Modes of Financing
- out of pocket
- individual health insurance
- employment based health insurance
- government financing
Methods of Payment
- Fee for service
- payment by episode of illness
- payment per patient: Capitation
- payment per time: salary
Fee for service
- payment per each procedure
- expensive if have many conditions
- HCP may do more things to you bc they will receive more money
Usual, Customary, and Reasonable (UCR)
- HCP can set their own costs so costs went up
- So gov made fee schedule
- now HCP have to schedule more patients to keep paycheck high
Fee schedule
Estimated time, mental effort, physical effort and technical skill and stress related to the service
What economic incentive to health care providers w/ the Fee for service method?
Monetary benefits for health care service
Fee for service good/bad
- Patient (isn’t the one paying)- good bc get better quicker
- Insurance company- bad bc paying more
- HCP- good- everything you do get paid for
Payment per episode of illness
paid certain amount to do a certain task; like paid $1500 and does surgery
What financial incentives in pay for episode? Is it bad?
- Incentive to do less
- --You lose money if you provide too many time
payment per episode
- Patient- bad bc surgeon does less for money
- HCP- good for profit, bad if have to see patient many times
- Insurance company- good bc they only have to pay one sum
- ---More services bundled, more risk on HCP