
  1. news release
    a story written by a press agent for distribution to the media
  2. press conference
    a meeting of journalists and an official or other person at which teh latter answers questions posed by the former.
  3. news briefing
    an announcement or explanation of policy by an official
  4. backgrounders
    news briefings in which reporters may not reveal the identity of teh source of their information
  5. visual
    an image or series of images representing news in action - a visual depiction of a political act, such as campaigning, which may carry more impact than words alone
  6. photo opportunity
    an event scheduled to give newspaper reporters and television crews a chance to photograph someone
  7. agenda setting
    the process by which the news media select and focus on a small number of stories from a large number of possibilities - shaping, in part, Americans' opnions about what is important.
  8. framing
    the way that the media presents a story, consisting of angle, tone, and point of view
  9. Nielsen ratings
    surveys conducted by the A.C.Nielson Company to measure the size of TV audiences
  10. Fifth Branch
    Refers to teh press in its role as a check on public officials, after the other four branches (congress, the president, the Supreme Court, and the bureaucracy)
  11. mass media
    instruments such as newspapers, magazines, television, and the internet that provide the means for communicating with large numbers of people in a short period of time
  12. journalists
    people who gather, write, and report the news for newpsapers, magazines, radio, television, and the internet
  13. Federal Communications Commission
    an agency of the national government that regulates the telecommunications industry in teh United States, including the licensing and operation of all radio and TV stations
  14. equal-time
    a provision of the Communications Act of 1934 that requires radio and television stations to give or sell equivalent time to one political candidate if the station has given or sold time to another candidate for that office
  15. fairness doctrine
    a regulation of the FCC that required radio and TV stations to devote some airtimei to a balanced discussion of public issues - abolished in 1987
  16. sheild laws
    statues that protect the identities of journalists' news sources or their knowledge of criminal acts
  17. priming
    occurs when the news media, especially TV, set the terms by which the public judges its leaders.
  18. leak
    the deliberate release of information by an official to a journalist for a specific purpose
  19. exclusive
    an interview that an official or other individual grants to one or more journalists that provides information not generally made available to all media
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