
    • [ˈenvi]
    • n.妒忌,羡慕
    • A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another.
    • 妒忌,羡慕
  40. tumble
    • [ˈtʌmbl]
    • v.翻腾
    • To perform acrobatic feats such as somersaults, rolls, or twists.
    • 翻腾
    • To topple, as from power or a high position; fall.
    • 下跌
  41. grandeur
    • [ˈgrændʒə]
    • n.雄壮,富丽堂皇
  42. pitch pine
    • [pitʃ pain]
    • 树脂松,油松
    • An eastern North American pine tree (Pinus rigida) that yields pitch or turpentine.
    • 北美油松
  43. forecastle
    • [ˈfəuksəl]
    • n.前甲板
    • The section of the upper deck of a ship located at the bow forward of the foremast.
    • 前甲板
  44. coil
    • [kɔil]
    • n.(一)卷
    • A series of connected spirals or concentric rings formed by gathering or winding
    • An individual spiral or ring within such a series.
  45. pent
    • [pent]
    • P. of pen被关押的,被禁锢的
    • Penned or shut up; closely confined.
  46. gauge
    • [geidʒ]
    • n.尺度,测量标准
    • An instrument for measuring or testing.
    • 测量仪器
  47. gauge cock
    • [geidʒ kɔk]
    • n.(锅炉)水位旋塞
  48. churn
    • [tʃəːn]
    • v.搅拌
    • To agitate or stir (milk or cream) in order to make butter.
  49. scramble
    • [ˈskræmbl]
    • n.争夺,抢夺
  50. freight
    • [freit]
    • n.货物
    • Goods carried by a vessel or vehicle, especially by a commercial carrier; cargo.
  51. issue
    • [ˈisjuː]
    • v.使流出;排出
    • To cause to flow out; emit.
    • 使流出;排出
  52. skid
    • [skid]
    • n.滑动垫木
  53. justice of the peace
    • [ˈdʒʌstis əf θə piːs]
    • 治安法官
    • A magistrate of the lowest level of certain state court systems, having authority to act upon minor offenses,commit cases to a higher court for trial, perform marriages, and administer oaths.
  54. intrude
    • [inˈtruːd]
    • v.侵入,闯入,打扰
    • To come in rudely or inappropriately; enter as an improper or unwanted element
    • 侵入,闯入,打扰
  55. cabin-boy
    • [ˈbaibin bɔi]
    • n.船上侍童
    • A boy servant aboard a ship.
  56. deckhand
    • [dek hænd]
    • n.甲板帮手,水手
  57. plank
    • [plæŋk]
    • n.厚板材,厚木板
  58. conspicuous
    • [kənˈspikjuəs]
    • 惹人注意的
    • Attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable.See Synonyms at noticeable
    • Easy to notice; obvious.
    • 易见的;明显的
  59. contemplate
    • [ˈkɔntempleit]
    • v.打算,思忖
    • To have in mind as an intention or possibility
    • To consider carefully and at length; meditate on or ponder
    • To look at attentively and thoughtfully.see
    • 注视
  60. apprentice
    • [əˈprentis]
    • n.学徒
    • One bound by legal agreement to work for another for a specific amount of time in return for instruction in a trade, an art, or a business.
  61. Sunday-school
    • [ˈsʌndei skuːl]
    • n.主日学校
    • A school, generally affiliated with a church or synagogue, that offers religious instruction for children on Sundays.
  62. exalt
    • [igˈzɔːlt]
    • v.提高,提升
    • To raise in rank, character, or status; elevate
    • To glorify, praiseor honor.赞扬
    • To increase the effect or intensity of; heighten加强,增强
  63. eminence
    • [ˈeminəns]
    • n.卓越,显赫
    • A position of great distinction or superiority
    • A rise of ground; a hill.高地;山丘
    • A person of high station or great achievements.高位者
  64. bolt
    • [bəult]
    • n.锁簧,插销,螺栓
  65. scrub
    • [skrʌb]
    • v.擦净
    • To rub hard in order to clean.
    • To remove (dirt or stains) by hard rubbing.擦掉
  66. loathe
    • [ləuð]
    • v.厌恶
    • To dislike (someone or something) greatly; abhor.
  67. swell
    • [swel]
    • v.自满
    • To be or become filled or puffed up, as with pride, arrogance, or anger.
  68. brake
    • [breik]
    • n.闸,刹车
    • A device for slowing or stopping motion, as of a vehicle, especially by contact friction.
  69. consideration
    • [kənsidəˈreiʃən]
    • n.敬重
    • High regard; esteem.
  70. lapse
    • [læps]
    • v.退步
    • To fall from a previous level or standard, as of accomplishment, quality, or conduct
  71. ruthless
    • [ˈruːθlis]
    • 无情的
    • Having no compassion or pity; merciless
  72. suspender
    • [səˈspendə(r)]
    • n.背带,吊带(plural.)
    • An often elastic strap worn over the shoulders to support trousers.
  73. cordially
    • [ˈkɔːdjəli]
    • 热忱的,衷心的
    • 强心的, 滋补的
  74. blow up
    • [bləu ʌp]
    • 爆炸
    • To come into being形成
    • To fill with air; inflate充气
    • To enlarge (a photographic image or print).(照片或印刷品)放大,扩大
    • To explode爆炸
    • To lose one's temper.发脾气
  75. diffuse
    • [diˈfjuːz]
    • v.散开,扩散
    • To pour out and cause to spread freely.
    • To spread about or scatter; disseminate.
    • To make less brilliant; soften.
    • 减弱
  76. renowned
    • [riˈnaud]
    • 有声望的,著名的
    • Having renown; famous.See Synonyms at noted
  77. batter
    • [bætə]
    • v.磨损,损坏
    • To hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows.敲碎,捣毁
    • To damage, as by heavy wear.
  78. bandage
    • [ˈbændidʒ]
    • v.用绷带包扎
    • To apply a bandage to.
  79. partiality
    • [ˌpaːʃiˈæliti]
    • n.偏爱
    • 偏袒或偏见
    • Favorable prejudice or bias.
    • A special fondness; a predilection
  80. reptile
    • [ˈreptail]
    • n.卑鄙的人,爬行动物
    • A person regarded as despicable or treacherous.
    • Any of various cold-blooded, usually egg-laying vertebrates of the class Reptilia, such as a snake, lizard, crocodile, turtle, or dinosaur,
    • having an external covering of scales or horny plates and breathing by means of lungs.
  81. post-master
    • [pəust ˈmaːstə]
    • n.邮政局长
  82. mud clerk
    • [mʌd klaːk]
    • n.勤杂工
  83. pilot
    • [ˈpailət]
    • n.领航员
    • The helmsman of a ship.
    • One who operates or is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight.
    • 飞行员
    • One who, though not belonging to a ship's company, is licensed to conduct a ship into and out of port or through dangerous waters.
    • 导航员
    • One who guides or directs a course of action for others.
    • 领导人
  84. princely
    • [ˈprinsli]
    • adj.奢华的,王侯的
    • Munificent; lavish
    • Of or relating to a prince; royal.
  85. board
    • [bɔːd]
    • n.伙食,膳食
    • Food or meals considered as a whole
    • 伙食,膳食
    • board and lodging.
    • 膳宿
  86. disconsolate
    • [disˈkɔnsəlit]
    • adj.缺乏安慰的
    • Seeming beyond consolation; extremely dejected
    • 缺乏安慰的,极丧气的
    • Cheerless; gloomy
    • 无生气的;忧郁的
  87. meekly
    • [miːkli]
    • 温顺地,懦弱地
    • with patience and humility; gentle.
  88. sardine
    • [saːˈdiːn]
    • n.沙丁鱼
  89. cold shoulder
    • [kəuld ˈʃəuldə]
    • <俗>冷淡轻视
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textbook vocabulary