HLT 3301 Test 3 Review

  1. Cardiovascular disease
    CVD is the number one cause of death for both men and women of all racial groups and ages.

    Arteriosclerosis, ischemia, angina pectoria
  2. Signs of a heart attack include
    Chest discomfort, discomfort in other areas of the upper body, shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea, lightheadedness
  3. A stroke is
    when blood flow to the brain is blocked
  4. Signs of a stroke include
    • Weakness, numbness, or paralysis on one side of the body
    • Loss or dimming of vision, particularly in ones eyes
    • Loss of speech, or difficulty speaking or understanding speech
    • Sudden, severe headache
    • Sudden dizziness, unsteadiness, or episodes of falling
  5. A transient ischemic attack may be an advance warning for
    a stroke
  6. Uncontrollable risk factors for CVD include
    age, genetics, and ethnicity
  7. Research about the relationship between CVD and psychosocial factors is difficult because
    they are heard to measure; ethical concerns, measurement issues, and the effects of migration from one’s original culture to another culture; your perceptions may be different from others
  8. Distinctive traits of the Type A personality include
    Impatience, exasperation, feeling constantly pressed for time, time urgency, competitiveness, and hostility
  9. We may reduce our psychosocial risks of CVD by
    • Identify and manage sources of stress at work, at home, and at leisure.
    • Modify negative emotional reactions to stressors such as cynicism and hostility.
  10. Recent studies show that __________ differences show up in screening for CVD
  11. Delays in response to symptoms of heart disease are common. Causes include
    Denial, optimistic bias, and alternative explanation for pain
  12. Hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation programs include
    • Exercise training.
    • Education about cardiac risks and counseling on nutrition, psychological health, and returning to work.
    • Emotional and social support, and fellow patients support each other.
  13. Dr. Dean Ornish is most closely identified with
    The opening your heart program (he believed in feeling good in good physical, emotional and spiritually health)
  14. The systole is
    Contraction of the heart that drives blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery (top number on blood pressure reading)
  15. CVD may be viewed as a response of our physiology to the sociocultural environment including such factors as
    Stress from sociocultural conditions, including social isolation, poverty, discrimination, family trauma, unemployment, and living with threats such as fears about crime

    Lower SES, lack of safety, high fat foods
  16. In the United States the major cause of death is ________ with the second leading cause as _______
    • cardiovascular disease;
    • cancer
  17. Important sociocultural concerns for patients include
    • Ethical concerns, measurement issues, and the effects of migration from one’s original culture to another
    • culture

    Loss of job and health insurance
  18. The term neoplasm refers to
    new cell tissue that may be benign or malignant
  19. Malignant tumors can spread
    throughout the body
  20. no question listed
  21. Metastasis refers to
    migration of cancer cells from the original site to other parts of the body (it spreads)

    Spread of cancerous tissue from its original site through the lymphatic system, bloodstream, or across a body cavity
  22. Women are most likely to die from cancer of the
  23. Men are most likely to die from cancer of the
  24. Most cancer deaths in the United States are due to
    smoking, tobacco, alcohol
  25. Which of these is identified as the major risk factor in both cardiovascular disease and cancer?
    Lifestyle (greatest), heredity, age, tobacco use
  26. Alcohol use contributes to cancer of the
    mouth, esophagus, head and neck, liver, colon, rectum, breast, pancreas, and bladder
  27. About one-third of cancer deaths are associated with
    obesity, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition
  28. Of food choices contributing to cancer, the most important is probably
    low fiber intake
  29. Occupational risks for cancer include exposure to
    radiation, smoke, asbestos, benzene, chromium, coal tar, creosote, arsenic, and air pollution
  30. Laboratory tests are available for cancer of the
    lung, colon, breast, and prostate
  31. A psychological reaction to cancer diagnosis and treatment may be
    emotional distress, anxiety, fear, anger, depression, helplessness
  32. Joining a cancer support group may be beneficial because
    it helps to know people who know what you are going through
  33. Exercise often is beneficial because
    Increases immune system, decreases the risk of breast cancer
  34. Most cancers of the lung are due to
    tobacco use
  35. Risk factors for breast cancer include
    hormones, high fat diets, obesity, inactivity, and alcohol use
  36. The second leading cause of cancer death among men is
    prostate cancer
  37. The best chance for surviving cancer of the colon is
    early detection
  38. Recovery from cancer is affected by
    social support, medical care, and income, and other resources
  39. The three leading causes of death in the United States are heart disease, stroke, and cancer. The fourth leading cause of death is
    chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  40. The disorder that enflames joints resulting in swelling and pain is
  41. The disease that contributes to cardiovascular disease is diabetes
  42. A disease resulting in fragile bones due to bone loss and increasing the risks of fractures and loss in height is
  43. The disease in which victims experience a loss of cognitive ability, including memory loss, is referred to as
    Alzheimer’s disease
  44. Of all the chronic diseases the one most likely to affect children is
  45. Lifestyle choices resulting in chronic diseases include
    smoking, alcohol, eating, and exercise
  46. Psychosocial symptoms of chronic illness include
    • Fear of complete dependence on others for care
    • Concern about being a burden to family and friends*
    • Anxiety, frustration, and depression about physical and mental*
    • Pain
    • Fear of death
  47. Major psychosocial challenges of chronic disease include
    loss of independence, finding meaning with cancer
  48. The type of diabetes most associated with lifestyle choices is
    Type II/Type 2
  49. The most frequently mentioned illness causing disability in the United States is
  50. Psychosocial aspects of arthritis include
    • Pain and fatigue interfere with activities of daily life at school, at work, and at home.
    • Patient distress includes pain, inadequate social support, and a decline in coping skills.
    • Movement is often difficult. Sexual intercourse may be awkward and painful.
    • Negative affect and mood disorders are common.
    • Pain and lack of sleep increase stress levels.
    • Feelings of helplessness are common
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HLT 3301 Test 3 Review
HLT 3301