
  1. term limits
    laws restricting the number of terms an elected representative may serve. The Court has struck down state efforts to limit terms for federal offices, but allowed state laws that limit terms for elected officials at the state level
  2. safe seats
    Congressional districts in which the division of voters between the parties is so lopsided as to virtually ensure one party of victory
  3. direct popular election
    selection of officials on teh basis of those receiving the largest number of votes cast - sometimes refers to a proposal to choose teh president and vice president on this basis rather than through the Electoral College
  4. faithless elector
    a person chosen to vote for a particular presidential and vice presidential candidate in the Electoral College who nevertheless votes for different candidates
  5. 23rd Amendment
    Constitutional amendment held in 1961 granting the District of Columbia three electors in the Electoral College
  6. Electoral College
    This institution was established by the Constitution for electing the president and vice president. Electors chosen by teh voters actually elect the president and VP. Each state has a number of electors equal to the total number of its Senators and representatives, while the DOC (as established by the 23rd amendment) has 3 electors
  7. balance the ticket
    a political party's effort to appeal to a wider cross-section of votes by providing regional or idealogical balance on its nominations for president and vice president
  8. party convention
    a regularly scheduled general meeting of a political party, held for the purpose of ratifying party policies and deciding on party candidates.
  9. regional primary
    a primary election held across an entire geographic area rather than within a single state
  10. open primary
    a primary election in which any voter, regardless of party affiliation can participate
  11. closed primary
    a primary election in which only the members of the party holding the election are allowed to participate
  12. general election
    election which occurs in November, to choose the candidates who will hold public office, following primary elections held during the spring and summer
  13. primary election
    preliminary election in which a party picks delegates to a party convention or its candidates for public office
  14. soft money
    a category of campaign money created by an amendment to the campaign finance laws in 1979, allowing the national parties to raise and spend money, essentially without restriction, for state and local parties, routine operating expenses, and party-building activities, as long as the expenditures are not directly related to any federal campaign
  15. 24th amendment
    Adopted in 1964, this amendment forbids the use of poll taxes in federal elections. Sine 1966 the court has applied this proscription to state elections also
  16. presidential election campaign fund
    a pool of money available that is collected by a $3 check off on the federal income tax form and is available to presidential candidates for campaign expenses
  17. federal election campaign act
    a law passed in 1971 and amended several times that regulates campaign financing and requires full disclosure of sources and uses of campaign funds and limits contributions to political candidates
  18. exit polls
    a poll of voters taken as they leave the polling place, usually conducted by teh media to get an advance indication of voting trends and facilitate analysis behind the reasons behind the outcome of the election.
  19. media consultant
    an expert hired by a political candidate to give advice on the use of the mass media, particularly television and direct mail, in a campaign for public office
  20. 22 Amendment
    ratified in 1951, this amendment restricts the president to two terms in office
  21. low-stimulus election
    an election that the public finds uninteresting or unimportant
  22. high-stimulus election
    an election that the public finds interesting and important
  23. register
    to place one's name on the list of citizens eligible to vote
  24. voting rights act of 1970
    a law further ensuring voting rights which limited residence requirements to 30 days for a presidential election
  25. residence requirements
    state laws designed to limit the eligible electorate by requiring citizens to have been a resident of the voting district for a fixed period of time prior to an election
  26. 26th Amendment
    Constitutional amendment adopted in 1971 that fixed the minimum voting age at 18 years
  27. female suffrage
    the right of women to vote, bestowed nationally by the 19th amendment in 1920
  28. voting rights act of 1965
    major legislation designed to overcome racial berriers to voting, primarily in the southern states - extended in 1982 for 25 yeras and again in 2006.
  29. poll tax
    a tax on voting, applied disciminatorily to blacks under "Jim Crow" in the post-Civil War South
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