1. Geographic INformation Systems
    a collection of computer hardware, software, and geographic data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information
  2. What else is part of GIS
  3. How much of data is spatial
  4. What data do we use in spatial system
    • answer how many?
    • What kind?
    • Where
    • Scale local to global
  5. How can the information be presented
    words, charts, tables, graphs, and maps
  6. How is data orgranized
    with database - collection of rows and columns which is linked to geographic location (mathematical location)
  7. How is the information organized
    through layers
  8. why is gis useful
    • manage data
    • Visualize data
    • manipulate data
    • analyze data
    • display data
  9. What types of data can be used for GIS
    • Raster Data
    • Vector Data
  10. Raster Data
    • Grid of pixels
    • Each pixel has a value
    • Often maps, satellite images, aerial photos
  11. Vector Data
    • aka features
    • points (firehydrants)
    • lines (roads or rivers)
    • areas/polygons (around outside calculating perimeter)
    • Can have attributes (ex. firehydrants conditions)
  12. Data can be combined
    such as legal, environment, public safety, transportation, weather, business, public health
  13. Where do we get data for GIS
    • databases (free or paid)
    • digitized and scanned maps
    • GPS data capture
    • field sampling of attributes
    • remote sensing (satellite photos)
  14. Databases allow
    • linking
    • asking questions
  15. Uses for GIS
    • emergency services (ambulance)
    • enviromental management
    • business
    • industry
    • government
    • education
Card Set
Module 7